

  Chapter 410: Spiritual Realm Perfection (Second update!)

  Four days passed, Su Yun sat by the bed, while the little fairy doctor went to prepare the Shiquan Dabu Decoction.

  Su Yun reached out and took a picture of the jade bottle on the ground. He slightly felt the remaining medicinal liquid inside, and a look of thoughtfulness flashed on his face.

  What's inside is the love potion fed to him by the Little Medical Fairy.

  However, it would be inappropriate to say that this is just a love medicine.

  Coke can kill everything, but the things mixed in it are exactly the opposite of the effect of coke.

  This girl seems to be very obsessed with children.

  She might have taken similar drugs herself.

  Although the little medical fairy turns into the shape of a cream puff every time, the two of them have already reached Dou Zun, and it is not that easy to give birth to an heir.

  Su Yun sighed.

  Let her be.


  In a deserted mountain range in Zhongzhou.

  Xiao Yan slowly woke up from the cave.

  "Xiao Yan, you're awake."

  Venerable Feng's breath was weak and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

  "Ahem, Mr. Feng..."

  Xiao Yan supported the ground with both hands and got up from the ground, but he was also seriously injured.

  "Where's the teacher?"

  "He was captured by the Soul Palace!"

  A fierce murderous intention came out of his body, and Master Feng's expression was quite penetrating and extremely distorted.

  Xiao Yan's eyes also flashed with sadness and anger.

  It turned out that they planned to go to Shengdan City because of the threat from Ghost Li, but they were attacked by the Soul Palace on the way to Shengdan City.

  Yao Lao was captured by the Soul Palace, and Master Feng tried his best to bring Xiao Yan out.

  "Xiao Yan, now that Yao Chen has been captured by the Soul Palace, it is an indisputable fact. What are you going to do next?"

  Master Feng asked Xiao Yan.

  Although he also wanted to go to the Soul Palace to rescue Yao Chen, but with his little strength, it was like throwing an egg against a stone.

  "Go to the Dan Pagoda!"

  Xiao Yan took a deep breath, a trace of determination flashed across his face.

  "The teacher once told me that he has some friendship with the three giants of Danta.

  Now that I go to Danta, maybe I can get guidance from the three giants of Danta.

  In this way, my alchemy skills can be greatly improved!"

  Only by refining ! Only by improving his medicinal skills can he gain a rank in the Alchemy Society and be qualified to refine the Three Thousand Flames. Then his strength will greatly increase and he can save his teacher!


  Master Feng nodded, roughly understanding Xiao Yan's thoughts.

  "I'll take you to the Alchemy Pagoda!"


  Shengdan City, the residence of Su Yun and others.

  After Su Yun took a short rest, he went to the training room and took out the soul-binding bag of the old ghost picking stars from the system space.

  "The souls in this soul bag should be enough for me to break through to the spiritual realm and reach perfection."

  Su Yun said, sensing the large number of souls in the soul bag.

  He has also stayed in the late spiritual realm for a long time and has already reached the peak of this realm. However, he was unable to break through because the bottleneck of spiritual realm perfection was too strong.

  With the soul origin refined by these souls, that's about it.

  Su Yun then opened the soul bag and bound all the souls together with his huge soul power.

  Terrifying five-color flames filled the air and began to refine the soul's origin.   

  Three days passed by in a flash, and a white ball of light exuding considerable soul power appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  After the soul source was refined, Su Yun closed his eyes and began to run the Soul Art, beginning to break through the bottleneck of spiritual perfection.

  The light group continued to become smaller, and Su Yun's soul aura became stronger and stronger. Finally, a shattering sound sounded, and the soul power climbed rapidly.

  A huge soul aura erupted from Su Yun's body, the breakthrough was successful, and he reached spiritual perfection.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on his face.

  "The soul power of a perfect spiritual realm...

  Even if it is an eighth-grade nine-color elixir, I have some confidence in refining it.

  However, that's the end of it."

  Yao Lao was only an eighth-grade peak alchemist before his death, and could refine eight-grade elixirs. The nine-color elixir is authentic.

  But the success rate is not necessarily very high, and it has only been refined once or twice.

  Su Yun's alchemy skills were passed down to him. After so many years, he gradually gained his own understanding.

  But if we say that the young are better than the blue and surpass the old, it is impossible to do.

  He didn't care about this. Being able to refine eight-grade and nine-color elixirs was already very good.

  There are only a few ninth-grade alchemists in the entire Dou Qi Continent, no more than two palms.

  Su Yun got up, did not continue practicing, came to the hall, made himself a pot of tea, and began to review his plans and memories about the original work.

  Occasionally calming down and thinking can slow down the rush and prevent you from being in a hurry.

  As he absorbs more and more strange fires, the refining power of the flames becomes stronger, and the time he needs to settle after absorbing the strange fires becomes less and less each time.

  There are still five months left before his cultivation will finish settling again, which means that in another five months, he will be able to absorb another kind of strange fire.

  Of course, ice attribute spiritual objects can also be used...

  Thinking of this, Su Yun's eyes flashed.

  It was also time to get some cold weather that day.

  The level of Tianhan Qi is not low. In the original work, it can be seen from the fact that Han Feng was able to suppress the Fallen Heart Flame by exploding a small amount of his origin.

  According to Su Yun's understanding, if Tianhanqi were converted into a different fire ranking, it would almost rank tenth.

  Even if Dou Zun's cultivation level is absorbed, I'm afraid there will be a three-star cultivation level improvement.

  Moreover, the most important thing is that with the cold weather, the power of his dual attribute fighting spirit of ice and fire will be greatly increased.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but have a fiery look in his eyes.

  In the past, I had been suffering from the lack of ice attribute spiritual objects. Even if I activated the ice and fire fighting energy, its power would not be very great, but now it is different.

  Bone Spirit Cold Fire is originally a strange fire that combines ice and fire, and its cold power is not inferior to the power of fire.

  With the blessing of these two, even if the ice attribute fighting spirit cannot be completely balanced with the fire attribute fighting spirit.

  But when the two are used together, the power they can exert is extremely impressive.

  "In addition, there is a place where the Disaster Poison Body is inherited, which Xian'er can go to."

  Su Yun combed through the memories of the original work and suddenly remembered that there is such a place.

  The poisonous body of the little medical fairy can not only be condensed into a poison pill in the dantian, but can also be further condensed into a poison gas rune.

  Such compression, the terrifying poisonous gas turned into can stimulate the poisonous body of disaster again, making her cultivation level take another leap.

  Su Yun rubbed his chin, feeling that this was feasible.

  This place has been recorded in Yaolao's memory, and there is not much danger.

  The strength of the little medical fairy in the original work is much worse than it is now, but since he can return safely and his strength has greatly improved, it must not be a big problem.

  "The Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire in Fenyan Valley, um..."

  Just when Su Yun's mind was full of weird ideas, Hai Bodong suddenly walked into the hall from the courtyard.

  "Boss Su, the two girls from the Cao family and the Dan family came here again today. They are at the door now. Do you want to meet them?"