

  Chapter 413 Tianyan Duanhong (Second Update!)

  "Is it not possible for me to invite a newly promoted eighth-grade alchemist instead of the three giants of Danta?

  My Burning Flame Valley is so big and powerful, but we can't even afford to hire one person?!"

  Tang Zhen looked at the three elders in front of him with a sullen face.

  "Valley Master, this is not a question of the alchemist, but this Fire Bodhisattva Pill is the secret of our Burning Flame Valley. How can we let outsiders know about it?"

  The elder of Burning Flame Valley said with an embarrassed look.

  "So, Huo'er won't be saved!"

  Tang Zhen roared.

  Previously, Tang Huo'er tried to subdue the inherited fire Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire of Burning Flame Valley, but now unfortunately failed. Because of the backlash of the fire, he will not live long.

  Tang Zhen wanted to take out the recipe of the seventh-grade high-level medicine Fire Bodhisattva Pill and ask someone to help refine it to eliminate the backlash of the fire and prolong his daughter's life.

  But this Fire Bodhisattva Pill is the inherited recipe of Burning Flame Valley, which is unique to Burning Flame Valley. When the elders of Fenyan Valley heard about this,   they tried to

  stop it in every way, saying that there was a risk of leaking the inherited recipe, so the scene just now happened.

  "This..." The three elders of Fenyan Valley looked at each other, unable to explain.   "Pedant!"   Tang Zhen's eyes flashed with rage, and he cursed at the three people.   ...   Three days later, Su Yun arrived at the Ice Mountain Range.   "Finally, we're here."   Su Yun took a long breath and descended from the sky.   A surging cold wave hit him, and endless ice peaks went straight into the sky, and white haze covered the entire mountain.   This place is extremely cold. Without the cultivation of Dou Wang, it would be difficult to walk here. This endless cold wave alone is enough to make one drink a pot.   This has little effect on Su Yun. Not to mention the strange fire, just with the cultivation of Dou Zun level, he can ignore the extreme low temperature.   "There are quite a few ice-attributed monsters in this place.   According to Han Feng's memory, there are even rank 8 ice-attributed monsters lurking deep in the mountains.   There is one at the location of the Heavenly Cold Air. He was able to obtain the Heavenly Cold Air because he was still the young master of the Xingyun Pavilion at that time.   He used the connections of Yao Lao before his death and invited two venerables to accompany him, and only then did he get it by chance."   Su Yun searched Han Feng's memory slightly and remembered the records about the Ice Mountain Range.   "However, there is not a single rank 9 monster, so don't worry too much."   Without a rank 9 monster, he would not be able to see through the deception. Even if he couldn't beat it, he could use the system's recycling function in secret to recycle all the Heavenly Cold Air.   After sorting out the overall situation, Su Yun began to travel through the Ice Mountain Range according to Han Feng's memory, looking for Heavenly Cold Air.   He encountered some ice-attributed monsters on the way. If a rank 7 monster appeared, Su Yun would kill it with a sword and store it in the system space.   He never had too much resources.   In addition to the magic core, the blood, flesh and scales of the magic beast also contain some energy, which can be handed over to the system and converted into energy crystals.   After traveling for a while, the breath of an eighth-level magic beast appeared in Su Yun's perception.   "The level of this breath... is a seven-star Dou Zun."   Su Yun's mouth curled up a curve. Such a cultivation level is quite good in Zhongzhou, even surpassing the highest combat power in the three valleys, but it is not impossible to deal with.   At the edge of the Ice Mysterious Pond, a burly man wearing frost armor sat cross-legged on the snow, with a majestic aura emanating from his body.   His name is Bingxuan, and his body is a snow demon bear. He has lived in the Ice Mountains for many years.   Thanks to the cold air in the Ice Mysterious Pond, he has become the strongest in this mountain range.   Although he also wants to completely refine and absorb the cold air, there are still three eighth-level magic beasts in the depths of the mountains. Although   their strength is not as good as his, it is not difficult for them to jump out and make trouble when he is refining.   Moreover, he was not completely confident that he could refine the cold energy, which was why it had been delayed until now.   

  Su Yun came to Bing Xuan silently, and the system scanning function was immediately turned on.

  "Bing Xuan, a seven-star Dou Zun... Well, the perception just now was not wrong.

  The Snow Demon Bear has thick skin and flesh, so I'll hit him hard first."

  The majestic aura spread over Su Yun along with the five-colored flames.

  "Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, the first change, Bone Spirit Change!"

  The pale flames boiled, and Su Yun's aura suddenly climbed from a one-star early Dou Zun to a two-star middle Dou Zun.

  "Using the first change of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, plus the blessing of the five-colored flames and the heavenly level skills, my combat power has reached a six-star Dou Zun...

  The strength on paper may be lacking, but if I play a great heavenly level fighting skill, this Bing Xuan will be a piece of cake, haha."

  The smile of the old silver coin rose from Su Yun's face. As his mind surged, he clenched the Residual Sun in his hand, and a vast aura beyond common sense gathered on the Residual Sun Sword.

  The terrifying fluctuations were like the power of annihilation, capable of tearing the sky apart. The five-colored flames continuously flowed towards the setting sun, condensing into a substantial sword-intent rainbow, as if transformed by the Heavenly Flame. The

  low-level Heavenly Rank Fighting Skill "Heavenly Flame Broken Rainbow".

  This move was mastered by Su Yun with the system fusion function, and it was the first time he used it today.

  Such a terrifying fluctuation, even Su Yun couldn't help but be frightened.

  "I'm really looking forward to the power of the Heavenly Rank Fighting Skill."

  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and waves of sword sounds came from the setting sun.

  "Are you excited too?

  Then come on!"

  The long sword was swung, and the vast sword-intent rainbow was like the Heavenly Flame descending to the world.

  The five-colored flames surged and boiled, and the space was broken wherever they passed, and the dark space turbulence faintly emerged from it. The energy of heaven and earth instantly rioted, covering the entire Ice Mountain Range.


  Bing Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and such a vast and terrifying breath made his whole body tremble, and the breath of death was blowing in his face.


  A roaring energy explosion sounded, and the aftermath crushed the mountains, the clouds in the sky turned into shatters, and huge pits appeared on the endless glacier plains.

  The space was shattered, and countless space cracks were connected together. The space turbulence roared and turned into a space black hole that could swallow everything.

  The energy of heaven and earth was in chaos, the earth was shaking, and a catastrophic avalanche followed.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun couldn't help but frown.

  "Such a powerful force has reached the peak of the nine-star Dou Zun, and the great heaven-level fighting skills... It's so terrifying!"

  Deep in the Ice Mountain Range.

  "What a terrifying fluctuation..."

  An eighth-level ice blue wolf poked out of the cave, and a solemn look appeared in the beast's eyes.

  "That direction seems to be the Ice Mysterious Pond where the sky cold is located

  . Opportunity!" The afterimage passed through the snow, and the figure of the ice blue wolf disappeared on the spot.

  At the same time, two breaths of eighth-level monsters rose and quickly moved towards the Ice Mysterious Pond.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately sensed the movement in the Ice Mountain Range.

  It should be the other three eighth-level monsters in Han Feng's memory.

  "The peach pickers are here, but it won't be that easy."

  A cruel smile appeared on Su Yun's lips.
