

  Chapter 414 Four Level 8 Monsters (3rd update!)


  The aftermath gradually dissipated, and the black hole in space began to heal. Bing Xuan flew out of the huge pit with fear in his eyes.

  At the critical moment, if he had not overdrawn his blood in time, used the blood inheritance secret method, and gathered the frost armor, he would probably have died in that terrifying attack.

  The frost armor he used with his cultivation level can only reach the defense power of an eight-star peak fighting master.

  Under that monstrous move, he was already seriously injured, and because of the overdrawn blood, he fell into a weak state and his strength dropped sharply.

  "We must leave quickly, ahem... Let's not talk about that mysterious man. In my current state, those three guys alone can kill me."

  Bingxuan coughed lightly and was about to flee far away when a light laugh sounded from beside him, which made Bingxuan's hair stand on end.

  "Friend, don't leave in a hurry, hehe."

  Bingxuan immediately threw a punch, and a huge sonic boom sounded instantly.

  Su Yun curled his lips and threw a punch as well.


  The two fists collided, and Bingxuan's arm exploded and was blasted into a blood mist.

  "How is this possible!"

  Bingxuan's face was shocked as the pain pierced his heart.

  Overdrawing his blood would also greatly reduce his physical strength, but as an eighth-level monster, his foundation was still there.

  Unless it was an eighth-order monster known for its strength, it would be impossible to blow up his arm.

  But in his perception, the owner of that voice was just a human!

  Su Yun grinned. His physical strength was quite strong even among the eighth-order monsters. How could a stupid bear with overdrawn blood fight him?

  "Who are you!"

  Bingxuan and Su Yun distanced themselves, with anger in their eyes.

  At this point, he naturally understood that Su Yun in front of him was the one who had launched a huge attack in secret!

  Su Yun's eyes showed a hint of indifference, and he did not answer his question. He just waved Canyang, and the five-colored fire dragons gathered in an instant and chopped towards Bingxuan.

  Bingxuan's face changed greatly. Just when he was in despair, three powerful icy attacks hit the five-colored fire dragon.


  The terrifying energy exploded. Although the waves it caused were not as strong as before, they still shook the mountains and tore the space.

  "It's you!"

  Bingxuan saw who was coming and couldn't help but exclaimed.

  Three eighth-level monsters transformed into humans and stood in the sky. They were his three old opponents in the ice mountain range.

  In the past, they fought to the death for the cold air, but at this moment, it was they who saved themselves.

  Bingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, without any emotion in his heart.

  It is not difficult to guess the plan of the three beasts. Most of them want to defeat the human together with him.

  "Bingxuan, let's join forces."

  The thin and tall man transformed from the ice blue wolf said in a sharp voice.

  Before they came, the three beasts had already discussed it and joined forces with Bingxuan to repel the invaders.

  There are no natural treasures in the Ice Mountain Range, only a stream of natural cold air that is coveted.

  This person is probably coming for the natural cold air, and the attack he launched is too powerful. Fighting alone is no doubt seeking death.


  Bingxuan nodded and agreed to the Ice Blue Wolf's proposal.

  If he wants to run, I'm afraid the three beasts will deal with him at the first time, and it is impossible not to agree.

  Joining hands to fight the enemy is the best strategy.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

  He didn't expect that the shock brought by "Tianyan Duanhong" would make these four beasts join forces.

  The system scanning function was turned on, and Su Yun took in the cultivation of the three beasts.

  The Ice Blue Wolf that spoke had the highest cultivation level, equivalent to a six-star late-stage Dou Zun among humans, and was the leader of the three beasts.

  The Ice Fox had a five-star Dou Zun cultivation level, and the Ice Bird had a four-star peak Dou Zun.   

  The strength of these three beasts is indeed good. The weakest ice bird is comparable to the former Glacier Valley Master.


  The Ice Blue Wolf shouted, and four powerful ice attacks immediately killed Su Yun. The space was turbulent, the energy of heaven and earth surged, and the already cold temperature dropped by three points.

  A cold light appeared in Su Yun's eyes, but what made people feel strange was that he just stood there without any movement.


  The four ice attacks smashed Su Yun to pieces, leaving no residue.

  The three beasts all had a look of confusion on their faces. If it was solved so easily, then what was the point of them joining forces this time?

  Only Bing Xuan frowned, and there was doubt on his rough face.

  He had personally experienced Su Yun's power, but he didn't think that this human would be killed so easily.

  Just when the four beasts were confused, Su Yun's figure quietly appeared behind them.

  "The physical fighting skill "Illusion Shadow" is indeed very good."

  Su Yun flashed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

  The speed of this physical fighting skill is surprisingly fast, and it can also leave a substantial energy body in the original place, making people mistakenly think that they have succeeded.

  Just when Su Yun gathered his fighting spirit again and planned to continue to be a sixth-in-command.

  The majestic icy fighting spirit suddenly erupted from Bingxuan, indiscriminately covering the area within a few miles.

  "Bingxuan, what do you want to do!"

  The Ice Blue Wolf shouted, and the three beasts immediately became alert, guarding against Bingxuan's sudden attack.

  Just when the atmosphere on both sides dropped to the freezing point, Bingxuan pointed to a direction.

  There, his icy fighting spirit obviously stagnated, as if something stood there, blocking the fighting spirit from passing through.

  "He's there!"

  The three beasts also changed their faces and immediately reacted.

  "Saturation attack..."

  Su Yun's face was gloomy, and he unlocked the deception of heaven and earth, revealing his figure and breath.

  "Sure enough!"

  Bingxuan's face was solemn, and he leaned towards the three beasts.

  Before, he was hit by a huge blow without any signs, so he guessed that Su Yun might have cultivated a very advanced secret method of concealment.

  Su Yun seemed to be killed by them just now, and Bingxuan quickly thought of the previous scene, thinking that he might be hiding in the dark again through that unknown secret method.

  Now, under his fighting spirit, there are indeed clues.

  Su Yun looked at Bing Xuan deeply, and his majestic fighting spirit burst out. Although he only has the cultivation of a two-star mid-stage fighting master, his power is comparable to that of a six-star fighting master.

  The last time he tried to use a saturation attack to break the deception of heaven and earth, it was Zhang Ritian, and now he has encountered a second one.


  Bing Xuan roared, and the four beasts attacked at the same time, and immediately rushed towards Su Yun.

  "Do you have any help!"

  Su Yun snorted coldly, and as his mind turned, a sky demon puppet covered with golden light appeared in the air, exuding the aura of a four-star peak fighting master.

  At the same time, a figure separated from Su Yun, whose face and body were exactly the same as Su Yun, except that his aura remained at the level of a one-star initial Dou Zun.

  After the clone appeared, five-colored flames also boiled on his body, among which the pale white flame was the strongest.

  "Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, the first change, Bone Spirit Change!"

  After performing the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, the aura of the clone was exactly the same as Su Yun.


  Su Yun shouted, controlling the clone and the Heavenly Demon Puppet to kill the four beasts together.