


  Chapter 415: Heavenly Cold Qi is in Hand (First Update!)

  "Damn it, he actually has a clone and a puppet!"

  The Ice Blue Wolf's face changed, but he didn't panic.

  Four against three, we can fight!

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The terrifying energy fluctuations burst out, and the Heavenly Demon Puppet confronted the Ice Bird with the four-star peak Dou Zun cultivation.

  Like a ruthless killing machine, every punch and every move was an attack without defense, a life-threatening fighting style.

  The clone faced the five-star Dou Zun Ice Fox, suppressing it with its extremely strong fighting power.

  Bing Xuan's forehead was already sweating, perhaps in the eyes of the Ice Blue Wolf, this battle was still worth fighting.

  But he personally felt the monstrous blow from Su Yun, and he didn't comment on this idea.

  Four against one still had a slight chance of winning, but two against one, maybe running away was the best option.

  A majestic and terrifying aura burst out from Su Yun, and the gushing five-colored flames burned through the space, and continuously gathered on Su Yun's left palm.

  "Just right, let me try my skills on you two."

  A hint of coldness flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and he swung his palm, destroying the fate. Ten thousand flaming sun palm prints attacked the two beasts from all directions. "

  What kind of palm technique is this!"

  The Ice Blue Wolf was shocked. The ten thousand flaming sun palm prints were real and fake, and he couldn't tell anything at all. The terrifying momentum pressed on him, making him tremble with fear.


  The two beasts' scalps numbed, but they didn't want to sit and wait for death. They shouted together, and the terrifying cold air emerged from their bodies and turned into a continuous ice wall.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

  Ten thousand flaming sun palm prints hit the ice wall, and the flames and ice offset each other, but in an instant, the thickness of the ice wall suddenly decreased and became a thin layer.

  "Not good!"

  The two beasts' faces changed immediately.


  A huge explosion sounded, and the ice wall broke in response. Ten thousand flaming sun palm prints carried a terrifying momentum and hit the two beasts.

  Bing Xuan gritted his teeth and launched another ice attack.

  But the strange thing is that the moment his attack touches the Yanyang Palm Seal, the Yanyang Palm Seal will turn into a phantom, and after the ice attack is over, it will turn into a real one.

  This palm technique is the "Three Thousand Yanyang Palm".

  It is another fusion scheme that Su Yun used to fuse the "Three Thousand Thunder Illusionary Body" into a fire attribute clone. Su Yun thought it was good, so he fused it and used it as a move for Vest Ghost Li.

  Today's trial move has a pretty good effect.

  The Ten Thousand Yanyang Palm Seal fell in the desperate eyes of the two beasts.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

  The loud noises continued, echoing throughout the entire Ice Mountain Range.

  The aftermath gradually dissipated, and Bingxuan's body slowly fell down. He was already seriously injured, and under the repeated attacks of the Yanyang Palm Seal, he was completely killed.

  The Ice Blue Wolf was also dying at this time, and his combat power was only one tenth of it.

  The Three Thousand Yanyang Palm, ranked at the advanced level of the Earth Rank, can exert a power comparable to the Heaven Rank Fighting Skills when it is cultivated to perfection, just like the Five Wheels of Fire Separation.

  How can it withstand it.

  Su Yun stepped into the void and came to the Ice Blue Wolf.

  "Please, let me go, I can be your dog..."

  A trace of pleading flashed in the Ice Blue Wolf's eyes.

  "No need."

  A trace of grim smile flashed across Su Yun's mouth, and he exerted a little force on his wrist, swung the long sword, and completely killed the Ice Blue Wolf.

  Then Su Yun looked at the Ice Fox and Ice Bird, and his figure flashed and joined the battlefield.

  Bing Xuan, the Ice Blue Wolf was dead, and they could not make any waves. They were soon killed by Su Yun together with his clone and the Heavenly Demon Puppet.

  After putting the bodies of the four beasts and the Heavenly Demon Puppet into the system space, Su Yun let out a long sigh.   

  Since he was promoted to Dou Zun, this was the first time he had such a good time fighting.

  He was able to crush Lei Zun and Zhai Xing Lao Gui without even using a single Heaven-level Dou Skill.

  "This clone method is really good. If I join forces with him to fight the enemy, the combined combat power of the two may make the overall strength even stronger by three points."

  Looking at the clone beside him, Su Yun's face flashed with a thoughtful look, and then he let it return to his body.

  "Next, it's time to harvest."

  A trace of heat flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and his figure flashed as he came to a dilapidated ground.

  The Ice Mysterious Pond where the Heavenly Cold Qi was located had also been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle. The ice condensate flowed in the pit,

  and the terrifying cold air emanated from it, which made people shudder. "Well, it's a very rich ice attribute energy, mixed with the madness of freezing everything.

  It's not unreasonable that this Heavenly Cold Qi can be comparable to the tenth-ranked Strange Fire on the Strange Fire List."

  Su Yun looked at the ice condensate in the pit, nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand, using the system recycling function to store it in the system space.

  "System, scan the cold air."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  "Recover the cold air."

  "Ding, recovery successful."

  The ice condensate in the pit disappeared immediately.

  "The matter here is over, and it's time to go back."

  Su Yun stretched his muscles slightly, feeling that this trip was worthwhile.

  Not only did he get the cold air, but also four eighth-level magic cores, and the bodies of the four beasts could also be exchanged for a lot of energy crystals.

  Su Yun slightly sensed the chaotic atmosphere around him, and after pondering for a while, he operated the skills, turned over the energy of heaven and earth, and dispersed the breath.

  After doing all this, he stretched out his big hand, tore the space, and left.


  With the space coordinates left along the way, it naturally didn't take that long to return to Shengdan City.

  It took only two days for Su Yun to return to his residence.

  When he came to the bedroom, the room was empty.

  The time required for Xiao Yixian to condense the poison gas rune in the inheritance place was no less than his. It might take several months before she came back.

  Su Yun didn't care too much about this. Xiao Yixian's current strength was stronger than his, so there was no need to worry about her safety.

  After activating the evil poison body and using the secret method of using toxins to enhance strength, Xiao Yixian's combat power has surpassed that of the third-level Dou Zun.

  This level is comparable to the foundation ancestors of the major superpowers. Even in the Soul Palace and the Dan Tower, few people can reach it.

  Seeing that Xiao Yixian had not returned, Su Yun came to the living room, brewed a pot of tea, and planned to rest for a while, and then began to settle his cultivation and strive to refine and absorb the cold air as soon as possible.

  He was already a little impatient to see the power after the use of ice and fire fighting.

  What Su Yun didn't know was that since he came back, Qinglin had been using the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils in the room to observe his every move.

  "Young Master is back, um,

  Sister Xian'er is not here..."

  Qinglin's little head was slightly steaming, and it was unknown what he was thinking.

  Then Qinglin ran into the kitchen, picked up vegetables, fruits, and meat, and started to tinker with them.

  "Well, when the young master is resting and not practicing, he maintains the habit of eating three meals a day. Since Sister Xian'er is not here, let Qinglin come...

  The young master likes to eat..."

  After a while, Su Yun got up and was about to go to the practice room.

  But he saw Qinglin with a red face, holding a large plate with several home-cooked dishes on it, and walked over.

  The fragrance of the food made Su Yun slightly stunned.

  "Young master, let's eat together..."
