

  Chapter 416 Letter from Su Ruoxi (Second update!)

  Qinglin put the plate on the table, raised his head, and looked at Su Yun expectantly.

  Su Yun smiled, stretched out his big hand and gently stroked Qinglin's little head. The three thousand green silks felt as smooth as silk.

  "Thank you, Qinglin."


  Qinglin's snow-white neck also floated a layer of rosy, white and red, making people unable to resist taking a bite.

  Then Qinglin put the dishes on the plate and served Su Yun a bowl of rice.

  Su Yun took it and tasted the dishes made by Qinglin carefully.

  Qinglin and Xiao Yixian have two different flavors. They are not the most delicious dishes, but they are also sweet and delicious.

  Su Yun ate and frowned silently.

  But... why did he feel that this dish had a little... indescribable taste...

  Qinglin's face was red, and he seemed to know nothing. From time to time, he picked some dishes and put them in Su Yun's bowl.

  With such a good opportunity, Qinglin naturally added some ingredients to the dishes, but what exactly it was depends on imagination.

  "If... the young master met me first, would the situation be different..."

  The absurd thought lingered in Qinglin's mind for a long time. The more he tried to suppress it, the more it took root in his mind.


  Qinglin sat on the plate and left the living room. Su Yun looked at the petite figure, thinking.

  "Now Qinglin's soul power has broken through the heavenly realm. She has absorbed the cultivation of She Linyue and many seventh-level monsters. Her cultivation speed is very fast. Now she has the cultivation of eight-star Dou Zong. It will

  only take a few months to break through Dou Zun...

  Well, maybe then, maybe we can plan for the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan."

  He had just asked Qinglin, if her current cultivation and soul power can only control snake monsters of the semi-saint level.

  If she wants to control a real Dou Sheng, she needs to improve her cultivation to Dou Zun.

  He also has a general understanding of the situation of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan.

  This clan is the descendant of the ancient sky snake. Among the three major families of monsters, their bloodline is the most seriously deteriorated.

  But even so, there are Dou Sheng strongmen in their clan.

  The former clan leader Yao Ming was ambushed by his brother Yao Xiaotian and the Great Elder, and was imprisoned in the depths of the Nine Netherworld.

  His cultivation has reached the level of a two-star Dou Sheng, making him the strongest of the Nine Netherworld Python clan.

  Yao Xiaotian and the Great Elder of the Nine Netherworld Python clan are both one-star Dou Sheng.

  "Forget it, the Dou Sheng is too powerful. Let's wait until Xiao Yixian's combat power reaches the Dou Sheng level before taking them to subdue and control the Nine Netherworld Python clan."

  Su Yun shook his head and decided to play it safe.

  Dou Shengs are too powerful. The previous owner of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils who was killed by a telekinesis is a lesson learned. Don't take risks.

  Then he came to the practice room, sat cross-legged, and was about to practice when a request for soul communication came from the depths of his soul.

  Su Yun's eyes narrowed instantly.

  "It's Ruoxi."

  The magic beasts that actively recognize him as their master through the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire will have a deep connection with him.

  And with this connection, supplemented by the soul secret method, it can even achieve soul communication regardless of distance.

  Of course, both parties must be in the Douqi Continent. If Su Yun is in the system space, he will not be able to receive it.

  Su Yun immediately closed his eyes, and the soul wave emerged from his body, connecting to Ruoxi's soul communication.

  "Daddy, Daddy~"

  The intimate and innocent voice sounded from the depths of his soul, making Su Yun think of the girl with an innocent face and a strange body, and his expression gradually softened.

  "Daddy didn't take the initiative to communicate with me, hum..."   

  A lot of complaints and spoiled words came, chattering non-stop, making Su Yun a little bit amused and crying.

  Ruoxi really treated him as her father. She was the only one who could act spoiled like this to him, except for Xiao Yixian.

  "Okay, okay, it's Daddy's fault..."

  Su Yun coaxed her softly for a long time, and finally let the little girl's temper disappear.

  This is also a good thing, which shows that Ruoxi is very dependent on him. At least she has not been brainwashed by the Tian Yao Huang clan, and she has not been brainwashed by the Tian Yao Huang clan, and the family interests are above everything else.

  "Ruoxi, how is your life in the Tian Yao Huang clan?" Su Yun

  asked Ruoxi.

  "It's pretty good. The uncles and aunts here are very nice.

  But they keep telling me that it is my responsibility to revive the Tian Yao Huang clan, and you are the last hope of the Tian Yao Huang clan. It's so annoying~"

  Su Ruoxi's tone was quite distressed. How long has she been born? She doesn't want to bear any family mission.

  Then Su Ruoxi talked to Su Yun about her life in the Tian Yao Huang clan in the past few months.

  After she was "rescued" by several elders of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, she was brought to the Phoenix Mountains, causing an uproar.

  Even the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan leader Huang Tian, ​​who was in seclusion, was invited out by many elders.

  Su Yun listened and nodded secretly.

  Huang Tian was invited out, so it can be imagined how much the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan values ​​Ruoxi.

  The contemporary Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan leader Huang Tian is a five-star Dou Sheng strongman. Such strength is already extremely powerful. Looking at Zhongzhou, only Danta and Soul Palace can defeat him.

  "Later, I was accepted as a disciple by the chief of the Huang Tian clan, and all the resources of the clan were tilted towards me. My strength has increased rapidly, but I always feel uncomfortable.

  Daddy, Xi'er misses you~"

  Su Yun almost lost himself again with the call of daddy.

  Su Yun calmed down, controlled his voice to become gentle, and continued to comfort Su Ruoxi, asking her to stay in the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan and increase her strength.

  After a while, Su Yun cut off the soul communication in Su Ruoxi's reluctant tone.

  Su Yun shrugged. There was no other way. Communication was fine, but he couldn't talk for too long, otherwise the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan might find something wrong.

  But now that he got the news from Su Ruoxi, he felt relieved. As the only ancient Heavenly Phoenix left in the world, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan would definitely do their best to cultivate her.


  Phoenix Mountains.

  Feng Qing'er walked in the mountains, and a rare smile appeared on her face that used to be as cold and ruthless as frost.

  A few days ago, she was summoned by the clan and returned to the Phoenix Mountains.

  If what she thought was right, the blood pool of inheritance in the clan should be opened.

  This blood pool is the blood of the deceased predecessors in the clan. It is extremely precious and opens once every few decades.

  It can improve the purity of blood and enhance cultivation. There are many benefits. Every Heavenly Demon Phoenix can only enter once in his life.

  And not all Heavenly Demon Phoenixes can enter. Only the young generation of geniuses are qualified.

  And she, Feng Qing'er, just happens to have it!

  Feng Qing'er came to the Deacon Hall with great expectations. A half-saint elder was waiting for her here.

  "Feng Qing'er?"


  Feng Qing'er's expression became solemn. She looked extremely respectful, but her heart was already surging with huge waves.

  How could it be a half-saint elder? Although the blood pool is important, the elders who presided over it every time were only Dou Zun.

  After all, this is the base camp of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix. There is no such thing as a surprise attack and the destruction of the blood pool.