

  Chapter 418 Gui Li's Identity (First Update!)

  Hai Bodong brought Xiao Yan to the living room.

  Su Yun smiled at Xiao Yan, stretched out his hand to signal him to sit down, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

  Why does this kid look so uneasy?

  "Brother Su, long time no see."

  Xiao Yan clasped his hands and clasped his fists, a touch of joy appeared on his resolute face. Xiao Yan was very happy to meet an old friend in a foreign land.

  "I didn't expect you to come to Zhongzhou too."

  "Yes, after leaving Canaan Academy, I followed the teacher's instructions to travel in the northwest continent.

  Later, I encountered an opportunity and my cultivation level was improved to the peak of Douhuang, so I came to Zhongzhou."

  I don't know what he thought of, and a trace of sadness flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes.

  Su Yun listened and nodded.

  Um... Yao Lao, huh? !

  Where is Yao Lao?

  Su Yun's mind moved slightly, and he used his soul power to explore Xiao Yan's bone inflammation ring, but did not find any soul fluctuations of Yao Lao.

  He used the system scanning function to scan again, but still found nothing.

  Strange, where is Yao Lao's soul? Otherwise, it must have been captured by the Soul Palace.

  Su Yun vaguely understood the reason why Xiao Yan was uneasy.

  Then Xiao Yan began to talk about his experience after coming to Zhongzhou.

  "After coming to Zhongzhou, I attended the Four Pavilions Conference, met with Feng Zunzun, and returned to Xingyun Pavilion.

  But at this time, a mysterious person who used the Bone Spirit Cold Fire raided the Fenglei Pavilion!"

  Xiao Yan said this, clenching his fists tightly.

  "That person should be Gui Li."

  Su Yun handed Xiao Yan a cup of tea.

  The fact that Fenglei Pavilion was raided by a mysterious person who used the Bone Spirit Cold Fire had already spread in Zhongzhou, and many people in Shengdan City also knew the news.

  "The elders of the sect also secretly went to Fenglei Pavilion to investigate, but after Gui Li took action, he didn't know where to escape, and nothing was found."

  "Sure enough!"

  Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and said.

  ? ? ?

  Su Yun's mind was full of question marks. What did you think of?

  Immediately, Su Yun took a sip of tea and asked calmly.

  "What's wrong?"

  Speaking of which, Xiao Yan had not yet stated his purpose for coming today.

  It was unlikely that they were simply reminiscing about the past. Su Yun had a rough guess in his mind, and it was probably related to his pseudonym Gui Li and Yao Lao.

  Xiao Yan took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

  "Brother Su, you don't know.

  Because I was worried that Gui Li would set his eyes on the strange fire in my hand, I wanted to come to this Shengdan City under the protection of Feng Lao.

  But I was attacked by the Soul Palace on the way, and my teacher was also captured by the Soul Palace!"

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with resentment.

  Su Yun was not surprised by this result.

  In the original work, Yao Lao was in the hands of the Soul Palace during this period, and now it has returned to the starting point.

  "Brother Su, I came here this time to tell you something."

  Xiao Yan said solemnly.

  "You say."

  "I suspect that Gui Li has joined the Soul Palace!"

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. How could this guy think like this? This would be a problem for him.

  In his design, Gui Li is a lone hero, and apart from his fictional sect, he has no connection with any force.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Gui Li attacked Fenglei Pavilion, causing a war between the two pavilions.

  Under pressure from him, I had to come to Shengdan City, and then I was attacked by the Soul Palace.

  The two events were too coincidental, and the reason why Gui Li did not appear later was also explained.   

  It was Brother Su's sect that forced him to hide in the dark again, so he asked other people from the Soul Palace to attack us! "

  Xiao Yan had a confident look on his face, while Su Yun's face was full of trance.

  This analysis... seemed to make sense.

  A strange thought flashed through Su Yun's mind.

  Xiao Yan's words reminded him that it was not impossible to disguise Gui Li as a member of the Soul Palace.

  He also had no good feelings towards the Soul Palace. Disguising Gui Li as a member of the Soul Palace could also intensify the conflict between the Soul Palace and Xiao Yan, causing them to tear each other apart.

  Wonderful, it was really wonderful.

  He possessed the memories of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, let alone the Soul Palace, he also knew most of the secrets of the Soul Clan.

  Disguising as a member of the Soul Palace was easy and flawless.

  After planning everything, Su Yun almost clapped his hands in applause.

  There was an imperceptible admiration in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Yan.

  What is a good tool man? This is it! Even the template of the enemy has been conceived for you.

  But on the surface, Su Yun still looked shocked.

  "That Gui Li, actually joined the Soul Palace? !"

  "Yeah! "

  After a while, the shock on Su Yun's face gradually faded, and he pondered for a moment.

  "I will report this matter to the sect. Thank you for the news this time."

  "It's okay, Brother Su.

  Gui Li and Soul Palace are now my enemies. This is what I should do."

  Xiao Yan said hurriedly.

  He also had his own selfish motives when he told the news. He didn't ask the sect behind Su Yun to make any big moves against Soul Palace and Gui Li.

  As long as they were restrained and given some time to develop, he would be very satisfied.

  After finishing the business, Xiao Yan also relaxed a little.

  After coming to Zhongzhou, what he encountered was terrible. Now seeing his big brother, it was a rare opportunity to relax.

  Xiao Yan looked at Su Yun, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

  "After coming to Shengdan City, I heard that Brother Su became an eighth-grade alchemist. I wish I had Brother Su's talent. "

  Su Yun smiled.

  The news that he had become an eighth-grade alchemist was no longer a secret in Shengdan City. Since Xiao Yan had come to Shengdan City, it was normal for him to know this.

  "Don't underestimate yourself. Your talent is already very good. Speaking of which, now that Yao Lao has fallen into the hands of the Soul Palace, who is instructing you in alchemy now?"

  When Xiao Yan just stepped into the living room, he faintly smelled the scent of medicinal herbs on him.

  That was a phenomenon that would only occur after long-term seclusion in alchemy, and this kid's soul power had also improved a lot.

  Upon hearing this, a trace of decadence flashed across Xiao Yan's face.

  "Teacher had some friendship with the three giants of Danta when he was alive, so I was able to study in Danta because of this.

  The people there are all monsters. Among their peers, they are basically seventh-grade alchemists, and the few who are a little worse are also at the peak of the sixth grade.

  Cao Ying and Dan Chen, who were instructed by President Xuan Kongzi together with me, are already striving for the eighth level..."

  Xiao Yan began to complain.

  As a transfer student with the bonus of a king-like physique, Xiao Yan was naturally bullied in Danta.

  Su Yun nodded.

  Cao Ying and Dan Chen were not comparable to him, but among his peers in Zhongzhou, they were also unattainable figures.

  "Brother Su, how about you, have you been recently?"

  Xiao Yan asked.


  I'm doing pretty well. Thanks to you, I got the token back for the sect, and my cultivation level increased greatly during my training outside, and I refined the Fallen Heart Flame.

  Not long ago, I went back to the sect and became a true disciple. "

  Su Yun strengthened his fictitious identity. If he was still an inner disciple with the configuration he showed now, it would be unacceptable.