

  Chapter 419 Ye Family (Second Update!)

  "Congratulations, Brother Su."

  Xiao Yan said sincerely.

  True disciple, that Gui Li must have been a true disciple before he was judged to be from that mysterious sect. Su Yun

  had a smile on his face.

  "You are not bad either. If you study in Danta, I believe your alchemy skills will improve rapidly soon."

  Xiao Yan nodded.

  Indeed, although he was excluded a lot in Danta, his alchemy skills improved very quickly. Then Xiao Yan's mind moved and he couldn't help but ask.

  "Brother Su, will you attend the Alchemy Conference in two years?"

  "Of course, the Alchemy Conference is a rare event in the entire continent, I will naturally attend, and that monster may also show up.

  He will not give up the Three Thousand Flames, and his medicine refining skills are not low."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance. Of course he would attend the Alchemy Conference. The Three Thousand Flames tempted him a lot.

  This fire ranks ninth on the list of strange fires. Even if he refines it with the cultivation of Dou Zun, it can improve his cultivation a lot.


  Xiao Yan's face flashed with anger, and then quickly dissipated.

  "Brother Su, have you also cultivated the Burning Decree?"

  In his opinion, since Su Yun planned to attend the Alchemy Conference, he probably wanted to get the Three Thousand Flames.

  "Well, true disciples can choose one of the three major inherited techniques of the sect as their main practice. The Burning Decree is very suitable for me."

  Su Yun said.

  In this regard, Su Yun did not intend to hide it from Xiao Yan. When he refined the Three Thousand Flames, this matter would inevitably be exposed.

  He had always been reluctant to let the outside world know that he had the strange fire, just to buy time for development and try to avoid being coveted by the strong. In the future, when

  he is invincible in the world and reaches the emperor realm, no, he doesn't even need to reach the emperor realm. He doesn't need to hide his high-level fighting saint strength at all.

  "Okay, two years later, we can finally compete on the same stage!"

  Xiao Yan's face showed a hint of excitement.

  All along, he has been targeting Su Yun. Now that he has the chance to compete with Su Yun, how can he not be excited?

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  "You are kind-hearted. I know you are in urgent need of improving your strength, but the Three Thousand Flames are also very important to me, so I will not hold back."

  "No, no."

  Xiao Yan waved his hands quickly.

  "The greatest respect for an opponent is to go all out, and I couldn't ask for more."

  Just for what you said, when you are ripe and ready to be harvested, I will leave you a seedling so that you can continue to grow.


  After the matter was said, Xiao Yan did not stay for long.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yan's back as he left, with a strange smile in his eyes.

  Compete with me?

  Courage is good, but it's hard to say who will win.

  Afterwards, Su Yun didn't stay in the living room for long. He returned to the training room and began to retreat for a long time to cultivate.

  This retreat lasted for several months.

  And while Su Yun was in retreat, the number of people who came to visit him did not decrease at all.

  Hai Bodong opened the door and was about to send the guests away as usual on the grounds that Su Yun was in retreat, but the majestic aura made Hai Bodong's heart tremble.

  The visitor this time turned out to be a Dou Zun strongman!


  Tang Zhen greeted Hai Bodong with a kind look on his face. Behind him stood a pretty girl in red.


  Haibodong hurriedly returned the greeting. Although Tang Zhen was very polite, he also knew that this was for Su Yun's sake, so he dared not be arrogant.

  "My name is Tang Zhen."

  Tang Zhen said.

  Haibodong was shocked. The powerful warrior, Tang Zhen.

  Could this person be the current master of Fenyan Valley?

  "I wonder if Master Su is at home today."

  Before Haibodong could reply, an old voice sounded from behind the door.

  "Yes, but he is in seclusion now. I wonder if my friend has anything important to say?"   

  The figure of the Skyfire Venerable gradually appeared, and his majestic aura was slightly revealed.

  Tang Zhen's expression was chilled, and he immediately sensed the specific cultivation level of the Skyfire Venerable

  . The five-star Dou Zun was the same as his cultivation level.

  This Master Su was not an ordinary person. It had only been a short time since he became an eighth-grade alchemist, and he could recruit a five-star Dou Zun.

  "It's like this, I want to ask Master Su to refine a pill."

  "Refine the pill... I'm afraid it will take some time."

  The Skyfire Venerable said.

  "Thank you for telling me, my friend."

  Tang Zhen's face was bitter, and he left with the girl behind him.

  After the two left, Hai Bodong was amazed.

  "One of the three valleys, the Burning Flame Valley, this is really a big deal."

  The Skyfire Venerable also nodded.

  "The Burning Flame Valley has stood in Zhongzhou for a thousand years. It already existed when I was still wandering in Zhongzhou. It has a very deep foundation...

  Wait for Su Yun to come out of retreat and tell him about this."



  A few months passed in a flash, and Su Yun walked out of the training room and stretched his waist.

  His cultivation had settled down and he could also absorb the cold air.

  Thinking of this, a smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  "You kid finally came out of retreat."

  At this time, Hai Bodong, who had been waiting for a long time, smiled.

  "Oh, what happened during this period?"

  "Nothing, but the people who came to visit are worth paying attention to."

  Hai Bodong explained, and then talked about the people who came to visit during this period.

  After that visit, Tang Zhen would come from time to time to ask if Su Yun had come out of retreat.

  And he simply stayed in Shengdan City.

  In addition to Tang Zhen, there is another force worth noting.

  During the time when Su Yun was in retreat, the Ye family of Danta also came several times.

  "Ye family?"

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  If Hai Bodong hadn't mentioned it, Su Yun almost forgot that there was such a force.

  The Ye family of Danta is one of the five major families of Danta, on par with the Cao family where Cao Ying is and the Dan family where Dan Chen is.

  However, its actual strength is no longer worthy of the five major families of Danta.

  Ye Xinlan, the most powerful pharmacist of the younger generation, is even only a fifth-grade pharmacist, which is really lame.

  When they were still in Canaan Academy, Su Qian had mentioned the Ye family to him. Su Yun

  pondered for a moment. The predicament faced by the Ye family was simple for him, but it was not of much benefit to him.

  To be honest, he was not very willing to help.

  Elder Su Qian was only familiar with Ye Chong, and had nothing to do with him, so there was no need to rush over. The

  only thing worth noting about the Ye family was the Yanghuo Altar.

  "Hey, I can go and have a look..."

  Su Yun's mind moved, as if he remembered something. Although

  the Yanghuo in the Yanghuo Altar was not a strange fire, it was also a strange flame, and there was also a core bead deep in the Yanghuo Altar.

  This Earth Core Bead can be refined into an Earth Core Thunder Bead with considerable power, but Su Yun is not concerned about this.

  Rather, it is an extremely precious auxiliary material that can be used to refine certain eighth-grade elixirs.

  "The eldest elder of the Ye family has also lived in Shengdan City during this period.

  The frequency of his visits is higher than that of Tang Zhen."

  Hai Bodong continued.
