

  Chapter 420 Fire Bodhisattva Pill (First Update!)

  Su Yun nodded slightly upon hearing this.

  The Ye family has been in decline until now, and there is no way out. There is no other way except to rely on his thigh on the list.

  But Tang Zhen is different. Whether it is the three giants of Danta, or the other seventh-grade peak refiners or even seventh-grade senior pharmacists, they can help him refine the Fire Bodhisattva Pill.

  After all, this thing is just a seventh-grade senior pill.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but flash a trace of doubt in his eyes.

  So, in the original book, Tang Zhen just found a seventh-grade senior pharmacist to help him refine the medicine.

  Why should he refine the herbs himself and let Xiao Yan and another pharmacist help melt the pill?

  Forget it, when he comes, everything will be clear.

  "Nine-dragon Thunder Fire, Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire..."

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

  The foundation of Burning Flame Valley is indeed not bad, and these two things alone make him quite coveted.

  Perhaps others will not be able to refine it because of the inheritance mark of the Nine-dragon Thunder Fire, but he has a solution.

  Just combine the inherited skills of Burning Flame Valley with the "Fenhan Jue", and everything will naturally be solved.

  "Fenyan Valley, Ancestor Huoyun, one-star Fighting Saint..."

  Su Yun pondered for a while and remembered the specific information of Ancestor Huoyun.

  This person is extremely powerful and is a genuine Fighting Saint.

  With such a cultivation level, he can already see through the deception of the world, but because of his physical injuries, he has been recuperating in the forbidden area deep in the Burning Flame Valley.

  Therefore, it is necessary to attack Tang Zhen outside the Burning Flame Valley.

  "Although I have already planned to attack Tang Zhen, I still have to help refine the Fire Bodhisattva Pill.

  In this way, my original identity can use the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, and it is still a complete version."

  On the surface, his combat power has actually been a little behind, and he needs to strengthen it.

  As for whether there will be a conflict between helping him refine the pill and taking his strange fire, there will naturally be no

  conflict. Su Yun shrugged. The good things that Gui Li did had nothing to do with him, Su Yun.


  At this time, in a hall of the Dan Tower.

  "Your request...

  I'm afraid not many pharmacists will agree."

  Xuan Kongzi looked embarrassed.

  Tang Zhen's face was bitter.

  The Fire Bodhisattva Pill is only a seventh-grade high-level pill, but the difficulty lies in the fact that its refining process is extremely complicated. Only a seventh-grade top pharmacist can have a slight success rate.

  Moreover, as a seventh-grade high-level pill, the reward should be of the level of a seventh-grade high-level pill.

  But he wants to ask an eighth-grade pharmacist to refine it for him, and this will cause a contradiction in terms of the cost.

  An eighth-grade pharmacist may not look down on that little reward and may not accept it.

  If that's all, it's fine, just add money.

  The difficulty lies in the rules of the pharmacist.

  Generally speaking, if you ask a pharmacist to refine the pill and provide the pill formula yourself.

  After the refining is successful, the pill formula will belong to the pharmacist and he can do whatever he wants with it, and he, Fenyan Valley, cannot get it back.

  But the Fire Bodhisattva Pill is the inherited recipe of Fenyan Valley, and it belongs to one of the foundations. What

  those pedantic elders in the valley said is not without reason.

  Tang Zhen sighed and bowed to Xuan Kongzi to say goodbye.

  "Sorry to bother you."

  When he returned to his residence, Tang Huo'er was waiting for him in the courtyard.

  "Dad, haven't you found the pharmacist yet?"

  Tang Huo'er looked weak, and his whole breath was quite weak.

  Tang Zhen's face showed distress.

  There was less than a year left before the backlash broke out completely. If he couldn't find a solution, his precious daughter would die.

  "Don't worry, Huo'er, Dad will definitely find her."

  Tang Zhen said comfortingly, and at this time, a knock on the door suddenly rang.

  "Is Valley Master Tang at home?"

  This was... the voice of the old gatekeeper in front of Master Su's door.   

  Tang Zhen's mind moved, and he hurried to the gate and opened it.

  "Master Tang."

  Hai Bodong bowed.

  "Master Su is out of retreat today. If you have important matters, you can come to your house."

  Tang Zhen was delighted to hear that. Master Su was out of retreat, so he could try again.

  "Thank you."

  "No problem."


  At the residence of Su Yun and others, Su Yun and Tang Zhen sat opposite each other in the living room.

  "Master Su."

  Su Yun smiled.

  "I have heard of Master Tang's name for a long time. He has the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire and the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire. It is hard to find an enemy in the same realm. It is really desirable."

  This is true. Although Tang Zhen only has one kind of strange fire on his body, the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire is not as perfect as his, which can enhance his strength so much.

  But the ring contains two kinds of top-level eighth-level beast fire, which can be used to perform the last two changes of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire.

  With the three combined, Tang Zhen can already fight against the six-star Dou Zun in a short time.

  But at this moment, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

  He just used the system's scanning function to scan Tang Zhen and found something strange.

  "Why... Tang Zhen is practicing the high-level earth-level skills?"

  This matter is particularly strange. Logically speaking, Dou Zun can already practice heaven-level skills, although it can only be low-level heaven-level skills.

  And with the existence of the founding ancestor of Fenyan Valley, let alone low-level heaven-level skills, even high-level heaven-level skills and high-level heaven-level fighting skills are abundant.


  Su Yun did not dwell too much on this matter.

  After a while, when he attacked Tang Zhen with a ghostly vest, he also recovered a piece of his memory, and naturally knew everything.

  Tang Zhen knew nothing about Su Yun's thoughts, and had no idea that he had been targeted.

  At this time, he was racking his brains, thinking about how to make Su Yun agree to refine the medicine.

  After the two of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, Su Yun took the lead in getting to the point and asked.

  "I heard that during the time I was in seclusion, Valley Master Tang visited me many times. I wonder what important matter he wants to talk to me about?"

  Tang Zhen took a deep breath and organized his words.

  "Tang would like to ask Master Su to refine a pill."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "What kind of elixir?"

  "The seventh-grade high-level elixir, the Fire Bodhisattva Pill."

  Tang Zhen was worried. The critical moment had come.

  During this period of time, he had visited those veteran seventh-grade peak alchemists and eighth-grade alchemists, and they all had problems here.

  "The Fire Bodhisattva Pill, I have heard of this elixir. It is the inherited elixir recipe of your Burning Flame Valley.

  Give me the recipe, I will take a look at the steps of refining the Fire Bodhisattva Pill first."

  Su Yun stretched out his hand to Tang Zhen.

  Tang Zhen looked embarrassed and could only bite the bullet and said.

  "But this recipe cannot be shown to Master Su for the time being."

  Su Yun said in his heart, as expected.

  The recipe of the Fire Bodhisattva Pill is so precious in Burning Flame Valley that they are unwilling to take it out even when hiring someone to refine the medicine.

  It is also the same in the original book. It

  is something that can be solved by hiring a seventh-grade peak alchemist.

  But he had to wait until Xiao Yan came over to refine the elixir together.

  He went through so much trouble just to ensure that the elixir formula would not be leaked.

  "Oh, but without the elixir formula, I can't help you refine the elixir."

  Su Yun looked surprised and embarrassed.