

  Chapter 421 Sunfire Altar (Second update!)

  "I wonder if Master Su can work with me to refine the elixir?"

  "Jointly refine the elixir?"

  Tang Zhen immediately brought out the method in the original book where he extracted the herbs and the pharmacist was responsible for melting the elixir .

  Su Yun heard this and looked at Tang Zhen with a smile.

  "Master Tang, are you planning to let an eighth-grade pharmacist help you?"

  At this time, Tang Zhen's old face was already a little embarrassed.

  Several eighth-grade pharmacists and seventh-grade peak pharmacists he visited before rejected him for this reason.

  Some even looked sullen and kicked him out directly.

  Whether it was a seventh-grade peak pharmacist or an eighth-grade pharmacist, they were already the absolute top among pharmacists.

  Tang Zhen's move is like an outsider asking a world-class master to help him. It is a great honor for others not to get angry.

  In the original book, this move was successful mainly because the level of the pharmacists was not high.

  The reputation and reward of Burning Flame Valley allowed them to filter out this layer of affinity.

  But it would be different if an eighth-grade pharmacist like Su Yun was invited.

  "Burning Flame Valley will definitely give a generous reward!"

  Tang Zhen patted his chest and promised.

  "They are not willing to give out a single pill formula, and a generous reward..."

  Su Yun closed his eyes and said softly.

  Hearing this, Tang Zhen's expression froze. Su Yun's words made sense.

  If they are not willing to give out the pill formula, then what's the point of talking about a generous reward.

  After a while, just when Tang Zhen thought that the matter was ruined again, Su Yun opened his eyes and spoke.

  "I can agree to this."

  Tang Zhen was overjoyed when he heard this, and when he was about to thank him, Su Yun stretched out his hand to block it.

  "But I have conditions."

  Su Yun said.

  "Master Su, please tell me."

  Tang Zhen's heart was stunned, and he felt that Su Yun's conditions might not be simple.

  But Su Yun was the only pharmacist who was willing to help him refine the Fire Bodhi Pill.

  Tang Zhen made up his mind that as long as he could meet Su Yun's conditions, he would definitely agree.

  "I want Guigu's inherited secret method, the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire."


  Tang Zhen widened his eyes.

  This, this... Fire Bodhisattva Pill and Heavenly Fire Three Mysterious Changes are the secrets of their Burning Flame Valley. This is no different from asking for Fire Bodhisattva Pill directly.

  "Master Tang, please listen to me first. I can guarantee that I will not pass on the Heavenly Fire Three Mysterious Changes to others. I will only use it myself."

  Tang Zhen's expression eased. This way, there is still room for easing up.

  According to the rules of the pharmacists, if the recipe of Fire Bodhisattva Pill falls into their hands, they can do whatever they want. They can pass it to whoever they want and refine it however they want.

  If Heavenly Fire Three Mysterious Changes is only used by Su Yun, the situation will be much better.

  Tang Zhen gritted his teeth.


  "Oh, really?"

  Su Yun's mouth flashed a strange smile.

  "Valley Master Tang should first discuss this matter with the elders in the valley, so as not to change his mind and make a scene."

  In the original novel, Xiao Yan was troubled by that egg-like elder, and he didn't want to be bullied by that bird.

  Tang Zhen's expression was choked. This Master Su really understood their Burning Flame Valley.

  However, as the valley master, he often couldn't take all the power, which was no secret in the entire Douqi Continent.

  It was mainly because those old guys were pedantic and relied on their seniority, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

  "Don't worry, Master Su."

  Tang Zhen bowed his hands and said. For Huo'er, this time he must show the majesty of the valley master when he goes back!

  Tang Zhen didn't stay any longer. After returning to his residence, he asked Tang Huo'er to stay well, and then he left Shengdan City and tore through space to Burning Flame Valley.

  On the other side, after Su Yun sent Tang Zhen away, he asked Hai Bodong to call the people from the Ye family.

  "After finishing the affairs of the Ye family and Fenyan Valley, I can also start to refine the cold air."   

  Thinking of this, Su Yun smiled.

  Soon, an old man and a young girl followed Su Yun into the living room.

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function to scan the old man and the girl as usual.

  The old man was Ye Zhong, the eldest elder of the Ye family. He had the cultivation of the Seven-Star Dou Zong and was a seventh-grade intermediate pharmacist. He was the mainstay of the Ye family.

  But as a supporter of one of the five major families of Danta, both her cultivation and her pharmacist skills were too poor.

  The girl was Ye Zhong's granddaughter, Ye Xinlan, a fifth-grade pharmacist.

  "Master Su."

  The old and the young bowed to Su Yun and were very respectful.

  "Get up."

  A majestic fighting spirit rose from Su Yun's body and helped the two of them up.

  "I wonder what the Ye family wants to talk to me about?"

  Unlike Tang Zhen, who had to exchange some polite words, Su Yun got straight to the point this time.

  "My name is Ye Zhong, and I am the elder of the Ye family in Danta. I wonder if Elder Su Qian of Canaan Academy has mentioned me?"

  Su Yun nodded slightly.

  "I heard that you have a good relationship with Elder Su Qian. I have heard a little bit about it."

  Hearing Su Yun say this, Ye Zhong breathed a sigh of relief .

  With this favor in mind, it would be much easier for him to ask Su Yun for help.

  The previous conflict between Su Yun and the Little Medical Immortal and the Glacier Valley was widely spread in Zhongzhou.

  The appearance of Mang Tianchi made a group of forces curious about their identities.

  Su Yun came to settle in Shengdan City and passed the examination to become an eighth-grade alchemist, which completely aroused curiosity.

  Later, Su Yun's identity was exposed.

  It is no wonder that Mang Tianchi would take action for him, and when the various forces understood this, they also valued Canaan Academy.

  Those super powers with their own training systems are fine.

  However, some small families in Zhongzhou are very keen to send their descendants to Canaan Academy to study this year.

  As a result, the quality of Canaan Academy's Zhongzhou students this year is surprisingly high.

  Su Yun has also heard about this.

  After Su Yun's identity was exposed, Ye Zhong quickly thought that Su Yun was the young alchemist his old friend had mentioned before.

  This was also related to his repeated visits to Su Yun.

  "You want me to help the Ye family pass the Danta Five Family Assessment?"

  Su Yun asked.


  Ye Zhong looked respectful, but felt uneasy. He

  really didn't know if this Master Su would help. Their Ye family couldn't offer a reward that could impress an eighth-grade alchemist.

  Old friend, please help me.

  Ye Zhong prayed silently in his heart.

  "Okay, but I want your Ye family's Yanghuo Altar."

  "Okay! Thank you, Master Su!"

  Ye Zhong was ecstatic. Although the Yanghuo Altar was important, it was nothing compared to the Five Family Assessment. He

  could ask Su Yun to help him with this, which was a blessing he could not wait for.

  "Master Su, there hasn't been much Yanghuo coming out of the Yanghuo Altar in the past few years..."

  Ye Zhong said carefully.

  This is the truth. The Ye family's Yanghuo altar has had problems in the past few years, and they haven't used it much when refining the elixir.

  Ye Zhong didn't dare to hide anything from Su Yun about this matter, and he told it honestly.