

  Chapter 422 Refining (First Update!)

  "No problem."

  Su Yun waved his hand. He knew the matter

  well. The assessment of the five major families would be held in a few months. After the two agreed on the time,

  Su Yun asked Ye Chong to go back. As for his identity, he would still participate as Ye Xinlan's fiancé.

  Su Yun had no objection to this, but after the Little Medical Fairy came back, he would probably have to work hard on his waist.

  Three days later, Tang Zhen came to the residence of Su Yun and others again.

  "Master Tang, how is it?"

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

  Tang Zhen clasped his hands and took out a scroll from his ring.

  This is the secret scroll that records the complete Sky Fire Three Mysterious Changes.

  After he went back this time, he transformed into the Ultimate Sprayer, and it was not easy for him to bring it out.

  "That's good."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance. The complete version of the Sky Fire Three Mysterious Changes...

  After the next two changes, he can use the two kinds of strange fire to practice short-term amplitude again, and his strength will increase greatly. I am really looking forward to it.

  "Then I wonder when we can refine the Fire Bodhisattva Pill?"

  Tang Zhen couldn't help asking.

  The Fire Bodhisattva Pill had been delayed for too long, and Tang Huo'er now only had less than a year left to live.

  "Right now."

  "Thank you, Master Su."

  Tang Zhen's face flashed with joy when he heard this.

  Su Yun stood up and took Tang Zhen to the courtyard.

  "Master Tang, let's start."

  Su Yun gestured with his hand.


  Tang Zhen nodded, waved his sleeves, took out a huge medicine cauldron from his ring, and dropped it to the ground with a muffled sound.

  The medicine cauldron was all fiery red, and on the round wall of the medicine cauldron, there were patterns that looked like a volcanic eruption, and a violent aura was faintly emanating from it.

  This medicine cauldron was the Mountain Melting Cauldron, one of the Heavenly Cauldrons.

  Su Yun took a quick look at it, thinking something in his heart.

  This Mountain Melting Cauldron was probably one of the heritage of the Burning Flame Valley.

  Combined with the unique Fire Bodhisattva Pill of the Burning Flame Valley, it must have been a good alchemist in the Burning Flame Valley before, and he passed it down.

  As for whether he is the founding ancestor of Burning Flame Valley, it is unknown.

  He also has two Heavenly Cauldrons in his hands, Yao Lao's Black Demon Cauldron, and Han Feng's Ten Thousand Beasts Cauldron.

  But these two things cannot be taken out with his original identity. Logically speaking, both should be in Gui Li's hands.

  "There are only thirteen medicine cauldrons on the Heavenly Cauldron List. Burning Flame Valley has one, which really shows its profound heritage."

  Su Yun said politely.

  "They are all left by our ancestors, which is nothing."

  Tang Zhen smiled and waved his sleeves again. Hundreds of medicinal materials flew out of his ring and lay quietly on the ground. The

  rich medicinal fragrance emanated from it and filled the entire courtyard.

  The higher the grade of the elixir, the more medicinal materials needed to refine it.

  The seventh-grade high-level elixir is already of a high grade, and it is normal to use hundreds of medicinal materials to refine it.

  Tang Zhen's expression was sharp, and a terrifying silver flame emerged from his palm, and nine silver fire dragons kept floating in it.

  The twelfth on the list of strange fires, the Nine Dragon Thunder Gang Fire!   

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. Absorbing the strange fire outside the top ten would not help his cultivation much.

  But strange fire is still strange fire after all, he would not give up.

  Of course, Gui Li's attack on Tang Zhen would not happen so soon, even the cold air he had not absorbed yet.

  An invisible flame rose from Su Yun's body. After the appearance of the Fallen Heart Flame, the two strange fires seemed to be inductive, and they confronted each other in the air, neither of them giving in.

  A trace of surprise flashed through Tang Zhen's mind. He had heard the rumor that Master Su had the Fallen Heart Flame before, and now it seemed that the rumor was true. What

  surprised him the most was not this, but that Su Yun's Fallen Heart Flame was not inferior to the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire.

  This Fallen Heart Flame was not an ordinary thing. It

  could be ranked 14th on the strange fire list and comparable to the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire. I am afraid that its fire energy has been accumulated for a long time of thousands of years.

  Tang Zhen thought secretly in his heart.

  "Master Tang, let me see the recipe for the Rongdan."

  Su Yun's voice brought Tang Zhen back to reality.


  Tang Zhen nodded, took out the part of the recipe that he had prepared and handed it to Su Yun.

  "In that case, I will start to refine the medicinal materials."

  "Refine it." It is

  really simple to observe an incomplete seventh-grade high-level recipe with a soul in the spiritual realm.

  And it takes a long time to refine the medicinal materials, so while Su Yun observes the recipe, Tang Zhen can also refine the medicinal materials.

  Su Yun closed his eyes and observed the recipe, and Tang Zhen also began the next step.

  With a flick of his finger, the silver flame immediately flew into the mountain melting cauldron and began to warm the cauldron. Soon the fire in the medicine cauldron reached the appropriate level.

  Tang Zhen urged the energy of heaven and earth to turn into a big hand, and took the medicinal materials on the ground into the medicine cauldron one after another.

  After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes and mastered the melting technique of the Fire Bodhisattva Pill.

  The Nine Dragon Thunder Gang Fire surged in the medicine cauldron, and under Tang Zhen's control, it turned into nine silver fire dragons, refining the medicinal materials in batches.

  "Tang Zhen's fire control skills are surprisingly high.

  His mind is divided into nine parts, and there are no mistakes in the refining process. Even many veteran seventh-grade peak alchemists can't do it."

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows and gave Tang Zhen a higher evaluation.

  The fire control skills of a fire-attributed fighter can largely reflect his actual combat power. With this skill, Tang Zhen can be regarded as a leader in the same realm.

  "Tang Zhen is a five-star Dou Zun. After performing the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, his combat power is guaranteed to be six-star Dou Zun.

  With Gui Li's strength, I'm afraid he can't take him down for the time being. It turns out that he has to wait a while..."

  Gui Li couldn't use the five-color flame. The combat power of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and the Sea Heart Flame was obviously not enough. His cultivation had to be improved before he could take action.

  Xiao Yan's previous words also gave him inspiration. Letting Gui Li die as a member of the Soul Palace would have a miraculous effect.

  Thinking of the Soul Palace and the Soul Clan, Su Yun's eyes turned cold.

  He has never forgotten the grudges with the Soul Palace, and he also needs to be wary of the Soul Clan behind it.

  The coming-of-age ceremony of the ancient clan will be held in a few years, and before that, the Spirit Clan, which is also one of the eight ancient clans, has already suffered the evil hands of the Soul Clan.

  "Maybe the clan has been exterminated now..."

  Su Yun's mouth twitched. This matter seemed to have nothing to do with him, but in fact it was not.

  If he planned properly, he was confident that he could grow into a Dou Sheng in a few years.

  At this level, he would definitely enter the sight of the Soul Clan's high-level officials, and be considered for his potential and the grudges between the two, as well as... whether to take action against him.

  At that time, the Soul Clan's plan also began to unfold, and its fangs began to show.

  They would no longer care about such trivial matters as whether to turn against each other. Mang Tianchi's face was not enough to protect him.

  And if the enemies of the Soul Clan were more and stronger, they would be unable to take care of themselves, and the impact on him would be smaller, so he could develop for a while longer.

  This was not because he had any paranoid delusions, but to prepare for a rainy day.