

  Chapter 424: Refining Heavenly Cold Qi, Four-star Fighting Honor (First Update!)

  The price is a bit expensive, but it is completely acceptable.


  "Ding, fusion is successful."

  The mysterious information flow immediately poured into Su Yun's mind, and all kinds of insights and usage skills about the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire were absorbed by Su Yun.

  After a while, Su Yun slowly opened his eyes and had completely digested the information flow.

  A gleam of brilliance flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and he came to the system space while his mind was turning.

  "Come on, let's take a look first.

  With the three kinds of strange fire I currently have, using the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, to what extent can I raise my cultivation!"

  Su Yun's face showed excitement.

  "Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, the first change, Bone Spirit Change!"

  The majestic breath rose, and Su Yun's cultivation rose sharply, reaching the two-star mid-stage Fighting Honor.

  "Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, second change, Heart Flame Change!"

  His cultivation level rose again, reaching the three-star mid-stage Dou Zun.

  "Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, third change, Sea Heart Change!"

  The last Sea Heart Flame was somewhat different from the first two strange fires. This time, his cultivation level did not rise that much, but he barely broke through that barrier and reached the four-star early stage Dou Zun!

  Su Yun clenched his fists, sensing the majestic fighting spirit on his body, his excitement was beyond words.

  "Four-star early stage Dou Zun, if I can mobilize the five-color flames and the heavenly level skills, my combat power will reach the level of eight-star Dou Zun! If

  I absorb the cold air, and then use the system's fusion function to create a secret method that uses ice-attributed spiritual objects to increase my cultivation...


  Su Yun couldn't help but laugh in the system space.

  After absorbing the cold air, his cultivation level can be improved by a few stars.

  There is one more secret method to improve his strength. By then, his fighting power will definitely reach above the first level of Dou Zun.

  It has only been one or two years since he came to Zhongzhou.

  At first, he had a headache facing Bing Zun, a four-star peak Dou Zun, but now he has reached such a high level.

  In Zhongzhou, except for Danta and Soul Palace, no super power will release the first level of Dou Zun in public.

  Such people are all old monsters of the previous generation, who are secluded and work hard for the ethereal and boundless holy realm.

  With a thought, he lifted the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, and a feeling of discomfort came immediately.

  "The sequelae of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire seem to have faded a lot."

  Su Yun rubbed his chin. The improvement of cultivation and the strength of the physical body can reduce the sequelae, but it is probably impossible to completely eliminate them.

  "To what extent will the sequelae of performing the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire with the ice attribute and superimposing it with the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire..."

  He shook his head, and he would know when the time came.

  Then Su Yun flew to a corner of the system space where the air was biting cold.

  The terrifying cold air hit his face, and the temperature instantly dropped below the freezing point. A light blue ice pond appeared in front of Su Yun. The

  light blue ice pond contained a huge amount of energy. Without the cultivation of Dou Zun or other means, I am afraid that I would be frozen into an ice sculpture as soon as I entered the ice pond.

  Su Yun curled his lips and turned a blind eye to the terrifying cold air emitted by the ice pond

  . The level of the five-colored flame has surpassed the cold air in the sky.

  He is now a Dou Zun, so even if he is unprepared, he can still refine and swallow it with his deep foundation.

  Su Yun took a deep breath and took out a seventh-grade pill and swallowed it.

  This is the Ice Melting Pill, a seventh-grade high-level pill that can be used to resist the cold air of the heaven and earth.

  It is a lie to say that you are not prepared. The higher your grasp, the better.

  "After absorbing the cold air, I can also use the ice and fire fighting energy that I have been thinking about before. It can be regarded as understanding my thoughts." After

  everything was ready, Su Yun did not hesitate, opened his legs, and stepped into the ice pond.

  The cold air condensed into liquid immediately rushed into Su Yun's body, and the terrifying ice energy exploded, trying to freeze it into an ice sculpture.   

  Five-colored flames surged from the Naling, passing through the meridians, and together with the medicinal power of the Melting Ice Pill, they suppressed the cold air.

  This is Su Yun's current foundation. With

  all these factors added up, the cold air that can be compared to the tenth place on the list of strange fires can't make any waves in front of him.

  Su Yun didn't even feel any pain, and didn't experience the ecstasy when absorbing the strange fire.

  The "Burning Cold Art" quietly operated, showing its terrifying suppressive force on ice-attributed spirits, and the cold air became more obedient. Su Yun continued

  to absorb the cold air, and his body was like a huge black hole, and the ice pond began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Half a month passed in a flash, and Su Yun absorbed all the cold air into his body, rolling in the meridians, round and round.

  The violent and terrifying energy came from the cold air, surging, trying to destroy Su Yun's meridians and escape from his body.

  As a spiritual creature from heaven and earth, the birth of the cold air is extremely difficult, and its spirituality is not ordinary. It is impossible for it to be refined obediently.

  The refining process is extremely slow. The quality of the cold air is indeed good. Even with Su Yun's cultivation, the whole process will probably last more than a month.

  Another three days passed, and finally, the cold air was completely refined by Su Yun, flowing peacefully in the meridians. The violent energy was completely restrained.

  Su Yun took a long breath, and joy flashed in his eyes. He controlled the cold air to surge into the soul.

  The cold air completely entered the Naling, and a huge amount of energy also gushed out from the cold air.

  Su Yun held his breath and seized the opportunity, madly devouring this huge amount of energy and starting to break through the realm.


  Just when Su Yun was breaking through the realm with the huge energy brought by the cold air, Xiao Yixian also came back from the place where the evil poison body was inherited.

  "Where's my brother?"

  "He went back to retreat not long after coming out."

  Hai Bodong shrugged.

  Xiao Yixian tapped his chin lightly, not surprised by this.

  ... One

  month passed quietly.


  The neck of the bottle broke, and a majestic aura rose from Su Yun's body, and his cultivation soared.

  Two-star Dou Zun!

  Three-star Dou Zun!

  Four-star Dou Zun!

  Su Yun opened his eyes, and a brilliant light flashed through them.

  "Four-star initial stage Dou Zun!"

  After feeling his own cultivation, Su Yun's mind moved.

  A light blue cold air surged out from the Naling, passing through the meridians, like a surging river, rising above Su Yun's body and spreading in the air.

  The terrifying icy breath seemed to be able to freeze the space.

  "The five kinds of strange fire I have now are not as strong as the natural cold air. Even if

  I use the ice attribute Dou Qi and natural cold air alone to defend against the enemy, I am afraid that I can be comparable to the six-star peak Dou Zun."

  Su Yun felt the strength of the natural cold air and thought silently.

  "Maybe I can open another vest with ice attribute fighting spirit.

  But it's enough to let Gui Li do the dirty work. Whether to create another identity remains to be verified.

  Now let's get some patches first!"

  Su Yun's eyes were filled with passion.

  Ice and fire dual attribute fighting skills, ice and fire dual attribute magic core long sword, these can make his strength soar.