

  Chapter 425: Ice and Fire Fighting Skills (Second update!)

  Su Yun first took out two earth-level fighting skills and tried to fuse them.

  "System, fuse the low-level earth-level fighting skill "Extreme Cold Sword" with the intermediate earth-level fighting skill "Flowing Flame Dragon Slash" with the fire attribute!"

  "Ding, a fusion plan has been detected, the plans are as follows:

  Plan 1, fuse into an intermediate earth-level fighting skill with fire attribute, which can cut out a flaming sword energy, and the sword has dragon power and is quite powerful.

  Note: This fusion plan requires a fifth-level energy crystal or magic core.

  Plan 2, fuse into an intermediate earth-level fighting skill with ice attribute, which can cut out a long ice dragon, with frost and power.

  Note: This fusion plan requires a Fifth-order energy crystal or magic core.

  Option three, fused into an intermediate earth-level fighting skill with ice and fire attributes, which can cut out a flaming ice and fire dragon. The fusion of ice and fire is mutually reinforcing and counteracting, and the power is amazing .

  To perform this fighting skill, you need to have ice and fire attributes at the same time, otherwise the power will be halved.

  Note: This fusion plan requires a fifth-order energy crystal or magic core.

  Option four:..."

  Su Yun carefully looked at the fusion plan given by the system and nodded secretly.

  As for the third plan, try it out.

  "System, use option three for fusion."

  "Ding, this fusion plan requires a fifth-order energy crystal or magic core. Do you want to fuse it?"


  "Ding, fusion successful."

  A stream of information appeared in Su Yun's mind. That was the way he practiced to fuse this fighting skill.

  Suddenly, Su Yun had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he quickly digested this information.

  After a while, a black line appeared on Su Yun's face.

  This information flow is just the way to practice fighting skills. In other words, if he wants to comprehend it to perfection, he has to consume a fifth-level energy crystal.

  Forget it, it's just a little consumption.

  "System, merge this ice and fire earth-level intermediate fighting skill with me."

  "Ding, this fusion requires a fifth-level energy crystal or magic core. Do you want to merge?"


  "Ding, fusion is successful."

  Another stream of information appeared in Su Yun's mind.

  After a period of time, Su Yun completely mastered this fighting skill.

  "Come on, my first ice and fire fighting skill, let me see how powerful you are!"

  There was no strange fire or natural cold, and no magic core weapons were used.

  A majestic aura rose, and a strange fighting spirit burst out from Su Yun.

  It was not only mixed with the heat of fire, but also the coldness of frost. The two completely different properties merged together, complementing and restraining each other, and interdependent.


  Su Yun shouted softly, and the fighting spirit turned into a thing. A long sword of fire and ice fighting spirit was tightly grasped in his hand. The surging fighting spirit was like a surging river flowing in the meridians.


  A fire dragon of fire and ice emerged, with fire and ice mixed and fused, and a terrifying power emerged from it.

  "This Flame Ice Fire Dragon is much more powerful than Flowing Flame Dragon Slash. Perhaps because it is a great success, its power is even comparable to the high-level earth-level fighting skills. The

  Fire Sun Emperor Sword at a small success is no more than this."

  Su Yun's heart flashed with excitement. Such power is indeed impressive, and this is without the use of strange fire and natural cold.

  If it is blessed by these two, its power can be taken to the next level, and it can even be directly comparable to the Fire Sun Emperor Sword at a great success.

  With such a terrifying increase, it is almost certain that the ice and fire fighting skills he has learned will exert the power of the next level.

  "Let's call this fighting skill Flame Ice Dragon Slash."

  Su Yun nodded with satisfaction, and then began to prepare for the integration of other fighting skills.

  "How about this? My ice and fire fighting skills are directly derived from the fighting skills I learned before. This way it is much more convenient to use."

  Although fighting skills can be mastered immediately using the system, combat experience must be accumulated by oneself.   

  Different fighting skills are suitable for different occasions and have different usage habits. It would be much better to just change them.

  "Let's do it this way."

  After making up his mind, Su Yun began to play drums. "

  Flowing Flame Dragon Slash" was transformed into "Flame Ice Dragon Slash", which was a mid-level earth level.

  "Fire Sun Emperor Sword" was transformed into "Ice Sun Emperor Sword", which was a high-level earth level.

  "Three Thousand Flame Sun Palms" was transformed into "Three Thousand Flame Frost Palms", which was a high-level earth level.

  "Heaven Flame Broken Rainbow" was transformed into "Flame Cold Broken Rainbow", which was a low-level heaven level. "

  Mysterious Fire Flame Bell" was transformed into "Mysterious Ice Flame Bell", which was a low-level heaven level.


  These fighting skills are all commonly used fighting skills at this stage, so the previous ones with lower levels are naturally not used.

  As for the "Five-wheel Fire Separation Method", he could only give up without the five kinds of ice-attributed spiritual objects.

  Needless to say, the physical combat skill "Illusion Shadow" has no attribute distinction.

  "After going out, I still have to test my strength again.

  I am not sure how far my combat power has reached when I am fully fired."

  Su Yun stretched out his hand and held a jade bottle in his hand, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

  The jade bottle contained the soul of the Soul Hall elder, the Star-Picking Old Ghost, who was captured by Su Yun before.

  "This guy should have some locations of the Soul Hall branches in his memory. I can't calculate the cost, but I can get some interest back..."

  His soul power has reached the perfection of the spiritual realm. With enough soul origin blessing, he will soon be able to break through to the heavenly realm.

  "As expected, Xian'er has returned. I don't know how advanced she is."

  Su Yun pondered for a moment, and then focused on the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire.

  "The variations of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire have not been completed yet.

  Now I only have a Heavenly Cold Qi in my hand, so I will first make the first variation.

  The rest will come later."

  This is not because he is stingy, but because he is really poor. Fighting skills and secrets are easy to deal with, but magic core weapons are the most important.

  If you want to synthesize an eighth-level magic core weapon with dual attributes of ice and fire, even if it is only an eighth-level one-star, the consumption is very high.

  Canyang cannot be fused, otherwise he will have no sword to use.

  Therefore, you must first fuse an eighth-level one-star ice-attribute magic core long sword and an eighth-level one-star fire-attribute magic core long sword.

  Not to mention the other things, to upgrade from a seventh-level magic core long sword to an eighth-level one-star, two eighth-

  level magic cores are needed, one for inlay and one for consumption. Two swords means four eighth-level magic cores, and if they are fused together, it will be five.

  A total of five eighth-level magic cores!

  If he hadn't robbed Fenglei Pavilion before, he would probably have become a complete pauper.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun sighed.

  As an eighth-grade pharmacist, it's not uncommon for him to be so poor.

  The main reason is that he doesn't usually help with refining medicine. Other eighth-grade pharmacists have lived for at least a hundred years, and they can make a lot of money just by spending some time refining some pills.

  "Those people in the Soul Palace should be quite rich..."

  Thinking of this, Su Yun grinned, and then began to transform the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire.

  "System, merge Ice Palm and the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire."

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected. The fusion solutions are as follows:

  Solution 1: ...

  Solution 2: Fuse into a secret method that can temporarily increase cultivation. It can increase cultivation through ice-attributed spiritual objects. The degree of increase is affected by the level of the spiritual object and one's own cultivation.

  Note: This fusion requires the consumption of a sixth-level energy crystal or magic core.

  Solution 3: ..."