Chapter 3: Clash of Bonds

Marten Rivera, the Class 5, Grade 10 instructor, stood before the students, his expression serious as he began explaining the intricacies of the Carnage core. "The core," he said, "is what gives Carnage life. It is their heart and the only place they can be killed. As long as the core remains intact, a Carnage can escape and regenerate lost limbs and organs. Understanding this is crucial for your survival and success as hunters."

Hours passed as Marten detailed various strategies for locating and destroying the core. The school bell finally rang, signaling the lunch break. Students began to file out of the classroom, their minds buzzing with information. Mark stood up, ready to head to the canteen, when he felt a gentle tug on his uniform.

Turning around, he saw Maria Ushiromiya, her face a mix of shyness and determination. "Can I come with you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mark, though slightly confused, nodded. "Sure, let's go."

As they stepped out of the classroom, they were greeted by Olivia, who was waiting by the door. Her silver hair and blue eyes drew admiring glances from many of the male students. Olivia's presence seemed to light up the hallway, and she smiled shyly as she reached out to grab Mark's hand. The sudden gesture drew gasps of surprise from the onlookers, including Maria, who stood behind Mark.

Olivia noticed Maria and smiled warmly. "Hi, what's your name?"

Maria hesitated, her face turning a deep shade of red. Before she could muster a response, Mark stepped in. "This is Maria Ushiromiya. She wanted to come with us."

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but she quickly recovered. She took a closer look at Maria, who was clearly struggling with her shyness but stood firm. "Nice to meet you, Maria. Would you like to join us?"

Maria nodded, her voice small but clear. "Yes, thank you."

With that, the three of them made their way to the canteen. Mark could feel the intense, jealous stares of his classmates as they walked through the halls. He remained stoic and calm, determined to ignore the envious eyes.

As they entered the bustling canteen, Olivia led the way to a table in the corner. The trio sat down, and Olivia immediately launched into a lively conversation about their first day. Maria, though still shy, began to relax and join in the conversation.

Mark listened, contributing occasionally, but mostly observing his friends. He felt a sense of contentment as he watched Olivia and Maria interact. Despite the challenges ahead, he knew he had strong allies by his side.

As Olivia and Maria chatted about the one-year hunters exam, Maria shared her experiences. "I found it hard to interact with people," she admitted. "Most of the time, I passed the physical exams, but when it came to working together and socializing, that's where I struggled. But thanks to Mark, who assisted me, I slowly befriended him. That's how we got to know each other. Mark's presence alone is scary but also calming and caring."

Olivia listened attentively, a smile spreading across her face. She glanced at Mark, who was looking back at her with his usual stoic expression. "Maria has a gift," Mark interjected. "She has an extraordinary physical body, which is rare for most non-gifted women. I helped her because her talent is needed."

Maria blushed furiously and covered her face with her hands. Olivia, still smiling, asked teasingly, "Are you two dating?"

Mark, who had been drinking apple juice, was so shocked that he spit it out. Maria's face turned even redder, practically burning up. With an angry expression, Mark quickly responded, "No, we're not."

Olivia laughed heartily, enjoying the moment. Mark's face was a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment, while Maria looked like she was on the verge of passing out. The trio's dynamic was clear: Olivia's teasing, Mark's stoicism, and Maria's shyness made for an interesting combination.

Eventually, Olivia composed herself and said, "I was just teasing, you two. It's nice to see how close you've become. It's important to have friends you can rely on, especially in our line of work."

Maria, still blushing, nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'm grateful for Mark's help. I wouldn't be here without him."

As Mark looked at Maria with a faint smile, an unexpected turn of events occurred. An unknown individual, flanked by two companions, approached Mark, Maria, and Olivia in the canteen. The leader of the trio stared intensely at Maria, who, shaken, gripped the side of Mark's clothes. Mark noticed this and asked the person in front of him, while Olivia looked on, confused.

Without warning, the person punched Mark in the face with full force, sending him hurling through the glass that separated the canteen from the massive training field outside. Mark stumbled down to the field, rolling to a stop as shards of glass scattered around him. Maria fell to the ground from the impact, and Olivia, shocked, ran after Mark.

Mark regained his footing and brushed off the nosebleed. The person walked towards the training field with fury and spoke, "How dare you touch my little sister!"

Olivia, now by Mark's side, asked, "Are you okay?" Mark stood firm and, though angry, answered, "Yes, I'm okay."

Maria shouted, "Stop, brother! He's my friend!" To everyone's surprise, the person's name was David Ushiromiya, a class 3, grade 5 hunter of the hunters academy, and one of the strongest non-gifted individuals there.

Mark, with his fists clenched, charged at David, attempting to punch him. But David's foot was already close to Mark's face. Upon impact, Mark was sent hurling down again. Before Mark could regain his footing, a fist slowly but intensely approached his face. Just then, Olivia formed ice spikes below the ground, but David, with incredible speed, managed to dodge them and stood at a distance away from Mark.

Mark's face bled slightly as he slowly stood up, looking straight at David. The tension in the air was palpable. Olivia positioned herself protectively beside Mark, her icy abilities ready for another strike if necessary. Maria, still on the ground, watched the scene unfold with wide, frightened eyes.

David, now calmer, addressed Maria, "Why didn't you tell me you had a friend like this?"

Maria, still shaken, replied, "I didn't think it mattered. Mark is a good person, David."

David looked at Mark and then at Olivia. "Fine," he said, "I'll back off. But know this, Coloma, if you ever hurt my sister, you'll answer to me."

Mark, his gaze unwavering, nodded. "I understand."

David signaled to his companions, and they left the training field. Olivia, still on edge, turned to Mark. "Are you really okay?"

Mark nodded again, wiping the blood from his face. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Olivia."

Maria stood up, her eyes filled with concern. "I'm so sorry, Mark. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Mark gave her a reassuring look. "It's not your fault, Maria. Your brother was a bit overprotective." Maria concerned face slowly fades away, as Mark walks with Maria and Olivia by his side.

The trio walked back into the canteen, the atmosphere around them tense but their bond stronger than ever. They knew they had each other's backs, and that was what mattered most.