Chapter 4: Afternoon Training

In the afternoon, Mark Coloma sat in the infirmary for treatment while David Ushiromiya was given detention. The school engineers had already fixed the broken glass in the canteen and repaired any other damages within a few hours. Emilia Ramirez, a Filipino-Mexican doctor at the Philippine Hunters Academy, attended to Mark Coloma. She was tall and gorgeous, with glasses that complemented her serious demeanor. As a healing user from the special gifted Ramirez family, Emilia instantly healed all of Mark's wounds.

As she worked, Emilia spoke about the common incidents in the academy. "Fights are common here. Some individuals want attention, and others want control. Bullies are especially prevalent among the higher grades or classes. So, be careful, newbie."

When Mark was fully healed, he stood and thanked Emilia humbly. "Thank you for the healing and the advice. I appreciate it."

Emilia watched Mark as he left, admiring his physical strength and the maturity he displayed. She thought to herself, "I understand why David was angry. He comes here often when he's injured and talks about his sister. He truly adores Maria. I get why he beat up this newbie. But this newbie is fascinating. Despite being a lower grade, he has the strength and potential to climb the ranks one day. Let's hope for the best for him. Surprises are bound to come in the future."

As Mark returned to his classroom, he reflected on the day's events. He had encountered hostility, but also support from Olivia and Maria.

As Mark walked through the halls of the Hunters Academy toward his classroom, he entered an empty class room and was confused to see no one around. His classmates were gone. Just then, a female student from a neighboring Class 5 noticed him and asked, "Hey, are you a Class 5 hunter?"

"Yes," Mark replied. "Where's everyone?"

"They're in the gym in the covered court next to the Class 3 halls, behind the pool room," the female student explained.

Mark thanked the girl and was about to head off when he realized she was also heading in the same direction. They ended up walking together through the empty halls. Mark, now alone with the girl, took a quick glimpse at her. She didn't seem gifted but rather non-gifted, yet her physique was extraordinary. Despite being covered by her uniform, her curvy figure was noticeable. Mark scolded himself for feeling like a creep and focused on the walk.

The girl broke the awkward silence. "You don't talk a lot. My name is Mariana Flores, a non-gifted hunter, Class 5 Grade 9," she said, introducing herself.

Mark introduced himself as well, "I'm Mark Coloma a non-gifted hunter, from class 5 grade 10. Nice to meet you."

Mariana, trying to keep the conversation going, asked about Mark's reason for becoming a hunter, but he didn't share his reasoning. Mariana respected his decision and didn't press further. As they reached the court, Mark noticed Maria Ushiromiya training alone in the corner, doing pushups. The gifted and non-gifted students were segregated on opposite sides of the gym.

Mark saw Maria and started walking toward her. Before he could reach her, Mariana gave him a heads-up, "Better buckle up; one-on-one fights are about to happen in the later training." She then headed toward her classmates while Mark considered her words.

Mark approached Maria, who was on her 98th pushup. "Sup," Mark greeted her.

Caught off guard, Maria, still in her baggy jacket instead of her gym uniform, stood up, blushing and shy. "Hi, Mark. Good to see you. Are your injuries fine now?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm fine now," Mark replied softly.

Maria's worry faded, but Mark pointed out that she wasn't in her gym uniform. Embarrassed, Maria quickly excused herself and ran to the women's changing room to change. Mark, a bit amused, headed to the men's changing room to change into his gym uniform, preparing himself for the upcoming training session.

After changing into their gym uniforms, Mark and Maria met at the side designated for non-gifted students. Mark was stunned to see Maria in her gym attire, which revealed her curvy figure and extraordinary physical strength, similar to Mariana Flores. He recalled the morning lesson from Instructor Marten Rivera, who explained that non-gifted women's strength often doesn't manifest in visible muscles. Instead, their bodies show distinct differences from men, whose muscles are more visibly pronounced.

Instructor Rivera had mentioned that women's extraordinary physical strength might not be apparent from their bodies, but it was real and powerful. This explanation made Mark understand that judging a woman's strength by appearance alone was misleading. He had been dozing off during that part of the lesson, distracted by the clouds outside the window, but now the information clicked.

Maria's fit and attractive body displayed only about 5% of her muscles, yet she possessed incredible strength. As Mark observed her, he realized the lesson's truth. He made a mental note not to underestimate anyone based on appearance alone.

The training session was about to begin, and Mark joined Maria on the court. The instructor, Marten Rivera, approached the group of non-gifted students and addressed them. "Today, we will be focusing on honing your combat skills. Remember, physical strength isn't always visible. It's about technique, endurance, and understanding your own capabilities."

Mark and Maria stood side by side, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. As they began their exercises, Mark felt a renewed determination to improve himself, knowing that strength came in many forms. He glanced at Maria, who gave him a reassuring smile, and he knew they would support each other through the rigorous training.

The day's session was intense, but Mark and Maria pushed through, learning more about their own abilities and the strength they possessed.

As Mark and Maria trained under the watchful eyes of instructor Marten Rivera, Maria Ushiromiya completed 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats, preparing for the boulder-smashing exercise. Outside the gym, a massive 500-ton boulder awaited them in the massive training field, where their true lesson would begin. Mark, warming up, recalled Mariana Flores' words about the upcoming one-on-one fights, adding a layer of anticipation to the day's training.The gifted students finished their warm-ups first and headed out to the field. Meanwhile, the non-gifted students, including Mark and Maria, stayed inside to complete their exercises and warm-ups. All Class 5 students, from Grade 10 to Grade 1, had afternoon training sessions involving one-on-one duels. Olivia Reyes, being a Class 4 and a Grade 6 hunter, was not present, as she has a higher class and has her own classes to attend. After the non-gifted students completed their warm-ups, they headed out to the field. They were greeted by the sight of a gigantic boulder for the non-gifted to break and a duel battleground for the gifted students. The gifted would face each other in one-on-one duels, while the non-gifted had to break the boulder. If a non-gifted student managed to break it, they would have the option to duel either a gifted or a non-gifted student, under the supervision of Instructor Marten Rivera.

The sun blazed overhead as the non-gifted students faced their own boulders, each a massive 500-ton challenge. The task: to shatter it with a single strike. Instructor Marten Rivera watched intently, evaluating the students' form and technique.

Instructor Rivera addressed the students, "Today, we will test your physical and combat skills. Gifted students, prepare for your duels. Non-gifted students, your task is to break this boulder. Remember, this exercise is not just about brute strength but about technique and understanding your own capabilities."

Maria stepped up first. Her confidence was evident as she approached the boulder. She took a deep breath, focused her energy, and with a powerful punch, struck the boulder. The impact was immense; the boulder cracked, then shattered into rubble. The watching students gasped in awe, and Maria stood with a proud but modest smile.

Mark was next. He remembered Instructor Rivera's advice about focusing strength and precision into one decisive blow during the class. He calmed his mind, visualized the strike, and with a controlled but powerful punch, he struck the boulder. The force was concentrated and effective, causing the boulder to explode into pieces.

Each non-gifted student took their turn, channeling their unique strengths into single, powerful strikes. Mariana Flores, with her curvy yet strong physique, approached her boulder confidently. With one solid punch, she sent her boulder crumbling to rubble, showcasing her extraordinary strength.

Instructor Rivera nodded in approval as the last boulder fell. "Excellent work, everyone. This exercise was about more than just breaking a boulder. It was about understanding your strength and the importance of precision. You've all shown great potential."

Mark and Maria exchanged a glance of mutual respect. They had proven their strength, not just to themselves but to their peers. They knew this was just the beginning of their journey at the Hunters Academy.

With the boulder-smashing exercise complete, Instructor Rivera gathered the students for the next part of their training. "Now that you've demonstrated your physical strength, it's time to test your combat skills. Non-gifted students will pair up for one-on-one sparring matches. Remember, technique and strategy are just as important as strength."

Mark and Maria prepared for the sparring matches, ready to face their next challenge. The sun was still high in the sky, casting a golden light over the training field. As they took their positions, they knew that each step they took brought them closer to their goal of becoming skilled hunters and honoring their loved ones' legacies.