CHAPTER SIX:Wolfs in the coven.

Drusilla, Kendra and Raynel walked out of the huge forest in scilence. It was already dark. Drusilla drop down on the floor, she was hurt, but didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe that she would spend the rest of her life with a heartless wolve who is already with another woman, according to Hunter which was the truth . She shaked her head violently as tears poured down her eyes "no, no, I would not believe what he said. He's a liar!" She shouted in pain.

Kendra quickly rushed to her side and hugged her. She was in so much pain "he's not lieing Drusilla, you know it very well." Velda spoke and sighed. Drusilla knew Hunter was right but her heart couldn't just take it. Velda looks around, a secent crosses her nose, her eyes turns red "wolves." She said in anger. Kendra and Drusilla stood up immediately. They smelled it. "What are wolfs doing here?" Kendra asked. "I don't know, but let follow there scent." Velda was about to go but was held back "are you crazy, we have to report this to Consent Dracula ." Kendra said in a whisper. " see who's saying am crazy, if we report to this to my dad, game over. Let's just follow them." Drusilla spoke and led the way, Velda followed and Raynel reluctantly followed.

They went to the right side and saw five huge wolfs, all in brown, except for one which was in black. They transformed back to their human form. The black wolf was a tall girl. She was wearing black tank top, with a black trousers. A black kitty knit beanie and a black boot. Her red hair tied into a double trouble bun. "Is this where the most rebellious vampire after Dracula is?" She asked in a cold tone. "Yes your highness." A wolf soilder said. "Alright, burn down the place and set him free. Don't forget to throw th garlic."

Velda, Raynel and Drusilla gasp quietly. "We can't let them destroy this place, bring him out could bring caouse." Before they could act Vampire soilders had already arrived .They were already fighting them, they turned to their Vampire beats mode, while the wolfs turned to their wolf form. They were attacking. The girl ran out of the scene but Drusilla followed her in speed .

She turned and saw Drusilla behind her and she was landed a huge punch. She stumbles and falls on the floor.Drusilla get's on top of her. Her hands on her neck. "Who are and why are you here?" "Why should I tell you? get of me."

The girl pushed her and Drusilla flew but landed in her feet. She attacks her. She was in her vampire beats form. Her eyes were red with a black thin line. Her fangs elongated. They fought. Drusilla holds her by the hand and swings her, the girls hits her body on a tree. She stands up and and kicks her on the tummy. Both threw king-fu fights. Drusilla jumps and landed on her. She bites her throat sucking the blood out of her.

She falls to the ground, dead her body turns cold. Drusilla became energetic. She hadn't drank a wolf blood before and it was great. Blood dripping from her mouth, down to her jaw, then her cloths. She was satisfied. She looked at the dead body and smirked "when you get to hell, tell the devil I said hi." And she ran in a full speed, Velda and Raynel saw her, but didn't follow her because they knew she had drank a wolf blood and they knew how energetic she would be.

Drusilla kept running and running, running in full speed. She was out of the Vampire realm. She run to the wolf realm. She runs to her mate pack Dark a wood pack. She was still energetic. She runs to the pack house, her head in daze. She jumps in and wolf soilder saw her and were on high alert. They knew she was a vampire. They attack her but Drusilla was knocking down everyone that came her way. She was hitting them, she didn't know what she was doing at all. "Stop!" A loins feminine but authoritative voice shook . Everyone stopped except for Drusilla who was holding a guard by the neck and he was off the ground.

She was ready to drink his blood again but her eyes sighted Ulrich. The Alpha's mom. Atlas steps out, surprised to see her. Ulrich walks towards her. Drusilla flings the guard away "it's okay darling, relax." Ulrich, tryin to comfort her. "Mom get away from her !" Atlas shouts but she shot him a hard glare. She walks slowly to her. "Calm down darling." She said and she touched her and Drusilla's eyes wasn't as red as before but it was still red. "You're beautiful, can I have your blood." Ulrich smiled. She knew it wasn't easy to resist.

Drusilla looks up. Her eyes widen and her eyes became red again, her her busts and new hair began flowing, they were now red. Atlas on the other hand felt joy. His wolf was jumping in excitement shouting "Mate! Mate! Mate!" He retries to turn away but he couldn't, especially when her hair transformed into red and she looked so breathtaking.

Suddenly, Drusilla drops down and faint. Everyone stunned, At,as rushed to her side. He scoped her up "call the pack doctor, now!" He quickly took her inside, it before he could go he saw Fiona, tears welled up in her eyes. Ulrich noticed this she quick rushed and took him inside. Vega saw Fiona and she became angry. She walked up to her "what are your disgusting legs doing in this place?" She looked at Vega. Fiona stunned " I thought you left, and it was a sing you weren't coming back so, what's your reason?" Vega, afraid to speak "look Fiona, please let me stay, I only went to see my father….." "and how is that my business." "Please. Vega, let me stay, I have got no where to go, please."

Vega looked at her in annoyance and left. Fiona enters inside. "This is going to be trouble."