In the vampire coven. Every one worried about Drusilla. Velda, Raynel and Kendra on there knees. Their parents and Drusilla's parents were worried and furious "how could you five go to Hunter's Prison yard, do you know what you've done."Raul, The Count Dracula of Nightshade coven spoke in fury. "And you told me that your sisters went shopping with your mom. I can't believe you lied to me. I really didn't expect that from you." Thana said in disappointment.

Raynel bowed her in in shame. She knew out of the three of them , she was trusted the most. "Where do you think she ran of to?" Thana asked the triplets. Velda looks up "well, according to history, a vampire who drinks a wolf blood becomes so energetic, more powerful and crazy, not knowing what they are doing for an hour, but are put to sleep if they see there mate. If up through out that hour they could destroy a lot of things."

Everyone's eyes were on Velda "so should she be by now?" Raul asked. Velda looked at both Raynel and Kendra and they knew were she was. Kendra immediately mind link Velda "don't you dare do what I think you're about to do." Velda shot a glare at Kendra. "Well what do you want me to say, we can't lie, he would kill us." Velda mind linked her back with an angry tone. "Just make up something, that's what you're mostly good at."

An evil smirk rolled up on her face, Kendra knew immediately that she wasn't going to tell a small line. She immediately mindlink her"Velda d....." " you see your highness, Drusilla might be in any wolf pack. She might have been captured or even worse dead. If she isn't there that means she should be in the human world , burning to ashes or being cut down for exhibiton show. Or worse she could be for sale for just a billion dollars." A large gasp escaped from everyone's mouth. Thana was filled with fear, Raul angry and scared.

"Oh my moon godess. How did she drink a wolf blood?" Thana asked in anger. "We don't know , we saw her running after the lead girl and when we were searching for her she ran so fast. We realized she had killed the girl." Kendra quickly spoke up before Velda could add more lies.

"Guards !" Raul shouted in fury. Up two ten guards came out. "Fly and search the whole wolf clan, pack by pack, find my daughter, dead or alive and the name of the pack she was found.Vald, your in Charge. General khazar is with is mate who just gave birth.Go now !" "Yes sir !" The guards shouted in unisim and immediately turned to bat and began flying .

Raul looked at the triplets "as for you three, you would be on house arrest till my daughter is found and if she isn't, you wouldn't like what I'll do to you three." Raul left the hall in anger. All eyes were on the triplets. " I am so disappointed in the three of you, especially you Raynel, this is so much unlike you." Raynel's head, still facing the ground.

Three guards came in and handcuffed the triplets and took them away.


Drusilla was lieing down peacefully on the bed. Her red hair was gently laid on the pillow. Her beautiful features were just so evident. Ulrich was so happy. She sat down next to Drusilla, stroking her hand. She was just too beautiful. She couldn't control her joy that her son had found his mate and he could leave Vega alone. She was tired of seeing both of them together. It annoyed her. She would do anything in her power to destroy the relationship between both of them.

"She looks so beautiful mom, but why did her hair change?" Vega asked. Atlas, who is leaning on the wall next to the door was also wondering as well. "Well honey, vampires have their own way of knowing their own mate. Their heart beats rapidly fast, but that's only for those who has never had mate. Their hair starts changing to either purple or red . Their vampire also jump for joy just like how our wolf jumps in happiness when they find their mate. So I am guessing she has found her mate." Her eyes met Atlas which held anger.

Vega made an oh sound realizing why Drusilla acted that way. "But mom, why was she acting all delusional and all that." "She as drank the blood of a wolf and it's not one of our pack members." Atlas was ready to speak but when he herd his mom say it wasn't one of his pack members he calmed down.

He decided to leave. "And where do you think you're going to?" Ulrich asked and stood up. "Going out for a walk." He lied. "Or you just want to see that disgusting girl." Vega spoke and Atlas shot her a hard glare "watch your tongue Vega or else" Ulrich spoke in defense "or else what, you're going to skin her alive." A moment of scilence was formed.

" Now you listen to me, listens to me carefully, I don't want to see you around her, she isn't your mate and never will be, this is your mate, theonethe moon goddess as given you " Ulrich pointed to Drusilla who is still sound asleep. Atlas wishing he could kill her but his wolf was stopping him "she is not my mate, and never would she be. I would never be mated to a fucking vampire!" With that he left in anger. Atlas didn't understand his behavior at all. He was shocked by his own behavior. He never expected to have carried Drusilla. He felt this joy but immediately he dropped her on the bed he buried the feelings.

He went to one outside and was punching the walls really hard making him to bleed. He kept all his frustrations on the wall. He wanted to run , but he hated walks at. Ishtar so he stayed back. He remembered Fiona's sad face, he wanted to leave Drusilla but his mom intervened. He quickly looked for Vega and he found her. He had searched for everywhere but he knew she would be in the Garden.

She was standing and the moon light was reflecting on her. She looked so breathtaking. He walks towards her and wrapped his arm on her waist. She jolted and pushed him away immediately. "Don't you dare come near me!" Fake tears were visible in her eyes that fooled Atlas. "Fiona, please let me explain" Atlas said, trying to comfort her but she became more angry "explain what, I come back and I see you already getting smithned by her. I thought you said you love me!" She shouted in furry.

"I wasn't expecting you and believe me I don't love her!" Atlas said trying to defend himself, because he himself didn't understand why he carried Drusilla. "And you think I would believe? I am not a fool."Atlas sighed. He knew he had a lot of work to do. So he walk up to her and hugged her so tight. She struggles to move but he refuses bearing all the pains. " look Fiona, no matter what happens, I would always love you. I would never love her, she wouldn't be my Luna, you would." Vega calmed down. She was trying so hard to act, for him not to figure out her plan. He let her go and faced him, and looked deep into his eyes. They were just so beautiful, but she felt nothing, her mate was who she's inlove with. She felt sorr for using him for their father's advantage. "I'll forgive you on one condition" "which is?" She took a deep breath. "You would make me your Luna?"