

18 years ago I was reincarnated into this world my second chance at life thinking it would be easy but to my surprise, I was born into a poor man's family without anything in my name, and fatherless he abandoned them

In this world, I don't have anything to start with on this journey of a new life only my two hands and feet.

"Flashback ended"

Ezekiel! my mother called from across the rooms covered by curtains acting like walls to border our space this shout startled me out of my deep slumber.

Come get your breakfast she said; I drousily got up and started to move across the room to sit at the dining table made of old rotting board to my displeasure but there was nothing I could do about it we were poor.

Seeing my displeasure caused by our poor condition my mother turned around holding back tears that were not concealed completely causing me to see which took away a piece of my conscience with it.

"What is for breakfast" I said Soup my mother replied in my mind I said this old bland soup that always tasted like water never with flavor to not hurt her feelings but I was getting used to it the taste of water was not that bad I also thought to myself.

I Stated out loud I love your soup Mother it tastes delicious every time I tasted it my mother instantly smiled at my compliments which always brought a smile to her face that I always loved seeing although we were poor she was strong the face of a true warrior in the facing adversities.

As she put the half-broken wooden bowls on the table I drank the soup and got ready for school immediately left because I was going to run late for school but as soon as I exited through the door a loud thump was cast followed by a sound of crying which I didn't hear.

Because I was chasing down the old community bus that took me to school for free. Stop! Wait!" I called out, relief flooding me as the driver, Migel halted and welcomed me aboard. Migel, perhaps my only friend in this unfamiliar world.

Climbing onto the bus, Migel chuckled, "Is this the 234th time you've chased down the bus?" in his teasing manner. This led to a reply from Ezekel stating he was old but still had a sense of humor.

Well, my old bones still got it," he replied with a grin, finding solace in Ezekel's humor, and started laughing. go take a seat and let me drive before you make me laugh this bus into another vehicle!" [in a kind manner] Migel said while Ezekel complied with his wishes.

Settling into the crowded bus, lacking a seat, I stood, prompting Migel to jest, causing me to stumble slightly—an unintended amusement for him.

Within no time he arrived at his school the Summit Scholars Academy: Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders" academy he passed because of his high GPA of 3.6 "This...this... school is so big it was his 2 year at this institution and was still marveled by its grandeur. I want to make a boost load of friends this year" he said while making his way to his classroom.

Entering the classroom last, attention gravitated to my worn-out shoes and makeshift backpack, stitched together from remnants of cloth. Unfazed by their stares, I chose a seat next to Elizabeth, a girl who exuded a quiet confidence akin to mine.

Instantly, commotion stirred as an overweight boy, Edger, mocked my presence beside Elizabeth, one of the province's most esteemed students.

"I can smell the cheapness off you," Edger jeered, surprised when I retorted calmly, "We're here to learn and pursue goals. Wealth means little without courage."

Elizabeth laughed at my response which sparked a momentary calm, though lingering gazes betrayed their thoughts.

Turning to Elizabeth, I remarked on her beautiful smile, inviting a conversation cut short by her modest gratitude.

One thing he didn't know was that links and connections were a major thing in the world of business they needed to be forged and likes have a major role to play in forging links this is known to almost every businessman who is successful.

The teacher then tried to kick things off and lighten the mood by asking everyone to introduce themselves by coming to the podium and announcing it using the little mic they did this in all kinds of fancy ways except for one girl

She didn't look at me in any way like the other student so I decided to make my permanent seat beside her for the coming year of study and improvement which surprised her greatly for this action was never done before.

The class soon ended, and students dispersed, some chauffeured in luxury cars, others driving their own. I boarded Migel's bus, unperturbed by the opulence around me.

"Look at all those cars," Migel mused wistfully, "I'd drive one if given the chance. If I was Born into wealth, life could be different."

"Don't worry, Migel. I'll make it happen," I assured him. "One day, we'll live better."

Silence enveloped us until Migel announced my stop, a simple "thank you" marking my departure.

Returning home, my mother awaited anxiously. Passing back and forth as I saw this I announced my presence with a simple I'm home as I said this a furry of questions attacked me "How was school today?" she inquired, concern etched on her face.

"Good, Mother. Interesting," I replied, shedding my clothes and putting them up for another day.

Then I walked over to my bed and started to spread it very neatly so it was more comfortable then lay on it as sleep rushed me like a howling dog but Thoughts of Elizabeth lingered briefly before sleep claimed me.

Thoughts like should I move from where I sat and Why didn't she change her seat and move away from me but there were no answers because as soon as they came they went away like a fleeting goust.

While asleep, he dreamed vividly of buying a mansion, luxury cars, and donning suits from renowned brands. In this dream, he saw himself with a loving wife and children, and his mother joyfully exploring their new home.

His dream for the future was unwavering, and he was determined to achieve it by any means necessary, leveraging all available resources and his utmost effort. He refused to accept a life of perpetual poverty and was resolute that his vision must and would come to fruition.

He has been granted a second chance and intends to use it wisely. Unlike in his past life, where he squandered opportunities and riches coveted by many, he now understands the paramount importance of strength and wealth in this world. These are the uncompromising rules that govern success and influence here.

In this dream, his aspirations glimmered brightly, promising fulfillment.