"Fun" under the sun!

When I woke up, I'd never felt more alive


I slept in today because it was Saturday—no school, a day full of relaxation and free time just for myself. Knowing this, I got up, put on some clothes, and ran out the door, feeling free. I headed to the basketball court where the other boys were already playing, as they usually do from early morning until the afternoon.

As soon as I arrived, they saw me and asked if I wanted to join because they were short of one player. I happily agreed and then introduced themselves.

My name is Marcus and mine is Jaden nice to meet you while the next person didn't introduce himself. my name is Ezekel nice to meet you too.

"Alright, teams are set," Marcus called out, dribbling the ball with ease. "First to 21 wins. Let's go!"

I positioned myself, ready for action. Jaden passed the ball to me, and I dribbled down the court, my sneakers gliding over the pavement. I faked left, then crossed over to the right, slipping past my defender. With a quick jump, I launched the ball toward the hoop, watching it soar through the air. The swish of the net sent a surge of satisfaction through me.

"Nice shot!" Jaden shouted, clapping me on the back.

The game continued a blur of quick passes, sharp cuts, and powerful shots. Marcus was a force on the court, his tall frame making him an intimidating opponent. He weaved through defenders with finesse, his layups nearly impossible to block. Jaden, on the other hand, was quick and agile, always a step ahead of his defender. Together, we made a strong team.

As the game progressed, sweat trickled down our faces, and our breathing became heavy. But the fatigue only added to the intensity, pushing us to play harder. Each point was hard-fought, and every basket was celebrated with high fives and cheers.

"Watch out, I'm coming through!" Marcus yelled, driving toward the basket. I tried to block him, but he spun around me with ease, sinking the ball with a perfect layup.

"Too slow!" he teased, flashing a grin.

I laughed, catching the ball as it bounced back to me. "We'll see about that."

I dribbled up the court, keeping my eyes on the basket. Jaden moved to my left, signaling for a pass. With a quick flick of my wrist, I sent the ball his way. He caught it and immediately launched a three-pointer. The ball arched high, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. Then, it sank into the net with a satisfying swish.

"Yes!" Jaden shouted, pumping his fist in the air. "We're catching up!"

The score was close, and the tension heightened with each play. I felt the competitive spirit ignite within me, pushing me to give my all. As the game drew closer to the end, we poured our energy into each possession, determined to come out on top.

With the score tied at 20-20, the next point would determine the winner. Marcus dribbled the ball at the top of the key, surveying the court. I guarded him closely, my arms outstretched, ready to intercept.

He made a quick move, driving to the right. I followed, staying on his hip. As he approached the basket, he went for a jump shot. I leaped up, my hand reaching out, and managed to tip the ball, altering its path. It bounced off the rim and into Jaden's hands.

"Go, go!" I urged, sprinting down the court.

Jaden dribbled quickly, his eyes scanning the court for an opening. I positioned myself at the three-point line, and he passed the ball to me. With a deep breath, I took the shot, the ball leaving my fingertips with perfect rotation.

Time seemed to slow as the ball sailed through the air. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched it arc toward the hoop. It hit the backboard, bounced once on the rim, and then dropped through the net.

"Game!" I shouted, raising my arms in triumph. My teammate Jaden rushed over, clapping me on the back and cheering he multitasked.

"That was awesome!" Marcus exclaimed, still catching his breath. "You nailed it."

We gathered at the center of the court, sweaty and exhausted but exhilarated. The game had been intense, pushing us to our limits, but it was moments like these that made it all worth it. The camaraderie, the competition, the pure joy of playing brought everyone together.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the court, we sat on the sidelines, sipping water and recounting the highlights of the game. Laughter filled the air as we teased each other about missed shots and celebrated our victories like were close friends for a long time.

Not only that we lived close together to my delight As we walked home, I felt a sense of contentment, the satisfaction of a day well spent. Saturdays were truly the best—filled with basketball, laughter, and the bonds of friendship that were just created would last.

As everyone separated and went their ways, I continued, the danger was about to strike as I was the uptown area I witnessed 2 thugs stealing an old lady's handbag.

"These people thugs! I hate them. They have no regard for decency or hard work. Instead of striving to lift themselves out of poverty, they resort to preying on others. I witnessed it—an innocent old lady, frail and defenseless, targeted by 2 of them. They snatched her handbag, leaving her shaken and defenseless. It's despicable. We all face challenges, but choosing crime over integrity is a choice that harms everyone, especially those least able to protect themselves" I said in my mind.

Right after a loud shout was imited not befitting of an old lady was heard "stop them! that's my hand bag" she said without a second thought I ran out with a burst of speed which caused a cat and dog chase to insew.

After a while I caught up and retrieved the old lady's bag she thanked me perfusely by her looks and handbag I could see she was rich which I didn't pay any mind to then say your welcome and try to be careful next time.

Your a kind young man thank you once more the old lady said. No problem after all it was the right thing to do after saying this I walked off, reaching my house longing for a good sleep I fell in bed and dosed off.