Clubs! "It's selection day."

As Ezekel arrived at school, he was torn between the fun he'd had recently and a troubling incident, both of which weighed heavily on his mind. However, these thoughts were quickly interrupted by an announcement over the intercom.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm here to inform you about the club selection that will be held today. Please make your way towards the club hall and see which club you want to join," the announcement said.

This was the annual club selection event. Last year, Ezekiel didn't join a club, but this year was different. He knew exactly which club he wanted to join: basketball.

Excited, he rushed towards the club hall to find the basketball club. To his delight, he spotted his two new friends, Marcus and Jaden, heading in the same direction, so they all went together.

While walking, Ezekel asked if they were going to join the basketball club. Without hesitation, both replied with a resounding yes and returned the question, to which he answered affirmatively.

"Sweet!" Marcus exclaimed. "After all, we play well together. In fact, we're a formidable basketball trio," which led Ezekel and Jaden to laugh.

"What are you laughing for? Isn't that true?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, yes," they both replied in a sarcastic tone. Then Jaden added, "We need 11 players on a team to play a match, so three of us are too few."

As he said this, they arrived at the basketball club's signing-up desk. As they each took their turn signing up, the woman at the desk asked questions like, "Why do you want to join?" and "How much do you like basketball?"

They answered all her questions effectively.

While signing up, Ezekel couldn't help but reflect on the past year. Last year, he was hesitant to join any club. He felt out of place and uncertain about his interests. But over the weekend, he had discovered a passion for basketball.

Now, standing at the sign-up desk, Ezekel felt a sense of purpose and excitement. He knew this year would be different.

The woman at the desk then said Joining the basketball club isn't just about playing a sport; it is about being part of a team, building camaraderie do you get that, yes! The trio said collectively.

After they finished signing up, the trio decided to check out the other clubs. The club hall was bustling with activity. Tables were set up with colorful banners and enthusiastic members promoting their clubs. From the art club to the debate team, there was something for everyone.

"Look at all these options," Jaden said, marveling at the variety of clubs.

"Yeah, but we made the right choice," Marcus replied confidently.

As they wandered through the hall, they bumped into a few classmates who were also deciding which clubs to join. Some were passionate about music, while others were interested in science or drama. The atmosphere was lively, filled with chatter and laughter.

Ezekel noticed a table for the school newspaper and thought about how he used to enjoy writing. Maybe he could contribute an article about the basketball team's journey this year. It was an idea that intrigued him, blending his love for basketball with his interest in writing.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the club fair. The boys made their way to their next class, their minds buzzing with excitement for the upcoming basketball season. Ezekel felt a renewed sense of belonging and anticipation. He was no longer the uncertain student he was last year. He had found his place and his passion.

As they settled into their seats, the teacher began the lesson, but Ezekel's thoughts drifted back to the basketball court. He imagined the sound of the ball bouncing, the squeak of sneakers on the gym floor, and the thrill of making a perfect shot. He couldn't wait to start practice and see how far they could go as a team.

The day passed in a blur of classes and conversations, but the highlight remained the decision to join the basketball club. As Ezekel walked home that afternoon, he felt a sense of satisfaction. This year was going to be different. This year, he was going to make the most of every opportunity.

Another bell rang, signifying the end of school, and an air of excitement still lingered. Jaden, Ezekel, and Marcus met up after school at the basketball court near their homes.

In the stands, Ezekel asked, "Hey Marcus, what position do you want to play on the basketball team?"

"Center," Marcus said. He then turned to Jaden, who replied, "Power forward. What about you Ezekel?

"Point guard," Ezekel replied.

"Let's set a goal, but I can't pinpoint one for us," Marcus said.

"Hmm," Ezekel mused. "Let's just do our best and make the second-string team, then the first-string team."

Marcus nodded. "That sounds good. Jaden, what do you think?"

"That's fine with me. No objections here," Jaden agreed.

With that, Marcus suggested, "Let's do a 1v1. You up for it, Jaden?"

Jaden agreed without hesitation. As they went onto the court to play, Ezekel's mind drifted back to the incident when some thugs tried to steal an old lady's bag. "Why did the old lady look so much like Elizabeth? Isn't that weird?" he thought to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by his friends' voices saying, "That's game!" As they walked to the stands, Ezekel asked who won.

"Me!" Jaden responded. "I dunked on him for the finisher."

"That's harsh, Marcus. Are you going to take that?" Ezekel teased.

Marcus shrugged, showing his frustration. "Next time, I'm going to return the favor."

"Anyway, let's go home. It's getting dark, and I'm tired," Jaden said.

"Alright, let's go," they all agreed. At the intersection, they split up and went their separate ways. As they arrived home, they fell onto their beds, fast asleep.

He lay in bed, sound asleep, the gentle rise and fall of his breath barely audible. His mother entered his space quietly, a soft smile on her face. She moved closer and ruffled his hair gently, careful not to wake him. As she looked at him, she felt a warm surge of pride and happiness.

She whispered softly, "I'm so happy you're making friends." Her heart swelled with joy, seeing her son flourish socially. Knowing he was finding his place and connecting with others brought her immense relief. She kissed his forehead lightly before leaving the room, content and hopeful for his future.she then went to bed and sleep.