Keyleth (2)

Writer's POV:


"Come with me, Herdis let the men talk, we have a lot to catch up on." Mother said.


'When did we become so close.'

Herdis was about to decline but Razar beat her to it.


"Forgive me Your Majesty, but I will have to decline on Herdis' behalf. We encountered some trouble on our way here and we had to spend the night in a local inn. So we didn't get to sleep well enough and I am most certainly sure that my Wife is tired as of now. I plead that we are shown our ROOM and then we can catch up later on."


"That's..." The Queen wanted to say something which would surely have been rude but she was cut short by King Negah.


"Forgive our manners, it must have been such a long journey from Canterbury to Brussels, why don't I send someone to show you both your respective rooms."


"I thought I made a clear emphasis on the word, 'ROOM'. We need just one room, warm water to bathe, and food. That's all."


'What's wrong with Razar? Why is he being so rude? This is so unnecessary.' Herdis asked herself.


"Oh, yes. I will send for someone this instant."


And immediately King Negah called out for the Butler, Edmond. Who showed up in no time, then he ordered Edmond to direct Razar and Herdis to their room.


'Honestly I find it weird that Dad would suck up to someone like he did a while ago, it may seem as though there is something Razar hasn't told me.' Herdis commented inwardly.


Razar and Herdis were shown to the room, they were provided with warm water to bathe, but Herdis needed someone to assist her so she pleaded with Razar to call Rebekah but he insisted.


"Don't you think I should be the one to assist you?"


"Have you lost your mind, just tell Edmond to find Rebekah or send a random person."


"I don't know anyone here besides I can't just send anyone for all I know the person might not have an idea who your personal maid is. You shouldn't be too scared anyways. I don't find you appealing, you are too thin."


"You have really lost your mind. I am starting to think that you left your brains at the inn."


"Do you think so? Because I actually thought that I lost my brains when I fell off the cliff, we may need to search for it on our way back."


"You are mad Razar, you truly are insane."


"Stick to one Herdisan, am I mad or Insane? Because I for one thought that I was crazy."


"Please just get Rebekah, I need to take my bath then find a healer. My bones are in pain."


"On one condition then."


"One minute I think you can't any stoop lower, the next minute you stoop even lower than I expected."


"Enough of the insults, are you doing this or not?"


"Fine, what do you want?"


"Just give me your word, that you will do what I want when I ask for it."


"No, I refuse to sell my word to such risks."


"I promise I won't ask for anything out of bounds."


'I know I will regret this later but,...'




"Okay then, I will go find her."




Razar walks through the corridors starring both ways in search of a maid, when he accidentally bumps into someone.


"Forgive me." Razar apologized and turned to leave but was held back by the person.


"Excuse me, umm, you must be Razar. Forgive my manners I mean Prince Razar"


"Umm." Razar answered indifferently and turned to leave again but was held back again by the weird lady


"Sorry, but I thought you would reciprocate the question."


"What question?"


"Well I asked you who you were. I expected you to reciprocate the question, or are you not interested in my identity."


"I am truly not interested in knowing your identity."


"Oh that's fine."


"If that's all, I will take my leave then." He turned to leave once again but was held back once again


"Umm, sorry. I just wanted to know where you are going. Maybe I can be of help."


"Do you have an idea where I can find a maid?"


"Well you can tell me what you want, I may be able to assist."


"Are you a maid?"


"Do I look like one"


"What do maids look like?" Razar asked coldly.




"I believe you have working ears."


"Yes I do, I just wanted to know what you wanted so I can send a maid to your room."


"Fine, help me find my wife's personal maid. I think her name is Rebekah, tell her that she is needed urgently."


"Is that all you need?"


"Should I want more?"


"No I mean, forget it. I am Keyleth, your wife's twin sister. I am surprised you didn't notice the similarity, we are quite identical."


"I don't think so."


"I understand your views. I have heard people say I am the cuter version while she is the prettier one."


"If having large eyes and a short stature are considered cute then they may be right. I will return back to my room if that's all, please do not forget to find the maid and refrain from holding me back. It's annoying."


With that being said Razar went back to the room, while Keyleth stood there shocked.

'I have never seen anyone so handsome, he is rude yet polite. How unfair it is that she has him all to herself, this won't work. I need to do something.'




'Razar and I have never shared a bed before, he always leaves the room after taking a shower and goes to God knows where. But tonight seems different, he has taken a shower, and even had dinner, but he is still seated on the couch skimming through a book. I thought he would have left while the healer came but no he didn't. I have no idea if he is planning to stay on the bed with me or stay on the sofa.'