Cassandra & Regald

Writer's POV:


"You could have just said, 'Your Welcome', you don't always have to retort."


"How ironic, Mr. Pot decided to call Mr. Kettle, black."


"I don't understand, what is that supposed to mean?"


"I wasn't expecting your Petite brain to understand."


"What's Petite?"


"Your brain."


"What does petite mean?"


"It means you have a small brain."


"How dare you."


"Go to sleep."


Suddenly he pulled her to his side and hugged her forcefully. Herdis tried to break free but she wasn't strong enough to break free from his hold, so she had no choice but to sleep in that weird position.


'Guess I am going to have to ask Cleopatra why Cassandra looked exactly like me.' Herdis said then drifted off to sleep.




Canterbury was on fire; it was as though the devil had come to earth. It seems the devil came in humanoid form, he had the body of a man, large black wings on his back, large black claws, and two horns that stood on the top of his head.

He stood in the air and shot fire from his hands and tore people apart with his hands. All efforts to stop him were useless, Witchers tried but failed, Gorgons tried but failed, Scales tried but failed. Even Priests sent from the Church Of England tried but failed.


Suddenly out of nowhere some shot fire at him. The devil turned to see who wanted to fight fire with fire, and saw a familiar face, it was the love of his life Cassandra. He came down and walked up to her.


"What do you think you are doing?" He questioned.

His voice sounded like thunder and carried the weight of a thousand voices.


"I am saving you." Cassandra replied.


"No, you are saving them or can't you see that I am winning, they acknowledge me now, no one can dare to call me weak again."


She places her hands on his chin and cries bitterly,

"I am not saving them, it's you that I am saving, this is not you speaking it's that demon inside you, just let me take it out and all will go back to normal."


He slapped her hands away,

"Then I become weak again, they start bullying me again, people will turn their backs on me once again, you put this demon inside of me in the first place so why take it out now."


"I told you countless times Regald, I warned you countless times not to succumb to the rage this demon will bring, I told you to fight it, if you had listened to me only then would you have been able to control the demon."


"Cleopatra was right, you truly are selfish, you only care for yourself. You put these demons in me so that I can do your bidding but now that I want to do something for myself you want to take it out."


"Don't do this Regald, don't do this now please I am begging, I need to separate this demon from your soul before it gets too late, if I waste anymore time you will be taken over by this demon fully."


"Get out of here this instant lest I burn you to bits." Regald commanded.


"If your soul gets possessed fully by that demon and I end up taking it out of your body, your soul will go along with it and you will die, so make a choice it's either you let me take out that demon peacefully and quietly or we fight to death."


"You have already made up your mind to kill me, that's fine, let's see who gives up first."


Regald tapped his right hand on the bare ground and suddenly a sword sprang up, it was black and had red lights emanating from it. Cassandra brought out twin swords from a sash at her back, then the battle started.


Regald's sword clashed with Cassandra's, and one of her swords went flying, when their swords clashed again her second sword was thrown to ground. Regald ran as fast as a lighting bolt towards Cassandra and was about to stab her with his sword when he was suddenly held back by vines that sprouted from the ground.

While Regald struggled to get himself loose from the bounds of the vines, Cassandra whispered strange spells under her breath that weakened him.


"What are you doing to me?"


She ignored him and kept on chanting strange spells. Regald broke free from the vines and once again tried to make his way to Cassandra when he suddenly fell to the ground his whole body felt weak, his legs and hands were wobbly and his sword fell to the ground.


"What the hell are you doing to me"


She walks up to him, using a stick she draws a large circle then she drags him to the center, she sits down on the ground then places his head on her laps, and continues to chant spells but this time around it wasn't whispered. As the chants grew louder Black smoke sipped out of his mouth, his veins turned dark, his wings turned to dust and disappeared into thin air, so did his horns and his sword. When the smoke had stopped coming out of his mouth he started to cough out violently until a large amount of black blood came out.


"I am sorry, please forgive me." Cassandra kept on repeating those lines as she cried and screamed altogether.


"I feel happy, I feel really happy." Regald kept on trying to talk but the more he tried he coughed out the more.


"Shh, don't talk anymore, okay, just save your energy."


"It's too late already, if we ever meet again I won't let you win."

And that was it, that was the last word Regald said then he died.

She kept on trying to get him to say something, but he laid there lifeless.

When it dawned on her that he was dead she started screaming loudly, the more she screamed the more the fire burned harder and buildings collapsed. She had no idea what she was doing; she just kept screaming until the fire consumed both her and Regald's corpse; she kept on screaming until her body burnt to bits.