Were you missing me?

Writer's POV:


Herdis felt someone drape a robe around her shoulders so she turned around to see who it was…


"Razar." She called out.


"Umm." He answered indifferently.


"Where have you been?"


"Were you missing me? Damsel."


"No I, I just." Herdis stuttered


"How long have you been standing out here, your hands are cold." He says while holding her hands tightly.


Herdis bowed her head feeling a little embarrassed. "Not that long."


"Let's go inside."


Suddenly she felt her feet hanging in the air, she didn't realize he had lifted her up until she felt her back hit the soft bed.


Herdis rested her back on the headstand, then glared at him. She had no idea if she was glaring out of anger or shyness.


"If your eyes were guns, I would probably be dead by its bullets."


"What do you mean?"


"I trust that you have working brains." He said ignoring her questions then continued,

"What's wrong, you looked aggrieved?"


"Can we leave for Canterbury today?"


"Is that what was bothering you? Are you tired of Brussels?"


"I just want to go home."


"Did your plans for escape fail?"


"Pardon me."


"Weren't you planning to see that Lanky Councilman, or am I wrong?"


Herdis's head hung low at his indirect mention of the name, Ceres. She felt a sharp pain in her heart.

'Is this what heartbreak feels like?'


"Things didn't go as planned." She answered.


"Did he dump you?"


"That's a rude question to ask." She was holding back the tears that threatened to fall.


"If we leave for Canterbury today, we may have to stop at an Inn to rest at Sundown, for security purposes."


"I am okay with that."


"What about the King, he might be against us leaving after all you are involved with the current case on ground."


"You can do something about it right."


"I didn't expect you to have such faith in me."


"Well you seem to have something against my Father, am I right?"


"You are not all dumb."


"That means I am right, you have something against him."




"What is it?"


"Do your research, Damsel."


"Why do you always say that when the discussion gets interesting?"


"I will get Rebekah to assist you with packing while I go get things ready for the Journey."


"Why are you ignoring my questions?"


"Get prepared."

That was literally all he said then left.


'I guess convincing My dad wasn't as hard as I thought.'


Razar and Herdis are currently seated in a Carriage on its way to Canterbury.


While Razar was flipping through some reports Herdis just stared outside the carriage windows in deep thoughts.

When Razar's voice awoke her from her thoughts,


"Did you Love him that much?"


"Huh." Although she knew who was referring to, she was too shocked at the sudden question.


"The Lanky Councilman? I don't recall his name though."


"You mean Ceres." She acted like she was completely unaware of who the Lanky Councilman was.


"So that's his name, I can't help but wonder what you found amusing in that young man, he is neither tall nor handsome, from my view he is quite Lanky and dwarfed."


"Just because you are tall and handsome doesn't mean other people aren't amusing, they just happen to fall short before you."


"Never thought that I would hear you praise me, I had no idea that you thought of me as handsome and tall."


"Was that all you could pickup from what I said earlier, I am starting to think that you are a Narcissist. Are you a Narcissist, your highness?"


"Well yes I am, Milady, after all you yourself had acknowledged that I had an insatiable pride, or am I wrong?"


"No you are not, what I find funny is that although you aren't ignorant of your imperfection you refused to work on it?"


"You see it as imperfection, while I see it as a rare gift?"


'How Psychopathic.'


"Are you Okay?"

He asked, referring to the Ceres incident.


'Funny, how is he not upset that his wife has another man in her heart?'


"I am fine, thanks for caring."


"Umm, care to share what happened."


"I would like not to, it is embarrassing."


"He mattered that much then."


"I have no idea, he was the only person that truly cared for me while I was in the Witchers Cavern."


"What about your Mother, though you never mentioned her."


"Queen Veronia, she never saw me as her daughter after all I have only known her for six years."


"I heard you were abducted at birth, by your foster parents."


"My foster parents found me after, Queen Nimona and the midwife threw me away, I don't know the full story but after I was found by Keyleth, Queen Nimona confessed that a Priestess told her that the daughter birthed by Queen Nimona was destined to be a Queen, she felt upset that the daughter of a Concubine turned Queen, would rule the Witchers Clan. So she paid the Midwife to kill me, but out of sympathy the Midwife threw me into the forest, and I was found by my foster father, on his way back from a trade."


"Why did the royal household take so much time to search for you?"


"Apparently, my Mother had no idea that she had twins, the only people that had any ideas were Queen Nimona and the Midwife, they had planned to tell my mother that she had a stillborn, but when a second daughter sprang out the Midwife out of sympathy refused to kill the second daughter. When Queen Nimona found out that the Midwife didn't Kill Keyleth she murdered the Midwife to protect her secret. When I was found by Keyleth and it was announced that I lacked Mana, they already knew that it was Keyleth that was the destined Queen."


"Was she punished?" He asked.


"Queen Nimona?"




"Well yes she was, stripped of her title as Queen and was sent to The Bishop Of Canterbury to serve as his Maid."


"Why then do you refer to her as Queen."


"It just happens to be something that I am used to."