Lady Ximena (1)

Writer's POV:


"Did things end well with the Council?" Razar asked Nicholas.


"Yes it did Commander, Cyrium handled things quite well. Umm, Commander, I forgot to add something earlier."


"And what's that."


"The Messenger that came bearing The Queen's letter, came with a news. Apparently Alongside the Queen and Princess Lorena, Lady Ximena would also arrive in Canterbury in two days time."


The sudden mention of the name Ximena, changed Razar's mood,


"Is that so?"


"It happens to be so, Commander."


"Hand me Cleopatra's letter." Razar ordered coldly.


"Here it is Commander." He says with his hands stretched out


After reading Cleopatra's letter, his brows furrowed, his face looked ashen and pale. It seemed as though the letter harbored even worse news than Ximena's return.


"Nicholas." He called out.


"Yes Commander."


"Get the Carriages ready, I will be leaving for the Church immediately."


"Of course, Commander." Nicholas bowed his head in respect and left the study.




Herdis rushed out of the room after she saw Razar entering a Carriage. Luckily she was able to reach the Castle doors before he left, on seeing her he came down from the carriage and walked up to her.


"Is there a problem?" He questioned


"I think that question goes both ways, why are you leaving so soon. Did something happen?"


"I would like to visit the Church, The Bishop requested for my Presence urgently."


"Okay then, when will you be back."


"I may or may not be back today. Mother and Lorena will be coming back in two days' time, so I assure you that I will be here before their arrival."


"Is it urgent? What you have to do at the Church is it urgent?"


"It seems so, the Bishop has never requested for my presence personally, the matter to be discussed may be dire."




"Do you have something you would like to share, maybe something that's bothering you?" He asked.


"I do but it doesn't seem to be as urgent as yours may be, we shall discuss once you return."


"We certainly will. Take care of yourself."


"You too."


Herdis watched him board the carriage, and the Coachman rode off.


'I really wanted to tell him what happened few minutes ago'





Herdis runs into the room and locks the door shut, then lays down on the bed face down.


After a while she sits up with her back resting on the headstand.


"Where's Rebekah with my Luggages." She whispered.


She turns and starts searching for something in a medium sized Wardrobe placed at the side of the bed. While wearing a Victorious Smirk on her face she lifts up a familiar Book.


It was The Strange Book found in the Late Princess Yves' Box.

Herdis was flipping through the book when a piece of paper fell out, lifting it up she found strange scribbles that seemed almost impossible to understand.


She was about to place it back, suddenly she felt a jolt similar to a Shock gotten from an electrical Machine pass through her bones and flashes of images ran through her mind, she could hear strange unfamiliar voices, but she couldn't decipher what was going on.

After a few tries she was finally able to concentrate and she saw.





A young girl was seated on a table flipping through some old book and scribbling things down on a piece of paper, when an older guy walked in,


He pats her head then places a kiss on her cheeks.


"When will you give up on this? Yves you have been going on and on with this book ever since it was found." The man said.


But the young girl only stared back at him without giving him a reply, as if understanding her Silence he sent the two maids present at the library out.


"You can speak now, Yves, they are gone." He said, then took a seat opposite her.


"I., I ju., just want., to fi., find out about., Cass., Cassandra and Re., Regald."


"We already know enough about those two, and besides you don't understand Thordak so why do you think that Book is about them."


"The., this is,., Cassandra's first an,., and on., only book,., she has to write something ab., about Regald at least. Be,. Besides, I don't want to Learn about their lo,. Love from anyone else I wou,. Would rather see it fr., From her view."


"You don't know Thordak, and you don't have any Witch to tutor you. Or do you?"


"I will sur,., Surely find a way."


"I will find a way for you, as long as it's something you love i don't mind abducting a Witch."


"Yo,. You don't ha,., Have to do something so reck,., Reckless Xerxes."




He gave a nonchalant shrug then proceeded to pat her head.




While watching Razar ride off, Herdis made a decision. She decided to visit Cleopatra, too many strange things have been occuring ever since The Birth Of Creekside.


'I need to see her first.'


Herdis turned to Nicholas and asked. "Where is Razar going exactly?


"Well the Bishop Of Canterbury is currently in The Church Of England at the moment so he should be heading to Westminster."


"Okay that's fine, is Cleopatra also there currently?"


"Not really, Milady."

'Could she be suspecting the Commander of being Promiscuous.' Nicholas thought.


"Where is she as we speak?"


"In Canterbury, Milady."


"Which Church Precisely Nicholas?"


"Oh Forgive me Milady, She is in the Canterbury Cathedral as we speak, Milady."


"Okay then prepare a carriage for me to Canterbury Cathedral."


"If I may Milady, can I ask why you have to be there so urgently."


"I just want to get to know the role I need to play in the Church as the future Queen Of The Werewolf Clan. Do you have a problem with it Nicholas?"


"No I do not, but I may need to report your movements to the Commander once he returns."


"I have no problem with that, Nicholas. Now where is Rebekah with my luggages."


"She should be in her room, Milady. I told her earlier not to disturb, as you looked quite sick when you ran into your room. I will send another Maid to bring your Luggages this instant."


"Okay and while you are at that tell another Maid to prepare to be my escort to the church."


"I will, Milady."


"Good, I will now take my leave."