Are You Done Staring?

Writer's POV:


Due to the fact that the Werewolves hold the Mantle Of Power in Europe, a pack or two is always sent to any town that has been infiltrated by a Plague.

Several Werewolves lost their lives, of which Prince Xerxed and Princess Yves also lost their lives.


The Witchers have been completely uncooperative in the Ordeal with the Plagues, because they are very few of them and they are mostly Situated in Western Europe. The First Eight Plagues have only attacked Cities and Towns in Eastern Europe. So they remained Uncooperative until the Ninth Plague came and they discovered that it would be unwise to let this set of Demons infiltrate their lands only then were they willing to assist.




Just like always Razar woke up before Herdis could, she was currently having her Breakfast. Unlike her usual schedule, she bathed before Breakfast. She had Porridge for Breakfast and Some fruit tart for dessert.


After Breakfast Rebekah and Herdis went to their respective carriages. When she got into the carriage she found out that Razar was asleep, so she decided not to disturb him, as she rarely found him asleep, this only meant that he was tired.


'Was he not able to sleep last night.'


The rest of the journey to Canterbury was quite boring for Herdis, she had no one to nag, so I slept off.

She woke up when the Coachman announced their arrival, she turned to tap the sleeping Razar but she found him awake staring at her.

She felt really shy, and embarrassed.


 'How can he look at me so casually, almost as if nothing happened between us last night. Wait, what's wrong with me, nothing happened between us, we just hugged each other to sleep. That's all, it's not such a big deal.'


"Are you done staring?"


Herdis shrieked the moment she realized that I was staring at his lips, but she refused to accept defeat.


"I wasn't staring, I was just."


"You were just what? Umm."


"You know what, I don't have to explain myself to you, because I owe you no explanation."


"For the first time in History Princess Herdisan Silver, refuses to explain herself, that makes me suspect you even more, maybe you weren't only staring you probably raped me with your eyes."


Maybe Herdis would have retorted if she was in her right senses, right now her mind was still trying to confirm what he just called her. For the first time he acknowledged her as his Queen, for the first time he addressed her with his Surname, Princess Herdisan Silver, that sounded great in Herdis's ears.


"Hey are you there? What's wrong with you?" He snapped his fingers trying to wake her up from her day dream




"What's wrong with you today, did you bang your head or did something hit you hard on the bed?"


Herdis didn't spare him any more time to taunt her further, she held her gowns with both hands and pushed the carriage doors open with her legs, then hopped down and ran into her room. She felt even more ashamed while running, all the maids and guards present had seen her red face, they could probably guess what was going on in her head. She had no idea what happened after that because she locked herself in the room.


Razar stood at the door of the Castle wondering why Herdis behaved that way.


'Could she be sick?' He asked himself.


He was lost deeply in thoughts until Nicholas's voice brought him back.


"Welcome back Commander, how was the journey?"


"It was fine Nicholas, is there anything else?"


"Umm, I was curious, is the Princess sick?"


"Does she look sick? Nicholas."


"I have no idea Commander, from the words of the maids she looked beet-red and probably ran to throw up."


"Then could it be food poisoning?" Razar asked.


"Umm, it may be that the Princess is with a Child, or has nothing transpired with the both of you as of yet? Forgive my intrusive question."


"Are you loyal to me or to my Mother?"


"Excuse me, Sir." Nicholas said, acting as though he did not understand what Razar said.


"I believe you have working ears, Nicholas. If these questions are for your next report to my Mother, you better have a rethink. You are allowed to report anything and anyone to my Mother except my wife, is it clear Nicholas?" Razar warned.


"Yes it has been made clear, Commander."


"Better, anything else?"


"Well yes but this is quite confidential. It would be nice if we could discuss it in your study."


"Lead the way."





Nicholas brought some papers and envelopes from a shelf not too far from Razar and placed it on the table before him.


"Are you waiting for me to ask what these things are or will you cut to the chase." Razar said coldly.


Nicholas lets out a hearty chuckle then says, "Umm, these envelopes came from Your Mother and your sister Lorena."


He hands Razar an envelope, after skimming through it he said.


"So apparently Mother and Lorena will be coming back in two days." Razar commented.


"Is that so, then I have a lot to prepare." Nicholas said, then stretched out his hands with a large envelope placed in between his palms. "Here this papers are records sent by your brothers, Uriel, Tyrian and Xerxes." He continued.


While Razar skimmed through the papers Nicholas explained. "Well while you were in Brussels the council demanded that they wanted to hear the recent news on the Second Tier Vampires, and since you requested that no one disrupted your time in Brussels.

Cyrium had to stand in your place, he read the records to the Council, to prevent any future problems.


In Uriel's records he stated that the Vampires at the Cave he was to watch over seem to be hibernating. For some strange reason he feels they are gathering their strength for something.


In Tyrian's records he stated that the Demons at his Cave are feeding on themselves till death, he also stated that the last vampire at the cave killed itself.


While Xerxes mentioned something strange, he said that the vampires at his side are moving north, and when he checked their previous cave to find anything that might link to why they are moving quietly without attacking, he found scribbles on the wall.

Apparently they were calculating the next Eclipse, which is rumored to be in the next few weeks, he also stated that they are not like other Demons that were set to kill, he claimed that these vampires were smart and calculative. That's all these reports said Commander."