The Sixth Plague

Writer's POV:


"Are you unable to breathe through your nose?." His cold voice rang out, breaking the existing silence.


Herdis was too shocked to react or answer, because it meant that he knew she was awake all these while.


"Don't you have working ears, are you unable to breathe through your nose?" He asked again.


"I,.,I c,.,can." She stuttered.


"Then why are you breathing loudly through your mouth? Are you unaware that I have sensitive ears, how I am to sleep if you keep on breathing loudly."


"Am sorry." Herdis apologized then hid under the duvet again.


"Get that thing off your head."


When she heard his cold voice she immediately felt scared and she stuck her head out with my eyes shut tightly.


"Why are you awake?" He questioned


Herdis turned to look at him, then said. "I can't sleep, besides I have been sleeping a lot for the past few days."


"That's you, I haven't had a wink of sleep these past few days, so please do not delay my sleep any further with your loud breathing."


"Am sorry, I will go to sleep now."


"Better, and remember the night is too hot. I don't want to feel even more uncomfortable because of your unladylike snores."


"Excuse me, but I don't snore."


"I believe that is for the Beholder to judge, now go to sleep."


Herdis shut her eyes tightly in an attempt to sleep but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. She kept on tossing and turning on the bed.

She heard his unsteady breath and according to his weird laws he should still be awake, so she took the opportunity to ask a mind pricking question.


"Why do you always put on long sleeved shirts and gloves even to sleep?"


Without opening his eyes he replied. "I believe our fashion sense differs, I don't question your wardrobe, or do I?"


"Well no, you do not, but I believe you should at least put on a light shirt if you feel hot."


Herdis had no idea if her words had triggered a beast in him, because he suddenly grabbed her by the hands and pushed her back towards his chest, attempting a bear hug, no it was an actual bear hug. He held her hands and waist tightly so much that struggling was almost impossible.


'Not like I wanted to struggle.'


She could feel his breath on her neck, he nuzzled her hair, then went down to her neck, he replaced his nose with his mouth. He placed kisses all over her neck, and bit her several times. Herdis bit her lower lips tightly to avoid making any weird sounds.

And when she felt his hands move all the way down to her legs, attempting to lift her Petticoat up, she held his hands.


"Do you know that heat affects werewolves more than cold does, so would you rather have me lay shirtless due to the heat at your own risk."


For the first time in her life Herdis did not have the urge to retort.


 'He was completely right, I may lose control if I see him shirtless and there will be no one to stop us from doing anything stupid.'


Herdis tried to wiggle her way out of his arms, but he held her down much tighter than before, it was impossible to escape.


"Just stay put, I won't do anything reckless."


"But I."


"I promise, I am not so weak just trust me, I only wish to sleep while holding you this way, nothing more."


Herdis had no idea when she slept but if there's one thing she was sure of. It was that she slept like a baby




In the Sixth Month of the year 1749 the Sixth Plague attacked Budapest, a Town in Eastern Europe that is highly populated by Sirens and Mermaids.



The Nemean lion, Greek Neméos léōn; Latin: Leo Nemeaeus. was a monster in Greek mythology that lived at Nemea. Because its golden fur was impervious to attack, it could not be killed with mortals' weapons. Its claws were sharper than mortals' swords and could destroy any strong armor.

In Bibliotheca, Photius wrote that the dragon Ladon, who guarded the golden apples, was his brother.

According to Hesiod, the lion was raised by Hera and sent to terrorize the hills of Nemea.

According to Apollodorus, he was the offspring of Typhon. In another tradition, told by Aelian (citing Epimenides) and Hyginus, the lion was "sprung from '' the moon-goddess Selene, who threw him from the Moon at Hera's request.

The Nemean Lion was gifted with supernatural mystic powers and was virtually undefeatable. With all the same features of a normal lion, amplified strength, along with impenetrable skin - this vicious beast seemed almost unstoppable.


Nemean Lion Claws, their skin can be damaged by their own claws or those of another Nemean Lion.


Nemean Lions have no protection from strangulation or drowning.



According to Osphaus and Corvin, A Siren and A Merman, it was impossible to wound the Demon, so their Commander Prince Gregor, ordered them to try Asphyxiation.

The Sirens using their song, lured these Lions to the water and while they were in the water the Spell had washed from their eyes so The Mermaids held them till they drowned. But unfortunately before this idea was brought up many lives had already been lost.

Several sirens and mermaids died that day as Budapest was mostly populated by them.

Prince Nicha, Mahum, Exodus, Redux, and Hirocha of the Scales Clan lost their lives in the battle with The Nemean Lion.

Princess Herodis, Herodia, Mantilla, Nevika, Jewels, Opharo, Fugo, Nero, Nacheska, Makbett and Qora, ten Princesses out of the thirteen Princesses of The Scales Clan lost their lives in the battle with the Nemean Lion.

The Human King, King Edgar sent Eight groups of Mercenaries to assist his in-laws in the fight against the Nemean Lion. But it was of no use as these Eight groups died in a span of twelve Minutes.

Out of Fear that the Demons may infiltrate Russia a City in Eastern Europe that is highly populated by Gorgons, King Duncan sent a Den of Gorgons to assist the Scales Clan in their Fight, the troop was headed by Three Princes, Prince Ashta, Sherpa and Ivandor, who alongside their troop lost their lives in the Battle.