Day 0: 1 Year.

There would always be other worlds other than Earth, or so some have said. But that would only be a myth, a legend, a mystery.. But is it really?

For those that have died, they could either, restart life again, or perhaps go to heaven or hell.

But one thing is for sure...

Is that, the term God, is always powerful everywhere.

"...I've had enough." A young god said, clearly annoyed and frustrated over a serious matter. In an empty room, only filled with the color white as if it was just blank, and a sphere that is floating at the center of said room. He suddenly opened a door as he walks out of the room.

From there, the place where all Gods, Angels, and Protectors were staying, or to say the least, living in. The place some called Haven, rather than Heaven, as it was a peaceful paradise for all the beings.

Although the place almost looks like a modern city in Earth, due to how much influence they have caused, and because their building designs are overall better.

As the young god, exits what looks like his house. He looked over to the side of the road, eyeing at the what seems the tallest building of the entire Haven.

Without wasting any second, rather than walking over there or running, he simply appeared in front of the most esteemed and high ranked gods. That are called The Elders, as they have lived for much longer, and experienced more than the current gods of the generation. How are they born you ask? That's only a mystery for now.

As the young god stood in front of the 5 Elders, each one of them sitting down on a throne, horizontally place as well, as the middle one spoke.

"So what brings you here young one?" Said by him, giving the young god a gentle smile as the others beside him nod.

"I would like to speak with you all about a certain matter that is relevant to my world." The young god said, as he kneeled on one knee while bowing his head towards the five of them, showing respect as he should.

"I see.. So we've heard from your reports that, despite 365 reincarnated humans on the planet Earth has arrived from your world, none have succeeded in either killing the demon king, nor achieving true peace, am I correct?" He spoke while raising an eyebrow, his expression had the look of one that was disappointed yet a gentle one.

The young god could feel it just from the stare as he nodded weakly.

"Y.. Yes. Unfortunately, none have succeeded, but I propose a solution in order to solve this problem." Suddenly, he stood up, wanting the Elder Gods to take interest on what he has planned.

Of course, they were curious too, so the five of them nodded, with the middle one asking. "And what could it be, young one?"

The young god would inhale softly before letting it out, then looking at them as he spoke with full confidence.

"Allow me, to destroy my own world."

The Elder Gods were clearly not expecting this, despite living a much longer life and having more knowledge about everything, they have never seen, or at least, heard from a God that they'd want to destroy their world.

The furthest right of the Elder Gods stood up from her chair as she spoke. "That's preposterous! A God destroying his own world?! There's no such thing as a Destroyer! We are only Protectors for eons!"

The young god stayed silent, his plan was to hear about their opinions first before speaking.

As the Elder God, the one next to the middle one, from the left, stood up and looked at the young god. "Why would you want to destroy your own world? What good will it bring?"

The Elder God in the middle raised his hand, making the standing Gods sit back down on their throne, he sighed before staring at the young god in front of him, he can tell just from his eyes that he was not an easy one to convince.

"This may be, the first time that we heard of this.. Although, can you tell me your reason?" He spoke, not being disappointed nor angry, but rather, interested.

"Oh.. Of course. Since many of the reincarnated humans I've sent to the world hasn't succeeded, wouldn't it be better for the God of the world take the matter in his own hands? I created it. I should also have the permission to destroy it." The young god spoke, his body movement while explaining was confident and determined as well. Showing that he was serious about it.

"I see.. Well then."

The Elder God chuckled before standing up on his throne, walking over to the young god as he gives his hand out to him.

"I give you permission to do so."

The four Elder Gods on the throne were shocked, yet they remained calm and composed, not wanting to be against the idea, so they just sat down and kept their mouth shut.

As the young God was relieved, before shaking the Elder God's hand.

"I thank you."

Before disappearing out of thin air once the handshake was over.

The Elder God returned to his middle throne, sitting down as he couldn't help but let out another chuckle once again while crossing his arms.

"That one, could change the outcome of the upcoming future." He said as he smiled cheerfully, the other Elder Gods were confused. Before the furthest from the left spoke.

"The outcome? You don't mean.. The one about the prophecy?" She asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Indeed. For Eons, we have been Protectors of our world. None has been a destroyer.. Until now."

The Young God's POV.

I appeared back into my room. Now finally having the Elder Gods approval, I can now destroy the world I was sworn to protect.. Many lives will be lost, although, with the countless wars, endless killing, and destruction that they cause, it's time I put an end to it.

I direct my attention towards the sphere that was floating at the center of my room. Walking towards it, I tap it twice to see the Planet, or the World I protected for many years.

But this time. Things shall change from now on.

I hold the sphere in my hand, as it started glowing brightly, without any hesitation. I spoke.

"Bring Forth."


As the final battle was about to commence. The Hero and The Demon King, were staring at each other from afar, as the Demon King's Castle was already in ruins, The Hero's four party members were already injured and exhausted. Only leaving the two protagonists, and antagonist, to fight it out.

"To think you could still have your head high in front of me.. How noble of you!" Said by the Demon King, although she was a woman, but the title King made her even more terrifying than the title Demon Queen.

Having a very purple-ish body, her clothes resembling as of royalty, of course all-black was the one fitting for her, she doesn't have a crown, but what she has is the End Staff. Only those who of higher rankings can only world it. And she, is no exception.

"Well, you never aimed for my head, so obviously I'll keep it high just to toy with you.." Said by The Hero, who is also a woman. She was the 365th reincarnated human from earth that has arrived here from the other world.

Her looks being that of a beauty, seems like she was one lucky gal, having red-ish yet brown-ish short hair, her clothes not being covered by a whole knight armor but with what she likes and how the design looks like. Crop top like shirt and some long pants, not really fit for adventuring but it somehow made her reach this far.

"I, Naya, shall defeat you once and for all!" Said by The Hero who is known as Naya, who abandoned her Earth name for this name, then unsheathing her sword as she points the sharp edge at the Demon King.

The Demon King laughs, shortly before turning the End Staff into a spear. Oh yeah, it can only turn into different weapons depending on the wielder so.

"And I, Kiyu, would like to see you try!"

As both Naya, and Kiyu prepared their stance, Naya having the usual swordsman style stance, as Kiyu, grabs her spear then positioning it from behind, as her left arm raises up directly at Naya, forgot what this stance was.

The final battle of this world was about to happen.


Both the Hero and the Demon King looked over to the forest, they couldn't help but jump far away from the nearby forest, sweat started forming on their head slowly as the Naya looks to her party members, her expression that of a panicked and scared one. "Everyone! Go and hide!"

The party members couldn't refuse or at least offer some help, as they would only hold her back and be trouble for her, the four of them would hide somewhere near the ruined castle.

The Demon King, Kiyu, would look at the forest, she couldn't help but see the gigantic aura surrounding it, and it was only coming closer towards them.

"What kind of monster would this be to have that much power.."

She looks over to Naya as she clicks her tongue.

"This is your fault isn't it?!"

And the blame game starts.

As Naya responded back to Kiyu with a confused yet still panicked look.

"Hah?! What do you mean my fault?! I clearly did nothing wrong! It's probably coming after you!" Naya said as she starts walking toward Kiyu.

"Oh yeah, sure, just because I wanted to help MY people, it's suddenly MY fault. Don't forget you stupid humans start this wars all because of what we look and what we are!" Kiyu responded back in anger, as she began walking toward Naya as well.

As the two smacked their foreheads onto each other as they continued arguing, well, more like bickering.

"Our fault?! It's you Demons that start kidnapping us!" Naya said as she pushes her forehead against Kiyu hard.

"We never stole your humans!" Kiyu said as she pushes her forehead against Naya back even harder, the two of them having the equal strength.

Although once the gigantic aura surrounding the forest was about to make contact with them, via leaving the forest and meeting the two.

Both Naya and Kiyu, prepared their weapons as they point it at the incoming danger. Or perhaps, monster.

Out of nowhere, a young boy that had pure black long pants, white-ish clothes that were not familiar in the world, and a pure snow white skin on his body, as he had a slightly long hair while havinge the look of an adult.

"So this is the world I was protecting.. A shame it will be gone." He spoke as he sighed, before noticing Naya and Kiyu right in front of him from afar, the Hero and the Demon King, despite far away from him, heard what he said.

"Protecting? Who are you?!" Naya spoke as she was obviously scared and terrified of this random man.

"We require answers! Right now!" Kiyu spoke back, her staff beginning to light and dim for no reason, confusing her as to why it was happening.

As the young man slowly began walking towards the two, his footsteps was calming, yet dangerous. His voice was soft but menacing. Soon, he answered their question.

"If you wish to know, then my name is Kami. Although I can tell by the beat of your hearts, and by the tone of your shaky voice, that learning this is not enough, correct?"

He asked, while raising an eyebrow, having a very cold and calm expression, his stare alone was enough to pierce their heart in fear.

The Hero and the Demon King felt even more nervous than before, due to the fact that he can even hear the beats of their heart, as both of them were having rapid heartbeat because of his presence alone.

Naya would smirk, trying to form a poker face as if she wasn't afraid. "If you won't tell us.."

She suddenly charged at him while holding her sword tightly, ready to attack him as a self defense mechanism, it was to act first before thinking.

"You idiot!-" Kiyu couldn't believe Naya would just rush in like that.

Even though she's her enemy, they have a bigger problem, and it was him.

And so, she raised her staff as a magic circle formed at the center of the tip. "Increase!"

Naya started to glow in a yellow-ish light, as she got faster all of a sudden. Dashing everywhere, leaving trails of smoke wherever she goes.

Then suddenly appearing in front of him, ready to slash his neck in order to kill him permanently. "This ends!"

As her sword lunges at his neck..

It was stopped

By his finger.

"Seriously? You humans do not know how to see danger." He sighed, before flicking her sword away, as it fell to the ground.

Naya was shocked, now being unable to do anything with her sword, she didn't know magic either, so she was powerless. Slowly falling to her knees as he looked up at him. Fear and despair was all she thought about.


Dark clouds began to form above the sky, catching both Naya and His attention, they looked up to see thunder in the sky.

As Naya looked over to Kiyu, before she would shout.

"Voltage 10X!"

As a thunderbolt would suddenly fall from the sky, landing a direct hit on the random man, before causing a huge explosion, enough to send shockwaves in the area.

As Naya was protected by a barrier in the explosion, thanks to Kiyu.

Kiyu would run to Naya's side as she looked at her panting as she had to waste tons of mana and stamina in order to cast that spell.

The barrier disappeared as Kiyu offers a hand to Naya, yet she refused as she instead stood up herself while removing some dirt off.

"You could've finished me off with him.." Naya said as she looked at her while slowly calming down.

"I would, but killing you in that way is cowardly no?" Kiyu laughed jokingly, as smoke surrounded the area, the man was unseen.

But his presence, wasn't.

"That was fascinating.." The smoke suddenly disappeared as the man was not injured, his clothes completely perfect, no bruises and no fabric of his clothes being ruined.

Both Naya and Kiyu looked at him in fear, unsure what to do in order to defeat him.

Kiyu tried to cast another spell but unfortunately, her mana has run out, making her fall to her knees panting softly as she was exhausted. "God damn it.."

Naya would try to help her up, but..

The man was suddenly in front of her.

"Have you given up?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the two women.

"What.. Are you?" Naya asked while holding Kiyu close to her, obviously not wanting to be killed along with her.

"The answer should be obvious."

A random sunlight would center around him, as if it was his moment, even though it is.

"I am no human being, nor monster, I am-"

Before Kami could even finish his sentence, both Naya and Kiyu were suddenly dragged away by someone fast, as the area around him exploded out of nowhere.

The person who had brought them away from the explosion was none other than:

"Guildmaster?.. What are you doing here?" Naya asked as she looked up at him, the Guildmaster to be exact.

"We couldn't help but feel uneasy.." He looked over to where the explosion was as it started to form fire everywhere on the ground, before continuing his sentence. "With an aura like that... It was no mere monster nor human."

The Guildmaster said as he looks at Naya and Kiyu, before sighing in relief.

Then kneeling on one knee as he puts his palm on the ground, a blue-ish magic circle formed below him as he chanted.

"Advanced Teleport!" The Guildmaster stated, as many other magic circles started to form behind him, as Naya looked while still holding a passed out Kiyu.

Many other adventurers had been teleported in the battle, some of them were old, and young, since after all, despite the age, an adventurer will always be an adventurer.

The magic circles that were summoned and counting was estimated to be 101, now having about 104 people in the field, including Naya, Kiyu, and the Guildmaster.

As one of the adventurers, presumably, the strongest, would speak.

"Oi oi.. Guildmaster, this is a first, didn't ya say you'll only use this technique when there's a disaster?" He laughed, as he walks over to the Guildmaster.

"It's not a disaster.. But rather.. I can't bring myself to say the right words.." The Guildmaster said before pointing over at the huge amounts of fire in front of them from afar.

The adventurers looked, only to see what looked like a person inside the fire, yet.. They were walking through it, as one of their eyes glowed in the burning pits of neverending flames. It's as if he was more of a threat than the Demon King herself..

"Who.. What the hell is that?" One of the adventurers stated, as the strongest adventurer of them, who will be named Straw, smirked as he puts his hand on his chin while chuckling.

"I see.. So he should be strong right.." He said before starting to crack his knuckles, prepared to fight already.

The Guildmaster just sighed before turning around to order the adventurers a command. "Listen up! The mages will provide support magic! And the remaining warriors will standby until Straw finishes this.." He still doesn't know what to call this being in front of them, it's not close to a demon nor a monster, so he just stayed silent.

Every adventurer made sure to be cautious, as the mages were all behind the back, as the warriors and fighters were in front of them, making sure they don't get injured.

Once they were ready, every mage proceeded to chant different types of Support Magic into Straw.

He felt pumped up, powered up even, as he balled up his hands into fists, as he prepared himself for what may be his difficult fight of all time. "Alright! I'm ready!"

Soon, the fire subsided, as Kami just looked towards him, only to see even more people than before, as he grew curious. "More human beings in my presence.. I wonder why." He himself was unknown as to why this occured, yet once he saw the man Straw, he knew he was about to get into a fight.

Leading him to sigh as he cleared his throat before speaking.. no, before ordering them just by his voice.


With that alone, everyone in the vicinity would kneel down in front of him. The Adventurers, Straw, Guildmaster, Naya, and even Kiyu despite passed out, was woken up by his order.

All that they could feel, was fear.

Their heads were bowing to their extent, making sure that they didn't disobey his order. As he walked over towards them, now standing in front of the people he had ordered to kneel.

"Pitiful to look at. Hence is why I must destroy my own world. You may rise your head." He said as all of them slowly raised their heads to look at him.

Not even one of them tried to utter a single word, heck, they weren't even breathing.

Soon, he spoke again as he looked at all of them.

"As for Naya's question earlier, due to being interrupted. I am no human nor monster, but I, am the God of this world."

The Guildmaster immediately stood up as he gestures into a curious way. "God?! If you are, then would are you here?" He said, his voice still shaky yet he was showing a bit of confidence.

Kami would nod. "Good question, as per the reason why I'm here.." He paused before looking at you all, his expression and look being cold and heartless. "I have come to destroy this world."

Everyone gasped once he finished his sentence, as Naya stood up. "Destroy?! Aren't you Gods supposed to protect us? And.." She stopped her sentence, as she was about to ask what was the point of being reincarnated here. Yet the amount of people around was too much of a risk.

"Indeed, although because of many failed attempts for this world to achieve true peace. I have no choice but to destroy it." Kami said before suddenly raising his hand up as he opened his palm before speaking.


Out of nowhere, a huge orb like energy began to appear on top of his hand. It was like magic, but it wasn't at the same time.

Everyone was in a panic, they couldn't move, was this truly the end of their world?..


Kiyu suddenly shouted as she slowly stood up, using her staff as a support as she panted. "W.. What if.. You help us achieve peace instead, rather than destroying this world?.." She said, trying her best to at least convince him.

Kami looked down at Kiyu, raising an eyebrow as he tilts his head, still having the huge energy ball on top of his hand. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it.." Kiyu continued as she coughed before stating. "Since you're the God of this world.. Wouldn't it be better if you, yourself, achieve peace in your world?"

Kami started to think about it, before hearing Naya interrupt. "Y.. Yeah! Plus! Millions of lives would be lost! And you could be the first God to achieve peace by your own! If there's no God that has already done it.."

Kami kept thinking, as he made the move Bio-End disappear, pulling down his hand and holding his chin as he sighed.

Everyone was silent, unsure if the God they're in front of would accept their offer, or at least, be convinced.

Soon, Kami decided. "If must, since I am still your Protector previously, it is my duty to also help everyone. Although, you, and you." He looked at Naya and Kiyu. "You two will be coming with me, providing this idea was yours, so you shall be helping me in return."

Almost every adventurer sighed, the Guildmaster passed out after that even, as Naya and Kiyu fell to their knees, relieved. "Oh thank God-" Naya said before breaking the sentence off as she looked at Kami. "I.. I mean.. Thank you Kami."

Kami, just sighed, before snapping his fingers as every adventurer summoned, including the Guildmaster was teleported back to where they came.

While as Naya and Kiyu was left.

"So, the Hero, and the Demon King, helping a God achieve peace. How ironic."

Kami said while chuckling slightly, before sitting down as he looks at the two of them. "Be grateful I did not destroy this world.. Although, you two, have 1 Year to help me, or else, I will destroy this world."

Naya and Kiyu was suddenly nervous and stressed, knowing that they only have a year for him to achieve peace. "1 Year?! That's too little!" Naya said, her voice being shaky.

Kami looked at her while raising an eyebrow. "Would you like me to make it half a year?"

The two were about to say something again as they stopped, before both spoke. "No.." / "Not really.."

"Good. Now get your rest, I shall be watching you two." Kami said as he claps his hands once.

"Oh thank.." Naya said before suddenly passing out, as Kiyu passed out beside her.

Leaving Kami awake as he sees the sun setting already, sighing before looking up at the skies, as if he's seeing Haven from above. "Humans are.. weird but interesting. As well as demons." He said as he looks at Naya and Kiyu, interested on what they could do in the future.

In Haven.

Back in Haven, the Elder Gods were watching from above, as the one in the middle throne would laugh cheerfully before speaking. "Oh my! What a wonderful young lad! To think he would join side by side with the Hero and the Demon King!"

The furthest from the right would speak nervously. "A.. Although, he could pose a problem. IF he does become a destroyer, he'll be the first destroyer to exist.."

The middle one nodded before smiling softly. "I understand that, but he is yet another young god, if he poses a problem, we shall solve it ourselves. For now, let him enjoy his time in his world. We have a bigger problem.. A catastrophe that would bring the extinction of all Gods.."

The story continues.