Day 1 [Part 1]: Truce.

It was currently a new morning, a new day, previously, a very scary experience had just happened, although, it's best not to remember it.

The sun wasn't rising, it was currently 4 am in the morning, oh yeah, this world also has the same timezone as Earth, following the 24/7, 365 route. Since Kami felt that it was the most normal and balanced.

Currently, Naya suddenly woke up, her eyes opening in an instant as she sees the glistening beautiful sky, the stars' everywhere despite it being an early morning. She slowly raised her upper body up, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. "What.. Time is it?.." She said a bit sleepy still.

"It's currently 4:10 am." Kami said from behind her, making her stand up out of shock and fear, being caught off guard by his sudden voice.

"Ah! What are you doing there?! And.." She paused, she felt something weird, his aura was gone, his heavy menacing presence disappeared. So she decided to ask. "What did you do?"

"Oh." Kami simply stated, pausing himself as he was sitting down, one leg down on the ground, while the other was up, allowing his left hand to lean on top of his knee.

"Well, while you two were out asleep. I decided to at least learn how to completely hide my presence. I noticed how you two directed your attention to me when you and her." He directs his attention to Kiyu, the Demon King, who was still asleep peacefully, yet was snoring loudly.

"So, with that much knowledge, I decided to learn how. And I have managed to create a new move, called Cover."

"Cover?.." She said, curious about this move, and to learn that it's pretty new.

After their conversation, Naya would walk towards Kami, before stopping as she sat down beside him.

Both of them, silently adoring and looking up at the sky and the shining stars from above. Before Naya spoke. "Is it.. My fault for not being able to achieve peace?" She asked while looking at Kami, feeling a sense of guilt and disappointment.

Kami heard what she said, making him look down on the grassy ground rather than looking at her, before speaking. "I would say, not entirely. That is all." He looked at her and nodded.

"Then.." She paused, she couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for this, looking on the ground then looking back at Kami. "It's still my fault! If I was faster.. Stronger.. And smarter.. Then maybe!-"

"Enough." Kami spoke, as Naya shut her mouth. He sighed before slowly laying down on the grass, looking up at the sky, then at Naya. "None of it is your fault. Do not blame yourself for something that could not do in time. Taking your time and experiencing new stuff alike is what makes you stronger."

Naya couldn't deny at what he said, making her clearly look like an idiot. Despite being in the new world, she was still being scolded like she was back in Earth.

A flood of past memories would hit Naya in her head, causing her to subconsciously form tears in her eyes. She soon noticed the tears once she looks down. "I'm so.. Dumb.."

She laughed at herself, yet a slight whimper could be heard as she wipes her tears in the process while laughing.

While Kami, looked at her, and wondered: ' Human emotions.. I envy you. ' He sighed before, slowly sitting up and offering a handkerchief.

Naya, smiled softly before accepting his offer, wiping her face, and eyes with it before blowing on it with her nose.

That made Kami a bit disgusted, now that he doesn't want a dirty handkerchief in his area.

"Thank you.. Here." Naya said, offering the handkerchief back, but Kami just pushes her hand back away as he shook his head. "No need, you can keep it.."

Not because of kindness, but because of his disgust. Of course Gods need to have everything clean, or they're just picky.

With that, Naya was a bit surprised, someone like him, despite being cold and emotionless, was kind to her. This was a first to her. Somehow, a feeling started to bloom inside her stomach, she already knew what it was.

She accepts his offer, as she pulls Kami's handkerchief near to her face, a slight red blush appearing on her cheeks as she looked down and nodded. "Ill take good care of it.." Before giggling like a little girl as she was cheerful and happy right now.

Then a voice spoke.

"My my, you two should get a room!" Kiyu had woken up, although, it seems like she woke up already and was watching this scene fold.

Kami just sighed going back to watching the sky. As Naya hid the handkerchief in her pocket, standing up as she looked at Kiyu, her face being embarrassed and flushed as she got angry. "Hah?! How about you shut up!" Naya shouted at Kiyu, clearly not liking this situation.

As Kiyu laughed, teasing her in the process before standing up and stretching her entire limbs, arms, legs, and also her tail of course. Before sighing in relief as she spoke. Then seeing the sun beginning to rise. "Oh what a wonderful day!"

As Kami, was sitting down, watching the sunrise from the horizon. Along with Naya and Kiyu, as Naya was standing right beside Kami, whilst Kiyu was behind Kami, holding her staff tightly as she watched.

Kami would breathe in deeply before exhaling softly. "A wonderful day it is." He said a bit happy? Although it seemed like both girls didn't notice his tone.

He stood up from the ground before dusting any dirt off from his clothing, as he looked at Naya and Kiyu. "You have only 1 Year."

Naya nodded, hoping that she would be able to help Kami with everything she can. Nodding cheerfully as she smiled. "I'll do my best to support you!"

Kiyu would let out a confident short laugh before nodding. "Oh of course! I do not want the world to be gone so easily! I have family and friends in my hometown!" She said confidently.

As Naya looked at her a bit suspiciously. "Didn't expect you to have a family.." She muttered, although, demons have higher hearing than a normal human being does.

Kiyu would form a nerve in her head as she looked at Naya, clearly annoyed at what she had heard. "What does that mean you stupid buffoon?!" She stated a bit angrily, confronting Naya face to face as the two began to argue once again.

"Oh I meant what I said!" Said by Naya as she faced Kiyu.

The two now staring daggers at each other as the area around them began to feel a bit heavy.

"At least I have a family!" Said by Kiyu

"Hah! I bet they don't even love you that's why you had to become a Demon King!" Said by Naya.

"Oh how ironic for someone who is the current Hero! Wanting a bit of parents attention perhaps?" Said by Kiyu.

"I always get attention.. Unlike you." Said by Naya.

The two went on and on arguing while the sun was rising slowly.

Meanwhile, our lone God, Kami, was just watching this scene unfold, his face clearly disappointed at the two. As he tells to himself. "I should have destroyed this world instead.." Continuing to watch both Naya and Kiyu argue endlessly while he just waited for them to finish.

Forest of Wonders. 6:39 AM.

After the neverending bickering Naya and Kiyu had done. They'd already started their journey back to town. With Naya and Kiyu at the front, while Kami was just behind them, following their every move since he doesn't know the exact location.

"Psst.." Naya whispered at Kiyu, wanting to attract their attention as if they had something to talk about.

Kiyu would look at Naya confused, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the other. "What is it? Why are you whispering?" She also whispered to Naya.

As the three continued walking through the forest. Kami, silently admiring the place and nature, while the two girls had begun talking to each other, or whispering so to say.

"So.. What are we going to do now that he's here? We were about to face each other off although.." Naya said as she directs her pupils to Kami, he didn't notice since he was too busy minding his own business.

Kiyu would nod, now agreeing to what they said. "Unfortunately.. It seems that we shall be.. Allies for now." She said, although there was a hint of disgust when saying those words.

Naya felt a bit offended as she looked at her disappointed. "Wow." That's all she had to say.

"Oh please! As if you enjoy making me your ally either." Kiyu pouted, looking away after.

Naya thought about it for a second before nodding with a shrug. "True, I don't like you having as my ally."

"That settles it. Tis but a truce only!" Kiyu said, before giving out a hand to her, with Naya accepting the handshake as the two settled their difference for now.

As the three continued walking, Kami couldn't feel a sense of discomfort. As he stopped before speaking. "Hm.."

Naya and Kiyu heard his footsteps halt, as they looked behind to see Kami thinking about something. Growing curious, Naya asked. "Something wrong?"

"I am unsure of it. But, the forest is too quiet and peaceful. It feels a bit suspicious no?" He stated, as he looked at the two, his hand on his chin as he was trying to know what it was. Despite being a God, he's still new to this stuff. Adventuring that is.

"You are correct.. A forest usually would be lively with random monsters or animals." Kiyu stated, now understanding what Kami was feeling, as she began to look around the area, gripping tightly on her staff because she doesn't want it to he stolen.

"Now I get what you're saying.." Naya instinctively grabbed the handle of her sword, feeling a bit cautious.

Then suddenly..

Out of nowhere, a magic circle appeared below Kami, the two felt the magic energy around him as they tried to reach out to him. "Kami!"

Kami was caught off guard by this, being a God, he doesn't have clairvoyance, well he could, but he's not an expert at it. Suddenly, he was teleported away from somewhere else.

Both Naya and Kiyu was shocked and surprised, not knowing a trap was set. Before hearing a stranger's voice..

"Finally.. Our meal has been caught! Now, to deal with you two.."

Hidden Forest. 6:59 AM.

Kami's POV.

I somewhat got teleported to a different part of the forest. Although, I'm trapped in a cage.

I look around to see that the area was spacious, the cage being at the edge of a tall cliff. And then I heard a voice.

"We finally caught him!" A woman's voice. Interesting, seems like people from this world can be smart too.

I stayed inside the cage to see what would happen and what would occur, only to see a group of.. Monster girls surrounding the cage I'm in.

There were different species, a Lamia girl with black hair who has suspicious features.. per say, consisting of a cloth around her chest, and a short skirt on her waist to cover her parts.

Then two bird like girls, who I assume are Harpies. Both of them looked the same, although one had blue hair, whilst the other had red hair, I assume they're twins. They even have matching crop tops and long shorts. What is up with people's fashion nowadays?

Next up was a Neko. A very common species to see, even for me as a God would know what they are. Purple hair, beautiful looks, and a normal clothing that consisted of short skirt and crop top. Well, not normal at least.

And the last one was a Spirit.. An uncommon one so to speak, these species don't typically wear clothes, so they just use leaves as their clothing instead. What an unusual way I have to say.

I stare at each one of them, observing and looking at them with curiosity. Then the Lamia spoke. "What a young man you are! I bet you taste delicious considering of your looks.." I could feel her eyes lusting me already, how disgusting.

"Hey hey! Don't be impatient! We have to wait for the others once they finish off the two women he was with!" The Spirit spoke while pouting, looking annoyed at the Lamia.

Honestly I never expected this to happen, I could just escape and eradicate them, although.. I wanna see how Naya and Kiyu would handle this situation. Gotta have my fun of course.

I sighed before leaning against the edge of the cage, against the metal bars while waiting silently.

The two Harpies decided to stare and look at me. I looked back confused while raising an eyebrow. Till they spoke.

"You're cute!" Said by the red haired harpy. Then the blue harpy interrupted her. "Nuh uh! He's adorable!" The blue harpy said, the red harpy couldn't help but agree and nod.

I sighed, until I noticed the Neko right beside me.. She's trying to reach for me but I made sure to keep my distance. Despite being in a cage, my area is limited.

"Come here! I wanna smell you if you're good!" The Neko said, her arms flailing around, trying to reach for me, yet I just moved away.

Just how impatient can women be?

I decided it's at least best for me to know their names. So I spoke. "You know.." With those two words, the 5 of them got close to the cage, their hands gripping on the metal bars as they looked at me. I feel like an animal than a God at this point.

I composed myself and cleared my throat before looking at them then speaking. "Rude of my kidnappers to not mention their name you know? Allow me to at least know who you all are."

"Oh! Well how kind of our soon to be victim!" The Lamia said cheerfully as she smiled while with her hands together. Before nodding. "If you wish to know. My name is Ika. The twins here are Bulb, and Shin. The Neko that's trying to reach for you is Cata. And lastly, the spirit is Aera!" She said, somewhat feeling happy despite making me know their names.

"I see. It is nice meeting you all." I said staying composed and calm, even in the situation I'm currently in. But they just smiled at me, weird... Though, what is Naya and Kiyu doing right now?

I did hear they were being dealth with.. But they're the Hero and the Demon King. Oh right I forgot.

They don't like each other.

Oh right, I almost forgot. After what I said, I look at Ika, the Lamia while raising an eyebrow before asking. "I forgot to ask, but what are you going to do with me?" It won't hurt to ask after all.

The four of them began to giggle as they just stared at me, I can already feel their hint of desire in their eyes.. Then Ika spoke. "Well shouldn't it be obvious? Five girls. One man."

Her long tongue would lick her lips as she stared at me with lust, I was a bit slow at understanding at first but now. I knew what they were going to do with me.

"Oh.." I say, trying to sound nervous and seem like a normal human being, they haven't noticed that I'm a God. Although, a God mating with Monsters is one of, if not, the most sinful actions we could do. Of course, I will not allow it to happen.

But where are those two?

Forest of Wonders. 7:29 AM.


"What did you say?!" And we're back with Kiyu, screaming at Naya.

"It's your fault for not watching over him!" With Naya also screaming back at Kiyu.

Currently, the two were having an argument after Kami's disappearance, rather than figuring it out, they decided to argue first. Although, they were being surrounded by monster girls, 20 of them to be exact.


"Are we supposed to.." One of the monster girls, who was a centaur said, feeling a bit confused on what's going on, looking at Naya and Kiyu who had been arguing for 20 minutes ever since they surrounded the two.

"No no." One of the slime girls said as she stops the centaur from continuing her sentence. Before speaking again. "Let them sort this out."

With Naya and Kiyu arguing, despite being surrounded by enemies. And Kami, trapped and captured by them in a different part of the forest. Their journey is off to a not so good start at all.

The story continues.