Day 1 [Part 2]: Truce.

Not So Hidden Forest. 8:00 AM.

Kami's POV.

I sighed, my back leaning against the bars of the cage I was still trapped inside in, on purpose of course, surprisingly, Naya and Kiyu have arrived already.

Although I felt an unusual presence from afar.. Slowly, I turned my attention towards it, looking at.. you.

"Oh hey there, it has been a while. How I knew you were there? It is but only natural for me." I sighed, before having an idea. "Right, you do not know what happened to those other monsters right? They were mostly knocked out off screen, hold on.."

I pulled out my phone before showing a photo of Naya and Kiyu, defeating the monsters already, before putting it back away then looking at you. "When and how I was there? I always have my eyes on those two. Now enough narration. Let us see how these two will handle these five monsters shall we? A fight scene is about to come up after all."

Not so Hidden Forest. 8:05 AM.


Kami still staying his in his expressionless or nonchalant look, as he watched both the girls now face against the last five monsters they have to deal with, in order to rescue Kami. Until Naya suddenly shouted.

"Damn it! Why are you making us do the work?! You could just get out of there easily you know!" She said while feeling annoyed and angry, yet a hint of worry was obviously in her eyes.

Of course, Kami just ignored what she said, looking away as he didn't want to reveal his intentions. With Kiyu already understanding what he's trying to do. "Oh ho.. How clever of you Kami!" She said with a smug smile, before letting out a madam-like laugh, I don't know how to pronounce it honestly.

Ika would rest her hand on her slender like waist, confused on what Naya meant, even a Lamia can sense magic power.. But he had none. "Him? Save himself? What a joke you're saying! To think a normal human being like him can save himself is hilarious!" Letting out a laugh, not believing on what Naya said earlier, since magic is power in this world.

Naya was clearly confused, why was Kiyu laughing? She thought to herself, but for a brief moment. It finally hit her mind.

With that, the five monster girls suddenly raised their guards up. Feeling the heavy pressure Naya was emitting around herself. It was terrifying.. At the same time, menacing. As she formed a psychopathic smirk, putting her sword back in her scabbard while sighing.

"Really.. You're serious.. Kami?.." She was clearly annoyed at Kami on what his intentions were after realizing it.

"Formless.." Naya said, her voice being a bit soft as she balled fer hand into a fist, with magical energy surging around it, the monster girls' instinct suddenly acted, knowing that what was coming was.. death.

"Everyone! Scatter!" Ika the Lamia, slithering away in a fast speed, once she shouted those words Shin and Bulb, the harpy twins began flying up in the air, Cata used her fast speed to run away and Aera would float away. As the five of the monster girls would almost escape her sight. It was too late.


Once she said it. Time had stopped but only around them. As her heart had also stopped, yet she was still able to move. In an instant, she had already reached Ika with insane speed while she wasn't moving an inch. Making Naya land a hard punch directly at her heart. Before moving over to Cata, she wasn't moving as well, making it easier for her to land a hard hit directly on her heart as well. Suddenly jumping over to Aera, although she was able to float in front of her. How you may ask? Well time is stopped after all, only Naya and Kami can only see what's happening, yes he's watching silently.

She soon landed another hard punch directly at her heart, despite being a spirit, they hide their hearts using their expertise in magic, but Naya's sense of magic energy was beyond humanly. Then lastly, Shin and Bulb, who was high up in the air, only to meet with Naya, as she landed a punch on each of their hearts before landing back down at the ground. Kneeling down on the ground before standing up as she sighed, as her heart started beating once again. Thus, time began to move..

"Pentagon Style." Once time was moving again, every monster girls' pupils in their eyes disappeared, unable to even think or process on what had happened, what arrived was just death itself. As the five of them soon collapsed back on the ground, lifeless and dead. As Naya sighed before looking at Kami first with a pout.


As she walked back to Kiyu, although she was bewildered and surprised on what had happened. "What on heavens was that?! My, that was marvelous!" Kiyu said, clapping her hands, she was clearly impressed and amazed on what Naya just did. As Kami casually walks out of the cage as the metal bars just got bent by his body, walking towards Naya and Kiyu as he nodded before speaking.

"That was definitely impressive, like Kiyu, I wish to know what you did there." He asked, seemingly curious about the skill or magic she had used. He was also impressed on the fact that she was able to stop time for a brief moment.

Naya was feeling butterflies on her stomach for all the compliments she was getting, her face softening up as she formed a very VERY happy smile. "Oh stop it! It's nothing! Heheh.. It's just a skill I made on my own!" She said while holding her cheek, trying to hide her happiness because a Demon King and a God complimented her ability.

After she calmed down, she spoke. "It's a technique I learned for myself. Heartstop. It uses a ton of magic energy as you can see, I had to surround the area with a lot of magic energy to be able to stop time. But the move comes with a price.." She paused for a bit before composing herself as she cleared her throat, having a scared expression in her eyes. "As you can see, I can easily kill off my opponents with one punch directly at the heart. I am unable to use it on Kiyu due to the fact that she has more than one heart."

Kami looked at Kiyu and raised an eyebrow, his look was enough to make her know what he was asking. "Yes, I have four, although they are very tiny that is why I am very hard to kill!" Kiyu was a bit smug about it while answering Kami's question, as Naya continued.

"I'm only able to hit one heart, on one person, if they have more than one heart, or no heart at all, the skill won't take effect, that's why I didn't use it on you either." Naya said while staring at Kami. She had already noticed that he had no heart at all. Just a white glowing unknown energy inside the center of his body. As she shook her head.

"So, my heart stops at the same time when time stops, allowing me to hit my opponent cleanly. But if I use it on, for example. You. The Setback is if I use the skill and hit an opponent with no heart.. I'll die instead." She said with a serious face, Kami was a bit surprised on how dangerous this move was, as well as Kiyu, but she had a very different reaction as well.

"My my! What a risk taker you are! To make a move where the Setback you put on yourself is death is thrilling!" Kiyu laughed, knowing that it was stupid, as she could have picked something else.

Naya just glared at Kiyu, gritting her teeth against each other as she was clearly annoyed. "Well.. I kill my opponents in one shot after all.. The Setback taken is only fair." She said, making a good point, which Kitu just shrugged while walking away as she was about to examine the dead bodies of the monster girls.

Soon Kami would ask Naya. "What is a Setback?" He asked, his hand on his chin as he never heard of it. Which Naya happily answered with a cheerful smile. "Oh I'll explain it to you!"

This caught Kiyu's attention, as she turns her attention towards Naya and Kami, noticing that her expression had turned from serious into happy instantly, even her aura felt all cheerful and happy as she stuck her tongue out making disgusted noise. "Bleh."

"So a Setback is a consequence given by the user. It originated from one of the Gods which I forgot since I never really studied much about the history here.. It basically improves a skill drastically! Just like mine!" She answered while smiling happily, her hands behind her back as she was moving side to side, feeling all goofy around Kami.

As he was curious on who the God could be when giving this rule. He thought to himself that this rule most likely exists in every world the Gods and Protectors are watching over. Which made him nod as he lowered his hand down. "I see, thank you for answering it. And you did well."

Naya just giggled while twiddling her fingers as she was enjoying the compliments she was receiving as she was lost in it.

Making Kami just weirded out, as he moved away from her, before walking towards one of the dead monster girls. As he looked at the dead body and Ika. "Hmph." He said, before turning to Kiyu. "Kiyu."

Kiyu would skip her way to Kami before stopping in front of him as she salutes. "Yes your highness!" She said jokingly while sticking her tongue out in a playful way

"No. Anyways. What is your plan about the corpses? She is too busy admiring herself over there." Kami said before turning his attention to Naya, who was still very happy. As Kiyu shrugged. "I do not know! I was planning to burn it so that the bodies wouldn't be seen by other monsters, animals, demons or humans. So that it won't be rotten or eaten." She nodded as she looked at the other dead bodies.

Kami decided he'd at least show a bit of what he can do to the two, as he looks at Kiyu with a serious expression as he moves his head towards Naya. A bit of his aura showing up. She had gotten scared already, yet was interested, as she run to Naya before shaking her to snap out her daydream, which Naya didn't like because of what Kiyu did.

"What the hell?! I was enjoying what I had!-" She paused, feeling that tiny aura was enough to understand what Kiyu was telling her.

"You might enjoy this too." Kiyu said with a smirk while looking at Naya, as both of them turned to Kami, who was walking towards the center of the current area they were currently in.

As Kami sighed, his arms behind his back as he didn't move an inch. Suddenly, the dead bodies of the five monster girls suddenly started floating, going above his head before floating it a bit higher. He wasn't even speaking a word while he was doing this. Naya and Kiyu were both terrified and amazed on what he was doing. Not enchantments, no skills, nothing, just pure control.

Once the dead bodies were high enough, yet a bit low that anybody nearby wouldn't see it. Kami would look up as he stared at the dead bodies. Until the bodies suddenly started crushing itself. Blood began spewing out everytime a limb or a body part was getting crushed and destroyed at the same time. Naya and Kiyu gasped in fear, covering their mouth as they saw the horror they were witnessing, the cruelty of what could've happened if he had killed them instead crossed their minds. Knowing that this was scarier than what Naya had done, even Kiyu wouldn't be this cruel despite being a Demon King. This was clearly worse, the two girls thought

As the dead bodies kept getting crushed until they turned into a small ball, they disappeared in the air. Gone, reduced to atoms..

Kami soon turned his attention back to Naya and Kiyu, as he sees them afraid and traumatized, yet he wasn't bothered by it. Fear is what controls people after all. "So, shall we get going?"

Naya and Kiyu just nodded, as they began walking back to where they used to. Grateful that they remembered what path they took, even though it's just trees.

With Kami behind them, and Naya and Kiyu standing side to side, Kiyu was holding her staff a bit tightly while Naya was balling her fist a bit too hard, as she calmed down with a sigh, looking at Kiyu as she spoke. "At least he's nice to us, so there is nothing we should be worried about!" She said cheerfully, hoping it would at least calm Kiyu down.

Kiyu just nodded nervously, while looking down. "Y.. Yeah.. I guess so, he never killed us yesterday or today, so I shall put some trust and faith.... in our God." To hear Kiyu calling Kami a God instead of his name, was a bit weird for Naya. She and Kami had always been on equal terms, yet, she's lowering herself down due to what he is and the difference between their power.

This made Naya a bit worried about Kiyu, yet she didn't want to overthink about it currently right now. The task they have in hand is to exit the forest and go to the nearby town. And of course, Kami never heard their conversation because his attention span is shorter than a tadpole. And he was looking at random stuff in the forest.

"To think trees is something we destroy in order to be protected."

The story continues.