Afternoon 1 [Part 3]: Truce.

In Haven.

Back in the Sanctuary Tower. Where Kami had previously visited the Elder Gods, there was currently a fuss going on, regarding the matter of something, or someone, being able to cause the extinction of all Gods.

Although that won't be the part we'll be focusing for now, as it will have the right time.

There was one Elder God, the one whom Kami talked to, had grown interest on the young lad. Naming him Baigo. As he was heading to their own private library, filled with every knowledge existence, being called: Infinite. The place that is.

Once he had entered the library door, closing it afterwards. He would meet up with another Elder God, who we will name, Abso. As Baigo spoke to them.

"Have you gathered the information I have asked for?" He asked, his hands behind his back while having a composed stature, showing that he is the wisest and the most knowledgeable out of five of them.

Abso spoke back while holding a book, giving it towards them before gesturing them to take a seat.

Once both sat down, Baigo opened the book and began reading it, shocked to have found an interesting piece. Because of it, he was unable to hold his laughter, his laughter only echoed throughout Haven, outside the library, outside The Sanctuary Tower, it was everywhere. It's shown how powerful he is if he can make a laugh echo throughout a world so easily.

"I see. So his past is truly a cruel one." He sighed in relief, after the laugh he had made, closing the book and setting it down on the table.

"Yes.. But for him to achieve such a title, we have heard of God of Strength, God of Lust, God of War and more! Why does he obtain it?!" Abso spoke with his tone of voice being afraid and nervous, before calming himself down as he bows his head gently towards Baigo. "I'm very sorry Master Baigo for my sudden outburst."

Baigo put up a gentle, caring smile, nodding as he agreed on what they thought. "Indeed, but has he done anything bad? None at all. Only from his past, as it shows how they can change after all."

Abso was stunned, unable to speak back, as he nodded back, agreeing on what Baigo said. "I understand that.. Though, do you think he knows?" He said while tilting his head with an eyebrow raised, still having a worried expression.

"Haha! I doubt young Kami knows about it, the title can only be known if you wish to know it." Baigo couldn't help but crack a laugh, since the only time he had met Kami was when he made a deal with him. Yet he continued to speak.

"To think, a young lad like him would be reincarnated as the first ever.. God of Control."

Grassy Hills. 13:20 PM.


Oh, what?

"Yes, you. Bring the perspective to me."


"I am."

Kami's POV.

"Hello everyone again." I said while waving at you, floating a few inches above the grassy ground while laying down, still having the same expressionless face as usual.

"If you are wondering what happened in the past few hours, well, here you go." I would summon a digital screen above my head as I pointed at it. "Go ahead and watch it."

Digital Screen.

Forest Of Wonders. 9:17 AM.


As the scene starts to play out, it suddenly showed a large boulder crashing down the hill as it was chasing both Naya, Kiyu, and Kami. The two girls were running very fast but he was just floating side to side to them so that he won't lose them.

"This is all your fault!" Naya said while staring at Kiyu who was the apparent cause of this mess.

"Hah?! As if! You just had to throw that random Minotaur so that our God would acknowledge you! Now look at what you've done!" Kiyu retaliated as she looked back at Naya, the two of them continuing to run for their lives with Kami in the middle of them.

"This is quite tragic. I'm out." He said before floating away to avoid the boulder.

"You summoned a huge minotaur! Why couldn't you have summoned a smaller one?!" Said by Naya.

"When in Demon Land's name did you hear of a small minotaur?! Babies?!? I'm not letting you kill a child!" Said by Kiyu.

With the scene being paused as we were brought to another, apparently, this lasted for almost an hour, though, to think the two women had enough stamina to run down a whole mountain, hill, forest, only for the boulder to be stopped by a random Golem. That's what happened said by Kami.

Digital Screen

Lake Impurity. 12:12 PM.


Once the scene started playing, it shows the three of them finding a lake, it was crystal clear, shining, and even beautiful, as Naya and Kiyu would sigh, dropping down to their knees as they felt exhausted. With both of them saying at the same time.

"I'm in desperate need of water.."

They looked at each other confused, stunned, and baffled on what happened, were the two getting closer to each other already? We may never know.

As Kami just sat down under the shade of a tree, leaning his back against the hard wood, feeling comfortable as he looked at Naya and Kiyu, taking out their water containers and scooping some water from the lake, before taking a drink.

"Phew! That feels much better!" Naya said, satisfied that she has rehydrated, remember to always drink water.

"Refreshing.." Kiyu just sighed softly, with a nod, as both of them scoop up more water until the stainless steel containers were full.

If you wonder how those exist. 365 reincarnations in this world. Someone must've gotten tired of using the water bags.

Although, Naya started feeling tingly inside, her stomach feeling butterflies, as she started breathing heavily. "W.. What the? What is this?.." She said while confused on what's happening to herself, suddenly her body started twitching until her pupils in her eyes changed. Into question marks.

"Huh?.." She said while looking around the place. Till Kiyu spoke.

"Are you alright? You do not look fine at all." She said, a bit teasing and jokingly, as if she was enjoying what was happening to her currently.

"I.. I don't know.. I just feel.." Naya looked at her hands, it was twitching, her legs was shivering despite having full energy and standing up straight. Until Kami went over them.

"Did something happen?" He asked, looking at the both of them with an eyebrow raised and his head tilted slightly.

"I rogh kno." Kiyu said without having to open her mouth, while shrugging at the same time, although when she looked at Naya.. Her expression changed completely.

Naya was focused directly at Kami, staring at him so hard as if he's the only person right there. Making heavy breathing until the question mark pupils had turned into the words LO on the left side of her eye, and VE on the right side. If you're looking at her that is.

"So.. Cute!!" Naya suddenly lunged at Kami, although, he is a God so he easily dodged it, as he began jumping back, avoiding every lunge that Naya was making at him, as he sighed, still avoiding every move Naya kept making. "Kiyu, investigate what that lake has." He said before doing a split on the ground, as soon as Naya was about to tackle him, thankfully, with his short height, him being 5'7, cough, easily avoided it.

Then standing up once again as if the split he did was nothing, athletic am I right?

Kiyu was checking the attributes the lake had as fast as she can. Immediately obtaining it before shouting it at Kami. "It's an Impurity Curse! Whoever drinks from it will release and strengthen their inner intrusive and impure thoughts on someone or anyone until they are knocked out!"

As Naya kept on trying to lunge or hug Kami, with him only dodging it. "Kami! Kami! Come on over and hug me!" She said with a loving yet also teasing tone, with Kami just avoiding it and getting tired of this already. "That is enough Naya."

He said before snapping his fingers as he made Naya pass out, falling on the ground face first as she started snoring immediately.

Kami would carry her in his arms before setting her down against a tree, her upper body and head leaning against the wood, whilst her lower body was laid on the grassy ground as he nodded. "Looks comfortable enough." He said before walking towards Kiyu.

"You have done well. Although, this may delay our way to the town. Take a break." He said while putting his hand on Kiyu's shoulder as he looked at her.

She couldn't believe that he, himself, had given her a chance to take a break and relax now, making her form a happy smile as she turns herself towards him before nodding. "Of course I shall!" Before going over to where Naya was resting.

Kami just looked at the lake, thinking to himself. "Who would even create something like this? And if the reason Kiyu was unaffected because she is already a demon, then it makes sense."

As the screen went black. Then disappearing.

Grassy Hills. 13:27 PM.

"Amazing is it not? I am currently waiting for Naya and Kiyu who had gone back into the forest for the last time. After that, I shall teleport us there." Kami said while still floating above the grassy plain, pointing with his thumb towards the direction of a town who was almost nearby already, yet they've grown tired of walking. "Speaking of those two." He would land his feet on the ground, standing up straight as he stopped floating completely, looking at Naya and Kiyu who was walking up to him on the hill.

"Kami we're back!" Naya said arriving to Kami's side again on his left, with Kiyu panting heavily, tired and exhausted from all the walking she had done.

"I absolutely hate this.. Why did I not focus on Wind Magic?! Curses!" She complained, before arriving beside Kami on his right side, panting heavily yet she took a drink on her water container first, now finally feeling energized once again, as the three looked at the town up ahead before he would ask the two girls.

"What did you two do by the way?" Kami asked with an eyebrow raised while looking at Naya then at Kiyu.

"We got something! And you will know what it is once we head over to a nearby inn!" Naya said with a happy smile, although smiles can be deceiving after all. So Kami would rather keep it a secret than know it right now. "Alright then."

Ignoring what the stuff is or what they have planned. Now that they are all there, it was time for him to teleport the two of them, but before that would happen, he spoke.

"I suggest the two of you should close your eyes. Experiencing teleportation for the first time would cause a bit of nausea and headache."

"Oh do not worry! We're used to it!" Naya said confidently while having a smug smile.

"Like she said, teleportation is normal here for us. So go ahead." Kiyu said with a hint of overconfidence, obviously not expecting his teleportation to be different.

And were they very wrong.

Once Kami had teleported the three of them instantly a few feet away from the gates of the town, the two were currently vomiting with Naya doing it behind a tree, and Kiyu doing it behind a bush.

"This is why you always listen to me." He sighed, disappointed on their foolishness and careless behaviour, putting a hand on his fore head as he shook his head side to side with closed eyes.

"You never told us it was instant! That is very much different!" Naya complained before going back to vomiting once again.

Kiyu couldn't even speak since her head was spinning.

The difference between Teleportation and Instant Teleportation is, one, it takes time and magic for yourself to be transported into another area, thus expecting it. However, two, if you were to say instantly teleported, you wouldn't know where, causing yourself to either experience slight nausea, or vomiting, one or the other, or both. Due to it being like, very fast so wind pressure, or something.

"Thank you for that very detailed and understandable explanation."

Oh shut up will you?

"Fair enough. Now go on."

After a few minutes, the two had finally regained their composure and their well-being, still stunned and embarrassed about doing such things as vomiting from instant teleportation, as they walked towards Kami while panting softly.

"Next time.. Tell us.." Naya said while covering a part of her lower lip since she had leftover drool.

"I agree.. We still do not know what abilities or powers you are capable with." Kiyu sighed, before taking out a purple handkerchief and wiping her mouth with it.

While Naya was using Kami's handkerchief to wipe her mouth, then sniff it a for a brief second.

Until Kami spoke about a problem they will face..

"So. I assume almost every adventurer will know who I am, after the recent incident to the Guildmaster, I assume he also told the Mayor of this town which could pose a problem, so.. What is your plan?" He said, crossing his arms near his chest as he wanted to hear any plan at all to hide his identity. And changing forms takes a lot of work and he does not want to do that.

Naya and Kiyu suddenly freeze in place, they didn't expect a plan is needed, as the two hid their handkerchiefs with Naya laughing embarrassed. "Well uh.. You're a God! So you should definitely just go in there and introduce yourself!"

"No. If I see my own people, beg and grovel for me to not destroy this world. Then I will not hesitate to destroy it the moment they do." He said with cold, stern eyes, staring down at Naya.

But she felt a bit differently when he stared at her like that, her heart suddenly skipping a beat as she looked away. "I.. I understand!"

"What about you, Kiyu?" He looked at her, hoping she would have a plan already, since she's at least smarter than Naya.

"Hmm.. Well, I do not know." She shrugged.

"Seriously.." He sighed, feeling disappointed that even her couldn't come up with a plan. Until Kiyu spoke again.

"Though, if we think about it, Naya's plan is not so bad. Even if they do notice you. They will treat you with respect, even worship you even." She suggested, although for him, it was a very interesting take. But to see begging and grovelling humans on his feet is something he doesn't wish to see, so he'd sigh while nodding.

"I understand, lead the way." Kami stepped back, as Naya stood beside him, yet slightly ahead, along with Kiyu, who was ahead of him a bit while being at his left side.

"We can finally rest on a bed.." Naya sighed, now wanting to sleep already.

"You like being in the middle don't you?" Kiyu looked back at Kami, as he shrugged.

"I am the important one after all." He said while having a confident tone, making Kiyu nod and look ahead as they all started walking in the woods, heading outside to see the town's entrance gate.

Arriving at Cavi Town. 13:39 PM.

The story continues.