Chapter 33


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Chapter 33: The Valley of the End


The Valley of the End is both towering into the clouds and bottomless.


The rushing waterfall is like a huge wave, cascading down from the sky, violently crashing into the river at the bottom of the valley and affecting the flow rate.


Outside of Konoha Village, in the Valley of the End, Ryosuke and his two guards, Souji and Hoshicai, stood on the surface of the rapid water, staring at the two huge, god-like sculptures.


The First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.


The strongest clan leader in Uchiha history, Madara Uchiha.


The valley was very deep. From the water surface where Ryosuke and the others were standing, looking up along the waterfall, it felt like they were trapped in a deep, lightless abyss, being swallowed by darkness.


On both sides of the canyon, the stone walls with carvings of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha appeared lifelike under the impact of the water.


Their faces are at the top of the canyon, and looking up from the bottom, it seems as if they are in the clouds.


The postures and looks of the two men seemed as if they had not given up their respective beliefs and conclusions until the very last moment of their battle.


At the moment their lives ended, they still maintained their previous stances, turning into two statues, arguing about which ideology was correct.


"No matter how many times I watch it, it's always so spectacular."


Just as Ryosuke was quietly looking at the two statues in front of him, Hyuga Souji behind him spoke with some emotion. "Master Ryosuke, you may not know that our generation often came to visit the Valley of the End when we were students."


"And every time they come, the Uchiha in each class always become more arrogant."


Hyuga Hoshicai also joined in the conversation, "It's ridiculous that the entire Uchiha clan abandoned Madara and supported Hashirama's ideology. Who would have thought that their descendants would start to regard themselves as having the honor that Madara had."


"But if Madara had become the Hokage back then, perhaps the ninja world would not have ushered in an era of peace, but would have been plagued by wars for years." Souji began to express his opinion again.


The two expressed their opinions and had a lively conversation about the Uchiha issue.


Ryosuke did not speak up and join in but listened quietly to their story while looking at the traces left by the great war on the Valley of the End.


Many of the rock walls in this valley show signs of being burned by high-concentration fire.

It should be caused by Madara's Fire Style.


Similarly, there are many traces left by Hashirama.


Most of them are fist and palm prints.


These fist and palm prints were not made by hand, and they appear tiny compared to the huge canyon.


Instead, it was the big pit created by the Wood Style ninjutsu of Hashirama, the Buddha on top of his head in the true thousand-hand state, which condensed into a huge statue of Kannon.


Even the Valley of the End, this huge deep valley crack, was caused by the battle between Hashirama and Madara at that time.


Is this really...the impact that a battle between ninjas can have?


With trembling hands, Ryosuke stroked the potholes on the rock wall expressionlessly, feeling the cruelty and intensity of the battle at that time.


Decades have passed, but the traces of that battle are still there, which shows how earth-shattering and mountain-shaking the scale of that battle was.


Ryosuke's heart was filled with emotions. There were very few things that could make him so excited.


This is like getting a book on cultivating immortals in modern times and just starting to refine his body and build his foundation, feeling complacent about his extraordinary abilities.


But during an accidental trip, he suddenly saw the traces left by the ancient monks who were in the ancienttribulation Period. Suddenly, it was as if another door had opened, a vast and solemn door.


This road has been walked by someone.


The journey on this road made him even more excited.


Normally, Ryosuke's own battles with Hyuga Hiashi would seem to be a battle between ninjas, with powers that were already extremely beyond those of mortal men.


But now, having come to this deep valley, he finally understood what true extraordinariness was.


The more turbulent his heart is, the calmer his appearance is.

Having a blank expression is Ryosuke's most relaxed state, but also his most excited state.


Only a smile is between the two, and it is when he is most vigilant.


Closing his eyes, Ryosuke took a deep breath to calm his inner excitement.


He slowly exhaled, and when he opened his eyes again, the excitement in Ryosuke's eyes had dissipated, and what remained was the calmness in his heart to face this ninja world.


"Souji, Hoshicai, it's time to go..."


A calm voice sounded, and he slowly turned around, smiling as he walked out of the canyon.


Now that they have arrived at the Valley of the End and the edge of Konoha, it means... Ryosuke can finally leave the village.


After five years, he stepped out of the small village for the first time, ready to experience the world of ninjas.


The long-awaited opportunity for actual combat had finally arrived.


In Hiashi's heart, Ryosuke's status is very high, equal to or even superior to that of his own family.


So even though he realized that there was nothing he could teach Ryosuke, he still kept suppressing him and did not let Ryosuke try to get involved in real combat.


On the one hand, of course, there was no opportunity, and on the other hand, he was reluctant to do so.


But now, Ryosuke finally found a chance to leave the village.


This time when he left the village, his mission was to visit the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, which was an annual routine for the Hyuga clan.


However, in previous years, it was done by people from the branch families.


This year, Hiashi planned to take this opportunity to arrange a not-too-difficult mission outside the village for Ryosuke and let him broaden his horizons at the same time.


He can't stay in this village forever and be a frog in a well.


The Hyuga clan attaches great importance to the task of visiting the daimyo, but the word daimyo is not deeply impressed in Ryosuke's mind.


In other words, this type of person is not outstanding in the plotline of Naruto and has almost no chance to show their face.


But that is the world of comics after all, and where Ryosuke is is the real world of Naruto.


There are naturally some differences between the two.


If you want to survive in this ninja world, you must never underestimate these so-called daimyo and nobles. Even if they do not have the power of ninjas, they have far more than ninjas.


As for where it is more, it is in the human heart.


Is the population of this world large?

Compared to Ryosuke's previous life, it is certainly not large.


Are there many ninjas in this world?

Yes, it is a ninja world after all, and there are many ninjas with extraordinary powers.


So... in terms of the overall population, are there more ninjas or more ordinary people?


Without a doubt, there are more ordinary people.


The majority of the population in the ninja world are ordinary people, and only a small number of people have the talent to become ninjas.


Ryosuke had anticipated the numerical disparity between ordinary people and ninjas.


But as for the people in power in this ninja world, those daimyo and nobles who are just ordinary people are the ones who truly possess real power, which surprised Ryosuke.


Originally, he thought that with the power of ninjas, the daimyos and nobles of various countries should be more like puppets, helping the ninjas to manage the ninja world and help them control ordinary people.


But what surprised Ryosuke was that the daimyo and the nobles have always been the actual rulers of each country, and they hold the lifelines of their countries.


(End of this chapter)

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