Chapter 34


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Chapter 34: Kyoto City

The lifeline of a country is influenced by many factors.


Economy, education, military, production, technology, and other various directions form the foundation of a nation and the shell of the word "country." Among these, the economy is the most important.


Only when these aspects are perfect enough, remain stable, and have sufficient economic strength can a country operate steadily.


Only those who are capable and in power can prevent the country from experiencing events that cause public outrage or even a coup during its development.

The ability here does not refer to military force, but management ability, and excellence in cultural and ideological levels.


However, these factors apply within the framework of the Land of Fire, not Konoha.


Nowadays, the operating modes of the major countries in the ninja world are all proceeding in a very delicate state.


Just like the Land of Fire and Konoha, although Konoha is considered the military force of the Land of Fire, it can actually be regarded as a country within the Land of Fire, with a separate power framework and system based on strength and military exploits, which is completely opposite to the management system of the Land of Fire.


In other words, the people in power in the Land of Fire, such as the daimyo and the nobles, manage the ordinary people within the Land of Fire.


They guide them in production, technology, education, business, and other aspects, facilitating the country's economy.


These people talk about ideas, culture, strategy, and management.


In Konoha, the people in power are the Hokage, the elders, and the advisors. They manage the ninjas of Konoha, the ninjas of the Land of Fire, and they restrain all those with extraordinary abilities to prevent trouble for ordinary people.


Moreover, in the process of restraint, Konoha will develop steadily with the support of the daimyo and nobles of the Land of Fire, becoming the country's defensive force and resisting foreign invasions.


One outside and one inside, one civil and one military, this was established by the First Hokage and the daimyo of the time, and was the smooth path for the common development of the Land of Fire and Konoha.


This path is currently being emulated by other countries in the ninja world, and they are all trying to develop in this direction.


Therefore, in this ninja world, daimyo and nobles are not puppets pushed forward by ninjas.


Although they have no power, they have wisdom.


They control the hearts of ordinary people who, like them, had no talent to become ninjas, and gathered this loose power into a rolling river.


"Isn't this the democratic system established by the literati and the warlords?"


The journey was smooth and without any fighting incidents. Ryosuke and his companions arrived safely in Kyoto City.


Looking at the bustling flow of people coming and going, he felt quite emotional.


On the way from Konoha to Kyoto Prefecture, he witnessed many things that the Hyuga clan's intelligence chain couldn't show. The current situation in the Land of Fire can be described in four words: peace and prosperity.


Men of letters, that is, daimyo and first-class nobles.


Although they prided themselves on their talents and knowledge, with the ninjas as a force watching them closely, they did not dare to go against the will of the people and stand against the masses.


Serving the people, considering the people's interests, and developing and strengthening the country are the price they pay for their power and status.


Because of this, in less than ten years after the Third Ninja World War, the country had stabilized and made significant progress in national strength.


"It's ridiculous that Konoha, a village with extraordinary abilities, is internally corrupt and full of strife. On the contrary, the Land of Fire, under a system where ordinary people manage ordinary people, has developed so rapidly and peacefully," Ryosuke thought, casually putting his hands behind his back, projecting the aura of a little adult.


But... his inner self is not small.


The three of them walked and stopped along the way, admiring the prosperity and flourishing of this world's largest city.


Soon, they came to the city gate and stopped. Kyoto City is the central city of the Land of Fire. It covers a large area and is divided into the inner city and the outer city.


Although Ryosuke and his companions had just entered Kyoto City, they were in the outer city.


Only a certain number of people can enter the inner city, and they need certain qualifications, such as identity.


"We are ninjas from the Hyuga clan," Souji declared as he stepped forward, activating his Byakugan to reveal their identities.


"So you are the ninja-sama of the Hyuga clan. Please come in," the sergeant blocking the road spoke respectfully and quickly signaled his men to make way.


There is no need to verify your identity. The Byakugan that Hyuga Souji opens when he speaks is the best proof of entry into the city.


Ryosuke didn't say a word the whole time. He just nodded kindly to the captain of the soldiers, said hello, and then led the two of them into the city.


The situation in the inner city is quite different from that in the outer city.


Because of the soldiers blocking the road, the street vendors were gone, and the only ones who could do business in the inner city were some of the large merchant families in the Fire Nation.


However, these families do not sell their goods directly on the street like ordinary small vendors. Instead, they all have their own stores.


So, when Ryosuke stood at the entrance to the city and took a look, he had only two thoughts in his mind.


Neat and rigorous.


Because there are no small vendors, there are not many strolling and crowded pedestrians.


Although the whole street seems empty and lacks the atmosphere of life, it is not dead.


Nobles, government officials who managed the major institutions of the Land of Fire, ninjas hired from Konoha, and the servants and carriages of these famous scholars were all figures that could be seen frequently on the streets of the inner city.


Overall, it's a lot quieter.


"You are all... ninjas from the Hyuga clan, right?"


Originally, Ryosuke planned to stroll around the inner city first to get a feel for the overall environment and routes of the place and check out the area.


But before he and Souji could take a few more steps, a carriage stopped in front of them.


An elegant middle-aged man dressed in a kimono robe and dressed like a scholar got off the carriage. As soon as he opened his mouth, he revealed the identities of Ryosuke and the others.


However, given the special appearance of the Hyuga clan, this is not surprising.


"Who are you?" Souji took another step forward, standing in front of Ryosuke and asked.


"I am Nagahirano, a retainer of the daimyo," the elegant middle-aged man first briefly introduced himself, and then said kindly, "The master is already waiting for you three at home."


As he spoke, his eyes unconsciously drifted behind Hyuga Souji and fell on Ryosuke.


As a large clan, the Hyuga clan wants to provide for the entire family economy. In addition to the clan members doing tasks in the village, there must be some additional sources of funds.


Families like the Ino-Shika-Cho and Uchiha families also have other businesses in the Fire Country to earn funds to maintain the operation of the family.


Most of the Hyuga clan's business is provided by the nobles of the Land of Fire.


(End of this chapter)


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