Chapter 42


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Chapter 42: Where's the Head?


Although there is not much description about the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan in the original plot, the fact that the Uchiha and Hyuga clans have been in competition since the founding of Konoha Village undoubtedly shows that the bloodline abilities between the two are not that different.


Even in actual combat, the ability of the Byakugan is much more applicable than the Sharingan.


Especially in some wars, they can play a decisive role, so the village's attitude towards Hyuga is much better.


The insight of the Byakugan allows it to observe subtle changes in the environment seen by the eyes.


Telescopic vision allows you to see things at a farther distance, and as long as you work hard enough, you can continuously improve your telescopic distance.


The X-ray vision can see through objects. In addition to seeing through the human body's meridians, bones, and acupoints, it can also penetrate most objects, such as trees, houses, and other obstructions.


The combination of these three also means that as long as one has Hyuga blood and good talent, one has the ability to awaken the Byakugan and bring the abilities of these three to the extreme.


Then in a battle, no matter how the enemy hides, no matter how they use jutsu to try to hide, they will be exposed to the eyes of the Hyuga clan almost without any blind spots and will be locked on, with no possibility of avoiding perception.


The Hyuga clan knows all the enemy's movements, including when they perform ninjutsu and how much chakra is consumed in their bodies. Everything is laid bare to the Byakugan.


How can you lose in this situation? Even if you really can't win, you definitely have the ability to avoid it in advance.


In this case, not to mention that the Byakugan has other powerful abilities yet to be developed.


Therefore, the reason why the Hyuga clan has not been outstanding all along is not because the abilities brought by their bloodline are not strong enough, but because of the lack of geniuses to develop their abilities.


But now... this genius has emerged!


"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!"


A flame that rolled like a real dragon burst out from the mouth of the Uchiha Jonin and rushed through the dense forest. No obstacle could stop it.


The powerful destructive power of B-rank ninjutsu is fully demonstrated under his precise chakra control and changes in chakra properties.


But unfortunately, just like the previous compound ninjutsu, this fire dragon was intercepted by the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm wielded by Souji and Hoshicai, and exploded in mid-air, creating a sea of fire in the dense forest.


As a secret technique passed down in Hyuga for thousands of years, the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm is no less powerful than the ordinary Five Elements nature transformations. The power depends on the amount of concentrated chakra.


In the thick fog created by the explosion, the figures of the two Uchiha flashed quickly.


The distance had been widened and they tried to counterattack again.


"Genjutsu: Shiranui!"


The Byakugan means a powerful sensory ability that can firmly lock onto the enemy's location.


But at the same time, the effect of the Byakugan also makes the Hyuga clan particularly susceptible to being deceived by visual genjutsu.


Souji and Hoshicai, who had been chasing closely, stopped moving between the branches.


They didn't have time to close their eyes at the moment the genjutsu was cast.


The Uchiha Chunin, who was originally ordinary and had always been protected by his companions, actually had a Three Tomoe Sharingan under the mask!


They realized this when they felt the mental confusion and loss brought by the genjutsu.


Shiranui's genjutsu was just a C-rank visual illusion, which was absolutely incapable of tricking these two experienced Chunins. It was only when amplified by the hypnotic ability of the Three Tomoe Sharingan that it could have such a powerful deceptive ability.


It takes time to dispel the genjutsu.


The power of Uchiha's Sharingan lies in the copy ability, which can copy the enemy's actions, ninjutsu, genjutsu, and even taijutsu.


But when they faced a family like the Hyuga clan, who had learned almost all the secret techniques, the copying eye almost lost its effect, and the only thing that could be more effective in battle was the ability to use genjutsu with the sharingan.


At the moment when the Uchiha Chunin performed the genjutsu, the Uchiha Jonin had already quickly formed hand seals.


"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!"


He once again performed B-rank ninjutsu, and the fire dragon that came out of his mouth was even more powerful than before.


The first time the Great Dragon Fire Technique was performed, it was to create a sea of fire and explosion. In the fog just now, these two Hyuga realized that they would cast a genjutsu and closed their Byakugan to avoid it.


They will take advantage of the thick fog to launch their attack.


But if these two Hyuga didn't realize that they were going to perform a genjutsu and weren't prepared, then... the genjutsu and this second Great Dragon Fire Technique would be the real killing moves.


As for the Hyuga clan member hiding in the dark...


Although it can be seen from the fight just now that the little guy is a little genius and has the strength of a Genin at such a young age.


But a Genin is a Genin after all. Faced with such a deadly move, even if he hides in the dark, he cannot stop this counterattack!


They... thought so.


"Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!"


However, what the two Uchiha did not expect was that Hyuga Souji and Hoshicai, who should have been deceived by the genjutsu, were moving like nothing happened. They once again swung out highly concentrated chakra palm strikes, interrupting the Great Dragon Fire Jutsu once again.


The counterattack failed and the two Uchiha fled once again.


Once again, the process of one chasing and one escaping begins.


"I will stay behind to cover our retreat. This mission is abandoned. You need to return alive and tell Chief Fugaku everything that happened here. If I cannot return, please treat my family well."


Very decisively, the two Hyuga men ignored the genjutsu they cast, and the Uchiha Jonin, who had been silent all this time, directly announced that he would give up the action.


I don't know exactly what happened, but it is a fact.


There was absolutely no problem with the genjutsu performed by his companions, and the two Hyuga had also entered a state of confusion.


But there seemed to be some reason that allowed them to escape from the genjutsu in a very short time.


But this is impossible! With the power of the genjutsuenhanced, the genjutsu cast was definitely not something that ordinary ninjas can easily touch.


The repeated blows have brought the proud heart of this senior ninja to the bottom. He no longer thinks about how to successfully complete the mission, but how to return to the village alive.


"Team leader..."


Hearing the captain's order, the Uchiha Chunin was a little confused.


A sudden attack, running away, trying to fight back, and running away again when the counterattack fails.


Although the whole process seemed very long, it actually took less than ten minutes, and his brain was still buzzing.


They were obviously the ones who came to attack and kill, and the three Hyuga guys were the targets, so how did it suddenly become like this?


They had an absolute advantage. How could the fight between those two Hyuga Chunins, who were also a burden, suddenly turn out like this, with them running away and the other side chasing them?


"You have better talent than me. You have opened the Three Tomoe Sharingan at a young age. What you lack is just enough combat experience."


Before the Uchiha Chunin could finish, the Jonin interrupted him, "Leave quickly, I will hold them back, you have to come back alive, your future will be more useful than mine!"


"Team leader..."


The emotion welled up in his heart, and the fear and panic in the heart of this Uchiha Chunin seemed to be forcibly suppressed. "I can't leave, I want to stay..."


Under the influence of his inner emotions, all his rationality was thrown aside, and he was about to say something like he was unwilling to abandon his companions.


But the next moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck, and then he saw a familiar figure in front of him.


That was... his body.


But now, the body is missing its head.


Where is the head?


(End of this chapter)


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