Chapter 43


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Chapter 43: This is a Test I Set for Myself




The head, like a watermelon, was spraying bright red juice as it fell heavily to the ground with a dull sound.


Even without a head, the Uchiha Chunin's body continued to run forward due to the inertia of its rapid movement.


Before the nerves realized they were dead, the muscles were still exerting force.


But after a few steps, the body's nerves seemed to realize that the brain that issued commands to it had been disconnected, and its movements gradually slowed down, and finally it fell to the ground.




The body had no support and fell heavily to the ground.


The whole process happened very abruptly. Neither the dead Uchiha Chunin himself, nor Hyuga Souji and Hoshicai, who were chasing behind, realized what had happened.


They all "passed by" the fallen body in confusion and continued to chase the fleeing Uchiha Jonin.


This time, even the Uchiha Jonin, who had always been able to react immediately to any special situations encountered in battle, froze.


His hands and feet were now running away unconsciously according to his body's instincts, and behind the mask, his expression was filled with unconcealable fear.


He didn't see clearly what just happened.


Although he only had a two-tomoe Sharingan, his abilities was not as good as that of a three-tomoe Sharingan.


But over the years, the combat experience that allowed him to grow into a Jonin was far beyond the reach of a single transformation of the Sharingan. But even so, he still didn't notice anything wrong just now.


There was no sound of wind, no trace of chakra, and even no killing intent! Without any warning, his companion suddenly lost his life and was beheaded right before his eyes. What on earth was going on?!


Since the surprise attack, one unexpected thing after another had already broken the calm heart of the Jonin.


There was something wrong with that Hyuga clan member!


He quickly realized this, and he saw the confusion on the faces of the two Hyuga Chunins chasing him from behind.


They also didn't know what was going on.


The only person who could have caused all this was the Hyuga clan member that disappeared.


This Uchiha Jonin felt that he seemed to have grasped the key point, but now he only had one thought in his mind.


Run, run quickly!


Since his companions were already dead, there was no need for him to stay behind. He had to rush back to Konoha as soon as possible to report the matter to the clan leader.


But unfortunately, before he could run a few more steps, his body instinctively sensed the danger, and he paused for a moment, throwing a kunai directly into the air in front of him.




The sound of metal colliding was very clear amid the rumbling fire.


Originally, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty air.


The kunai thrown by the Uchiha Jonin was knocked down by the kunai in Ryosuke's hand.


"It's you?!"


The moment he saw Ryosuke, the Uchiha Jonin could no longer control his emotions and exclaimed, "Genjutsu?!"


Under the mask, the Sharingan in his pupils had been operating at its maximum since the moment the battle began.


The two tomoe in the pupil began to spin rapidly like a wheel, until finally, the third tomoe appeared!


The Sharingan, which already possessed powerful insight, became even clearer before his eyes because of this transformation.


The surrounding scene has changed slightly. The current scene is very familiar. The reason why they have been running for so long and have never left the dense forest is that the two of them have been wandering around in this forest!


Not far away, the Hyuga clan member was standing there calmly with a kunai in his hand.


The pair of white eyes on that young and innocent face seemed to be different from those of ordinary Hyuga and seemed to be brighter than those of ordinary Hyuga.


"So that's how it is, so that's how it is!"


The Uchiha Jonin clenched his fists and roared.


The two Hyuga easily dispelled the genjutsu amplified by the sharingan, and his companion inexplicably passed away in front of him. The crisis he just felt...


After seeing these eyes, he understood everything. What was going on?


The pressure of life and death, the death of his companions, and the pair of eyes before him, all made the Uchiha Jonin's heart feel like it was in turmoil.


"Hyuga...Hyuga! What a Hyuga!"


While yelling, he rushed towards the calm and indifferent figure in front of him.


At this moment, he gave up on not getting close to Hyuga.


Years of experience told him that he could no longer escape.


The moment he saw those eyes, he had no chance of leaving the dense forest.


Because the eyes he saw might be the biggest secret of the Hyuga clan for thousands of years.


"I've been waiting for this moment."


Facing the Uchiha Jonin who was rushing towards him, Ryosuke did not feel any fear at all but was eager to try.


However, this does not mean that he has become complacent and thinks he can face off against the Jonin head-on.


The moment the Uchiha Jonin rushed towards him, Souji and Hoshicai, who had been on guard against him since the beginning, also caught up.


Rather than saying that this Uchiha Jonin was charging towards Ryosuke, it would be more accurate to say that he was surrounded by three people.


However, Souji and Hoshicai did not take action immediately but stood vigilantly on the side.


Facing the figure who had been acting very calm since the battle began, they suddenly remembered Ryosuke's words before the battle began.


"This is a test...I gave myself."


His words echoed in their minds, and after seeing the embarrassed look of the Uchiha Jonin in front of them, they seemed to understand why Ryosuke had acted so calm and confident before.


"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!"


The sound of gnashing teeth was heard. After such a long period of high-intensity fighting, this Uchiha Jonin had very little chakra left in his body.


He could no longer use that powerful B-rank ninjutsu.




Chakra gushed out from all the acupuncture points in Ryosuke's body at the same time, forming a spiral chakra shield around him.


While blocking the flying flames, he also redirected it so that they flew towards the Uchiha Jonin.


The Uchiha Jonin skillfully avoided his own ninjutsu. He didn't think his ninjutsu would be effective. In this situation, he consumed chakra just to prevent Ryosuke from having a chance to dodge and move.


He couldn't escape anymore; he just wanted to use his life to leave something on Ryosuke.


Ignoring Ryosuke who was wrapped in a chakra shield in front of him, the kunai in the Uchiha Jonin's hand was repeatedly washed by chakra, becoming sharper and more penetrating.


As a Jonin, it is, of course, impossible for him to master only one type of chakra nature transformation. In addition to Uchiha's unique Fire Release, he has also done extensive research on wind attribute chakra.


Although Rotation claims to be an absolute defense, nothing in this world is absolute.


Various factors such as the amount of chakra, the control of chakra, etc. will affect the actual use of Rotation.






Under Ryosuke's indifferent gaze, the Uchiha Jonin who was rushing towards him roared and threw out the sharp kunai in his hand that condensed powerful wind-attribute chakra.




The sharp sound of breaking through the air was extremely harsh.


An ordinary kunai, when used by this senior ninja, was endowed with powerful penetrating and destructive power.


It was like it had transformed from an ordinary toy gun bullet into a special bullet for a sniper rifle, and it went straight through the Rotation that Ryosuke had performed, piercing through the chakra shield.


But unfortunately, he had already anticipated this and did not have full confidence in the defensive power of the Rotation he was using, so he knew about it first and avoided the kunai which was gaining momentum.


"Eight Trigrams..."


Ryosuke's expression did not change in the slightest because of the battle.


At this moment, he was like a sophisticated machine, calculating all possible events and launching a counterattack, "Sixty-Four Palms!"


(End of this chapter)



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