Chapter 44


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Chapter 44: Palm Strikes Rain Down


Palm strikes rained down on the Uchiha Jonin.


Why is the Hyuga clan's close combat known as the strongest? It's because of their Gentle Fist techniques and Byakugan, which allow them to block the flow of chakra in the enemy's body, and even stimulate acupuncture points to cause various negative effects on the enemy.


In close combat, in a purely physical duel, some minor physical stagnation or even numbness may have a huge impact on the outcome.


At first, the Uchiha Jonin was able to block Ryosuke's attacks and prevent him from cutting off the flow of chakra in his body.


But soon, the aftereffects of the previous high-intensity battle began to show up, and physical strength and chakra began to be insufficient.Feelings of fatigue and weakness came to his mind again and again.


When he was about to give up, Ryosuke's palm wrapped in the Gentle Fist chakra hit his acupuncture points, this high-intensity battle that lasted for nearly half an hour finally came to an end...


Thick smoke billowed around the dense forest.


Next to Ryosuke was the Uchiha Jonin who was lying on the ground.


"You're not decisive enough."


Looking at the Uchiha Jonin in front of him who was unable to move and gradually losing his voice, he shook his head, "If you really want to fight to the death, even if your body doesn't have a trace of chakra and your limbs are broken, you have to bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh with your teeth, right?"


When saying this, Ryosuke felt a little regretful.


Maybe... we should have started earlier.


This Uchiha Jonin should have been allowed to have more chakra and stamina so that he can fight with him a a little more to push and test himself.


"Master Ryosuke, he has been confirmed dead."


He carefully checked the Uchiha Jonin, and only after confirming with his Byakugan that there was no sound did Souji begin to report with extreme respect.


His attitude was much stronger than usual and contained a hint of respect.


"You guys should finish it quickly."


Tiredly closing his Byakugan, Ryosuke rubbed his eye sockets and said, "Remember to use the scroll you bought in Kyoto City to store the three Uchiha corpses, and... don't do anything to damage their corpses."




Souji and Hoshicai nodded obediently and left instantly to put out the fire in the jungle and collect the bodies of the other two Uchiha.


While resting and recovering the chakra consumed in the battle, Ryosuke reviewed and sorted out the battle.


Are Jonin strong?

Of course, there are only a few Jonin in a village.


The fact that a Jonin would appear in this Uchiha attack was beyond Ryosuke's imagination.


However, it only surprised him a little.


He was the one who planned this battle. From the very beginning, he had taken all possibilities into consideration, including the appearance of a senior ninja and the possibility of an awakened person with three tomoe among the Uchiha.


Fighting, although it seems to be a very complicated thing, comes down to one sentence: make your advantages greater and make up for your disadvantages.


In this battle, the biggest advantage that Ryosuke and his companions had was that they knew in advance that Uchiha might launch a sneak attack, which turned them from the obvious prey to secret hunters.


The disadvantages are the number of people, overall strength, and the fact that he is a burden.


However, these disadvantages have been gradually made up by Ryosuke in the battle that lasted for more than 20 minutes, and even gradually turned into advantages.


In terms of the number of people, although there are three of them, if calculated based on the tickets for the amusement park, there should be two and a half people on their side, and one of them is a child.


It is obvious that Ryosuke's strength is relatively insufficient in this battle.


If he were to go into direct combat with a Chunin in his prime, there was no guarantee that he would win. It can be seen from the battle just now that it takes some effort for him to deal with even a Jonin who is barely alive and has little chakra left.


The skill revolving heaven, which is known for its absolute defense, is not skillful enough in his hands and is not worthy of such a name.


Most of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms were blocked. If the Jonin's strength and chakra had not been almost exhausted, he would have had no chance of hitting the opponent and ending the fight.


So, at the beginning of the battle, Ryosuke and his three companions worked together to launch a sneak attack on the weakest Uchiha.


While ensuring the probability of success, they reduced the disadvantages in numbers and overall strength.


Hyuga Souji and Hyuga Hoshiai are the helpers assigned to Ryosuke by Hyuga Hiashi.


Considering how much importance Hyuga Hiashi attaches to him, these two helpers will naturally not be weak.


Although they have always played the role of guards and nannies in the village, in fact, both of them are ninjas who participated in the later period of the Third Ninja World War. They are peak Chunins who have been on the battlefield and have rich experience.


After getting rid of one Uchiha, the number of people and overall strength changed.


Originally, for the Uchiha side, it was 1+1+2=4.


On their side, it is 1+1+0.5=2.5.


But when the Uchiha lost one person, their gap was only a disadvantage of 0.5.


Finally, when Ryosuke moved from the light to the dark again, his 0.5 became 1.5, because while he became a surprise weapon, he also possessed the Byakugan that the Uchiha were not aware of.


Suddenly, the battle situation became clear.


"The only pity is that this is always... a battle between ninjas."


Although planning and calculation are also an important factor in combat, Ryosuke does not like this feeling.


Knowing the plot well, he understood the future and how dangerous this ninja world would be.


By that time, the outcome of every battle would be determined more by real strength, and battles that relied on strategy to gain an advantage would be relatively rare.


By that time, many battles had actually gone beyond the scope of ninjas, and could be said to be... like battles between gods.


Many strategies will be crushed like an ant in the face of true power.


However, this battle was not without any gain.


After all, steps have to be taken one step at a time.


After resting for a while to recover his strength and chakra, Ryosuke stood up again.

When the smile returned to his face, something inside him had changed.

His hands were already stained with blood, and he was no longer the... second-rate ninja he used to be.


Becoming a qualified ninja is his temporary goal. As for the earth-shaking battles in the future, he believes that he will be able to participate in them by then. After all...


"Regarding these eyes, you should know what to do, right?"


Looking at Souji and Hoshicai who hurried back after finishing the work, Ryosuke smiled and said, "Don't tell anyone, including your family."




Responding in unison, Souji and Hoshicai looked at Ryosuke with only submission in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)



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