Council meeting

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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I am Having some issues again my chapter's are auto deleting guys currently talking with team so soory for problem



Well there was issue with my account Now its solve but it took some time which made chapter Late



Naruto looked towards Kurama, who spoke before Naruto could say anything.

"If you permit me, my Lord Naruto-sama, I would like to remain in your body for some time. In the future, I can reveal myself as the new Jubi and your summon to the world."

Naruto considered this for a moment. Releasing Kurama now would likely lead to other nations attacking him, thinking he was a new Bijuu due to his dark purple form and ten tails. It would be safer for Kurama to remain inside him for the time being, especially now that he was even more powerful than before. Naruto nodded in agreement.

"All right, Jubi, Kurama, or whatever you prefer to call yourself. You will remain inside my body for some time. In the near future, when my plans start to unfold, you can reveal yourself as the new king of the Bijuu and the strongest of them all. They will fear and respect you as the strongest summon and creature beside me, of course."

Kurama nodded, a grin spreading across his face. He couldn't wait to show his new power to the humans who dared to split his power and imprison him. They had underestimated his Lord, and now they would know the power of the Lord of Destruction. He smirked at Naruto, who was also smiling, before vanishing from the mindscape.

Meanwhile, a council meeting was being held. The entire council was present, discussing the new team assignments. Minato, the Hokage, was speaking.

"The team seven should be..." Minato began, though his eyes drifted to his son Naruto. He knew the council was waiting for him to address Naruto's situation, but he was hesitant to bring it up.

One of the civilian council members interrupted, "Lord Hokage, we need to discuss something with you. It seems that despite our best efforts, we have a threat in our village that has grown much more powerful. We need to deal with this threat as soon as possible before it becomes dangerous to the village. We demand that this threat be removed from the Shinobi program."

Minato knew they were talking about Naruto. One of the council members stood up. "Lord Hokage, it seems Naruto Uzumaki is becoming too powerful and disrespectful to our authority. We need to put him in his place. I vote to place him in reserves, if not remove him from the Shinobi program entirely."

Koharu, one of the elders, spoke up, surprising many. "I disagree."

"What do you mean by that, Koharu?" Hamura, another elder, asked.

"Lord Hokage, as you know, Naruto Uzumaki has become a Shinobi. Therefore, we should remove the law that allows civilians to attack him without consequences. He is a Shinobi of the village and a clan head," Koharu explained.

Minato was surprised but understood. , and his advisor shikaku, added, "Elder Koharu is right. Naruto Uzumaki is a clan head, and the match between him and Menma was not officially sanctioned by the Hokage. Since the Hokage did not step in, it became sanctioned by the council."

Jiraiya grimaced, knowing the council had a point. He hated seeing his godson treated this way and didn't want to discourage Naruto's loyalty to the village. Minato, deep in thought, knew the council was right. Placing Naruto in reserves might give him time to train Menma and Ruko for the upcoming competition. Finally, Minato made his decision.

"Even with Naruto's impressive display of power, he is still the dead last of the academy. Since we have an odd number of students, I have decided to place Naruto Uzumaki-Namakaze in the reserves," Minato announced.

Before Minato could finish, the doors slammed open, and the royal guards of the Fire Daimyo entered. The entire council stood up in surprise as a messenger knelt before Minato.

"Lord Hokage, we are here at the request of the Fire Daimyo. He has given orders to deliver this scroll to you," the messenger said.

Minato took the scroll and began reading. His eyes widened in shock as he read the contents. He looked towards the council.

"The Fire Daimyo has sent a congratulatory letter for the passing of my children from the academy. Additionally, he has written that he would like to see my eldest son, Naruto Uzumaki, participate in the Chunin Exams. His daughter was impressed with Naruto's performance and has developed a crush on him. The Daimyo is more than happy to propose a marriage contract between Naruto and his daughter."

This revelation shocked the council members. Kushina, Naruto's mother, spoke up, "Minato, Meenma is not ready for marriage!"

Minato shook his head. "Kushina, it's not about Meenma. This is a marriage contract between Naruto and the Fire Daimyo's daughter. She has developed feelings for Naruto after seeing him fight in the tournament."

The council members were pale. A marriage contract with the Fire Daimyo's daughter was significant. Refuting it would cause trouble for the village. The Daimyo had also requested to see Naruto's talent in the Chunin Exams, throwing Minato's plan to place Naruto in reserves out the window. There was no way he could provide explanations after that, especially with the Fire Daimyo's royal guards present.

Sighing inwardly, Minato knew there was nothing he could do at this point. "We need to prepare a team for Naruto Uzumaki-Namakaze," he announced. "He will not be placed in reserves. The Fire Daimyo's request changes everything."

Minato stood up, ready to leave the council chamber. The fate of Naruto was now tied to the village in more ways than one.

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Stay tuned for the next chapter of Destroyer Ball Z. Dattebayo!