(6) YOU?

"So... you know about that. Right?" Lily tried to sound him out.


"....That I don't do work in this field anymore." and she pushed him a bit more.

"Hahaaa..... I know about that. But you answered pretty fast, especially for someone who doesn't work anymore."


"Well, don't worry about it. The work is going to be different and much easier."

"The letter said that you'll fulfill my wish. Be it anything. There is something I want. It's very necessary." Lily clenched her hands.

"Your wish will be fulfilled if you'll complete your job properly." He saw the desperation on Lily's face.

"So... Who is the client?" She tried to gain some information.

"You'll know when you will enter." He smiled as he opened the door of the room.

The rooms of the club were not small but maybe it was because of the man standing by the window which made the room look smaller.

The person was standing with his back toward Lily. He had platinum hair and broad shoulders. Perhaps his shirt was small for his large build as Lily could see the sharp curves of his back.

A knight.

Lily could easily tell that the man in front of her must have participated in many wars. Well on the other note, she was sure that he would be a handsome man.

While Lily was busy anticipating she heard the sound of closing the door and saw that her friend had entered the room.

But when she turned again to face the man, she got shocked

"You?!" She let out a shriek.

The cold and ruthless eyes that she wished she'll never see again, were staring down at her.

There were no emotions in those eyes. No arrogance, no malice, nothing. It seemed like nothing could reach his eyes.


But what shocked Lily was her rotten luck. It just had to be him whom she bumped into. And it just had to be him who her client was.

'What is the young duke of the infamous dukedom doing here? In this rundown inn.' She glanced at him, while all types of thoughts passed through her mind.

'Hmm, he is insanely handsome.....No! why is this dangerous person roaming around the commoner's area.' As she again tried to peek at him, the name 'Raymond Aflantia' screamed inside her head.

Every cell of her body was telling her to run away. The name 'monstrous-duke' was not just for show.

Amidst the chaos inside her head, she suddenly remembered something and turned angrily.

"John!" She grabbed him by his collar and started to bombard him with her questions.

"How could you bring me to him? Do you know how dangerous he is? Can't you worry about your friend's life a bit?" She started to doubt whether he saw her as a friend or not.

Lily met John with the help of some acquaintances. Before she was adopted she did quite a lot of jobs and some of them were gained with the help of John.

He was a good person and a better partner in arms. She got along with him well and quickly became friends.

Though the connection was cut off after she was adopted, he remained as a good friend in her heart.

But yesterday she got a mail with the name John on it. Like always it was a job offer. If it was like before, she would have ignored it.

But this time she was desperate, her aunt needed the treatment most right now. The letters 'All your wishes might come true. Make a choice properly this time.' And she accepted it. Therefore she came to this club to meet her recipient.


"Lily, listen to me..."

"You should have at least told me who the person was." Her eyes dropped as she let go of his collar.


"You are here because of the offer. If you don't want to, leave." A threatening voice interrupted them.

Ray was now unable to listen to this rubbish any longer. There was no reason for him to wait for them.

'Too close' The thought just slipped into his mind as he watched him. And ... he just ignored it.

"So your decision." He directed Lily toward a chair. An indication to sit if shee accepted it or get the hell out of there.

'No! Master. Please don't do this. She is perfect for your plan. How could you talk like this.' John screamed inside his head but stay calm outside.

Now all he could do was wish that Lily would just sit on the chair.

Lily was frustrated because his words were true. The reason why she was there was because they promise to fulfill her wish be it anything.

Even if she knew that the person is the young duke of Aflantia, she wouldn't have denied the request. She needed this the most right now.

She was ready to trade her life for her aunt. This much was nothing for her.

She looked at the chair and then at the person sitting all aloof on the window sill. Watching the outside world.

She glanced at John who was looking at her with puppy eyes. And let out a sigh.

Her decision was already decided. She never had a choice to choose from. From the point, she read the letter, she could do only one thing.

"Ok." She sat on the chair with a confident look. Now there was nothing she could do other than this.

She was not afraid of the future. She had seen much worse things than one might even imagine.

She had a goal and she was ready to go to any length to achieve it.

"Thank you for giving me a chance, my lord. I will definitely bring good results to the task given. You can call me Lily." She tried to refine her words.

Ray scanned her from top to bottom. He had already seen her once but now that he was closer he could see how much she matched his description.

'John has done a nice job. Now I should check her ability.' He nodded as he watched her.

John let out a sigh of relief as Lily sat on the chair and introduced herself.

'Now only if they can reach an agreement, it would be best.' He thought as he watched them.
