"John go and wait outside." Ray ordered him to move out.

John looked at both of them simultaneously and then obeyed the order.


John felt relieved as he came out of the room. The air inside the room seemed tense. He wished that everything would go smoothly and hopefully Lily would come out unscratched.

He then went to the counter to order something light for his poor self.


'When is he going to say something and why is staring so intensely?' Lily thought while sitting quietly.

Ray had been staring at her without saying anything, deep in his thoughts.

'Don't tell me that he is also one of those nobles who ogle others' bodies? He won't be, right?' Lily pondered.

Lily had met many nobles who would try to take advantage of her thinking that she is a weak, little girl. Of course, Lily showed them how weak she was in her own ways.

But this time the opponent was one of the greatest commander, history had ever seen.

Lily could resist for a bit but returning from there without dying was not something she could imagine.

Well, this was based on assuming that he was thinking something like that. But, Lily withdrew her thoughts quickly.

She had never heard of any rumors related to the young duke and his sexual life, almost to the point where people think that it doesn't exist at all.

Not that she was interested or anything. Ignoring all her rubbish thoughts, Lily sat there waiting for his words.

Ray was immersed in his thoughts. There was pin-drop silence in the room. The girl sitting in front of him was cautious. And probably was waiting for his instructions.

Now that he can focus, Ray noticed that the girl looked familiar. Somehow he couldn't shake off the thought that he had met her earlier. Not today but before.

"So what is your name?" He composed himself.

'So he didn't listen to me.'

"It's Lily." She answered properly.

"Hmm, Lily. What work have you done before?"

"....I have collected information for my clients. I have never failed while completing my job. I have some basic fighting skills but have never killed anyone. My skills can be verified by others... Sire."

Unlike what Lily had predicted, the way the young duke talked was kind of rather... 'unrefined' in nobles' words.

His question caught her off guard so she rambled anything. He asked some more questions about her and then moved to the main topic.

"So let's talk about the reason you are called here. Has John told you anything?"

"No... Other than the promise that my wish would be fulfilled, nothing else." Lily tightened her fist when she thought about John.

'I'll definitely punch him. Even if it's just for once, I'll do it.'

"Hmm..." Ray had predicted this when he listened to their talk earlier but now it was confirmed.

There was something this girl wanted and it was something big.

"Tell me your requirements first, if it's within my power, I'll give my promise to you. And then we'll move further.

"...Ribukus..... My mother caught this disease. She is in the early stage and as time will go on it will get worse..." She hesitated for a bit then continued.

"I know that the only person who can cure it is the Saintess. And that there are only a few people who can order her to do something... Please help me." She bowed as she made her request.

"..." It was true that it was not hard for him to order the Saintess around but, "Let's say that I agree to it and your mother is cured what is the surety that you'll keep your end of the promise."

"You have my life in your hand. My parents live here and while knowing what can happen to them, I won't act rashly." Lily yanked her head up and hurriedly assured him.

"Alright." Ray liked having others' weaknesses in his hands. People would generally hold their families close to their hearts.

Ray never understood them. For him having a family meant having more enemies. Nevertheless, he used their weaknesses for his benefit.

"Now I'll tell you what you have to do but before that make up your mind right now. After you listen to it you won't have a choice to withdraw from it." Ray had decided that she'll be the main person for this mission.

He gave her a chance to make a decision. He saw her potential and believed in his selection.

Ray wanted people who he can trust on his side. And for that, he knew that they have to volunteer themselves and not by force.

"I won't back out from it. I just hope that you'll keep your promise." Lily had already made up her mind.

Maybe there was a better way for her or a better opportunity, but Lily was sure that she won't regret her choice.

Right now what her aunt wants was not only treatment but also timely treatment. Only the powers in the blessing could cure her and the person sitting in front of her could easily provide them.

She nodded as she felt a rush of excitement flowing through her body. She was one step closer to her goal. Soon her aunt would be back to her energetic and healthy self.

She was sure to protect her little world.

"It's good that you have this energy. Don't let it smother. Now, let's call John inside and he'll tell you about your work briefly. And we'll sign a contract based on our needs to make it authentic."

"John, come inside." He called John and Lily looked toward the door. She was waiting for the friend who might have sold her for some money.

John had just finished his order and was going for the second order. He forgot about the people inside that room and was enjoying himself.

But his sweet moments were short-lived and soon a call for him came. He sighed and prepared himself for facing the people in the room again.

"You can do it, John!" He tried to convince himself and then went inside.
