"Sire!" John went inside and reported.

The people inside were the same and nothing much had changed from the moment he went outside but something seemed different. Much more comfortable and relaxed.

"Explain to her the content of the contract. We are going to sign it today." Ray ordered as he took out a cigar and lit it.

Ray moved to the window and started gazing outside. He had no intention of making clear the contract himself.

He had a competent butler who would do everything objectively and properly without giving many instructions.

Ray could not leave the room before finalizing the contract therefore he decided to rest by the window sill.

As he gazed outside it occurred to him that the position of the club was quite good. It wasn't too boisterous or too lonely. A perfect place for exchanging information. Ray could see how this shabby-looking club became one of the emerging information hubs.

"..." John watched as he saw his master moving to the corner. It seems that everything went smoothly between them.

Whatever Lily's wish was, his master has excepted it. Now it was his job to explain further.

He turned toward Lily and opened his mouth.

"For the starters, let me introduce myself again. I am John Mycal, the butler of the house Aflantia."

'Mycal?! Did he say Mycal?' Lily's eyes widened when she heard his name.

'The young rookie who changed the flow of the battle with his wits and mind alone. He helped greatly in the war and became a follower of Raymond Aflantia. He received the surname Mycal from his Majesty to show appreciation.' Lily was shocked.

She had heard all the rumors but turned a blind eye toward them as they had nothing to do with her. But this person whom she thought was a friend, was the core of those rumors.

"...Please continue." She didn't know what to think anymore. Now she could only focus on the present.

'She is angry.' John had known Lily for a long time and knew about her habits very nicely. She was someone who would let go if it was not in her hands.

"Then let me go to the main task first... So basically you have to marry my master...."

"WHAT?!" She stood up and banged on the table. Lily couldn't believe her ears.

'Marry? His master? Does he mean the young duke? The monstrous duke? No way!' Lily stared at John wishing that he will just laugh and would say he was joking but...

"Please be seated." He stared at her before continuing. "There will be a two-year marriage contract between the young duke and the miss."

As John explained further, Lily's eyes move back and forth from the man sitting nonchalantly in the window to the man standing in front of her.

Butler's voice brought her attention to his words.

"The conditions for the contract are simple.

1) No one should be aware of this marriage being fake.

2) You'll have to play a role of a young noble lady and then of a proper duchess.

3) Always protect your life.

4) After 2 years are complete, you should not cling to the duke or try to cause any problems..."

'Ya! Like I want this marriage.' Lily scoffed.

"5) You won't have your personal life during this period of time.

There are some other minor clauses in the contract. Please read it carefully. You will also receive a salary. If you have any questions, please do ask."

Just as Lily started reading the papers, a chilling voice came from the back, "You forget the most important rule, John," His eyes toward Lily were cold. "She should never betray me, not even in her dreams."

Lily could feel all hairs on her body standing. A lot of time had passed since they started discussing and it was almost time for the sum to be set.

She could not see the duke clearly. His large body blocked the few rays that were entering the room from the window making him look like a shadow but Lily could feel his eyes directly on her.

It was instinct but Lily quickly nodded and lowered her head. She read the papers without lifting her eyes once. Meanwhile, Ray moved back to the chair.

'Good patience Lily! Good.' She praised herself.

"Tell me your conditions and I'll add them now." Lily thought for a while as she heard his words and then decided.


"Please add the promise you made earlier and you will leave someone to take care of them and report their situation. They should stay safe and healthy and most importantly they should never know about this marriage. Nothing about it."

Lily said everything in one breath, for a moment there was complete silence. Then Ray took the papers from her hand and started writing something. Probably what Lily said now.

"I have signed it, now it's your turn." He flung the papers at Lily. She noticed that he didn't ask her twice about her wishes.

Good thing she said everything she wanted, 'I'll take note of this for the future.' She read the part he added and signed the papers.

"The deal has been made." The butler stood there, smiling happily.

'Looks like I made the right choice.' John was feeling proud though he knew it was not something big and that the battle has not yet started. But looking at his master's face, he was satisfied.

'Finally!' Now it was confirmed that Lily's aunt will receive treatment. She was so glad that she wanted to dance and hug her family warmly. She controlled her emotions.

"We will contact you after one week and your role will be explained then. Complete everything you have to do by then. You will move from here to some other place." Ray clarified his future plans as he got up and started going back.


The butler opened his way and he made his way outside, "Ah!" He turned back and Lily stiffened.

'What is he going say now? Hope it will not be some nonsense.' Lily had already felt like this when she heard the word marriage. She was alert.

"The next time we meet, call me Ray instead of anything else. Make it a habit. Whether we are alone or in a crowd you'll have to call me that." Ray left the place after he made himself clear.

"Why? Why? Why can't he say anything sensible?" Her jaw dropped when she heard his instructions. Lily's wish didn't come true. More like it was exactly the opposite of what she asked for.

By the time Lily recovered and registered that day's events, it was almost night. She went back home with the papers in her hand.

"Lily you are finally back. Where were you the whole day?" Cherry opened the door. Her smiling face warmed Lily to her core.

"Aunt!" Lily hugged her aunt tightly.

"I'll protect you, don't worry." She murmured.

"Did you say something?" Her aunt asked her sweetly.

"I'm hungry. What have you cooked for the dinner?"

"Come inside first, Lily." She pulled Lily inside and a smile spread on Lily's face.
