Chapter 17

Amongst the chaos Casey was able to call the ambulance for Sunny. He could only hope she was okay. Funny how things can change in just a second.

They reached the hospital and rushed Sunny in for an emergency surgery. Casey found himself asking, yelling at them. He just wanted to know what was wrong and if she would be okay. Sunny was all he had.

Sunny was taken in the room while they instructed Casey to sit and wait outside. Casey sat and wait for what felt like hours. He had to find comfort in the silence but he just couldn't knowing the Sunny might not make it.

Kevin and Grace came every few hours before midnight to check up on Casey but left feeling even wrose than when they came. Every time they would try to speak to him he was just unresponsive. All they could do was at least make sure he was fed.

At around 12am Kevin came with a bag full of food and put it next to Casey. "I know you won't talk but heres some food for you to eat now and you can save some for the morning. I have work but my mom will come in the morning and drop off some more food. Just at least eat please." And with that Kevin left.

Kevin felt bad for his best friend. Today was supposed to be a happy day. It was his birthday. But instead it turned out to be probably the worst day of his life. And to add on Kevin didn't know how to comfort him. He could only try his best.

Kevin left after shooting Casey a glance just make make sure he seems okay. As okay one can be in these circumstances.

Casey could hear everything kevin said. He even wanted to reply and tell him he is okay but everytime he tried he just couldn't. He just couldn't escape the scene of Sunny dropping on the floor. Her stiff body, her eyes shut closed.

Casey can't help but think of the times Sunny would teach him alchemy, medicine, diagrams, and even tell him stories. He knew they were fake and wouldn't work so he always tried to escape these sessions. If he knew he didn't have much time with Sunny he would've done them everyday instead of just 2 hours a day every summer.

While Casey was reminiscing a nurse came out and interrupted his thoughts. "Excuse me are you her guardian?" The nurse asked.

Casey stood up and ran closer to the nurse. "Yes! Yes, I am. Is she okay?" Casey asked worried.

"Unfortunately sir, she didn't make it. Theres some paper work we need you to sign as her guardian. If you can just sign here before you say your goodbyes that'd be great." The nurse said.

Casey stood there and his mind went blank. He signed the paper work stiffly. He slowly walked in the room and saw Sunnys body laying there. Her body was sickly pale and her eyes were closed.

Casey dragged a chair near her body and sat holding her hands. Despite how much he wanted to cry no tears left his eyes. All he could do was stare at her lifeless body.

Casey then remembered he should probably tell Kevin and Grace the news. He mechanically grabbed his phone to call kevin but then remembered the time. It was around 3am they would definitely be asleep by now. He shouldn't bother them.

Casey didn't know what else to do. His only family member just died. He was now alone in this world. He didn't even know how to plan a funeral nor any of Sunnys friends besides Grace.

Casey thought back to the house and school. How was he supposed to go back to school. He was still in spring semester, it's only april. He has to go back to school inna few days, and the house it doesn't feel the same. It's seems so cold and empty now that Sunnys gone.

He wished today never happened. He wish that when he falls asleep and wakes up it was all a dream. A nightmare.

With these thoughts spinning in his head casey said his goodbyes and walked out the hospital. He somehow got back home that night and threw himself onnthe couch next to the teddy bear.