The Last Time

 Azumi looks over at Katsuki confused. "You'll still be my friend?" she asked. "If I'm not your best friend, then who the hell would I be?" Katsuki says boasting. "But you don't have to be fuck buddies with me if you don't want to, I was simply just asking." Katsuki says, raising his hands above his face observing the back of his hands. " Do you mean friends with benefits kind of thing?" Azumi asks. " Yeah, that's exactly what it is. No feelings just sex, but we're still friends. You know?" Katsuki says while asking her. "Well, how long will we be friends with benefits until?" Azumi asks Katsuki looking at the ceiling. "Well, when we find someone we love then we could stop, like a boyfriend or girlfriend." Katsuki says, turning to look at Azumi.

 As he turned to look at her, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. He loved the pinkness of her cheeks and the way her lips stood out, how her beautiful lashes softly curled. The way her hair was perfectly arranged when she laid down. It made his heart flutter. The way her chest rises as she breathes in and out. His heart made little loops as she closed her eyes. He wanted to softly touch her face and memorize every detail, but he was too scared to. As she turns to look at him, he shifts his gaze to the ceiling quickly. 

 "Okay." Azumi says with a very straight tone. Something about the way she replied to Katsuki made him feel like she didn't want to. When she closed her eyes earlier, she had to seriously think to herself. She thought of whether or not she should just confess now, or if she should just take his offer as that was the only other thing that made them close, intimate, passionate, and want each other. She thought of all the pros and cons to this type of relationship. How she should respond when he found someone he loves, or how she would get over him. It was almost impossible to stay calm. She felt as though he could hear her heart beat out loud. As her thoughts recollected themselves, she felt chill all over her body and she was back to reality.

 As the girls all collected themselves, Azumi's doorbell rang. She excused herself to go get the door. She looks at the camera and notices that it was Katsuki. She quickly skips over to the table to grab the box of condoms. As she went out, she yelled out to the girls telling them to find some snacks. "Whatever you do, don't eat my dried banana chips though!" she yells as the door starts to close behind her. She opens the gate to see Katsuki looking at the ground. "Are they inside?" he asks her calmly. "Yes." she replies shortly. "Is she inside as well?" Katsuki asks for Hayami. "Yes, she is. Why?" Azumi asks shakily. "I just wanted to know." he says looking into Azumi's eyes. "Well..." Azumi says as she hands him the box. "Here's your box for later." she says, looking at the ground. 

 Katsuki's breath became heavy. Azumi can feel him becoming more tense. She slowly steps away to return, but he grabs her wrist and pulls her to the side of the wall. In the position they were in, no one would be able to see them through the camera. He pins her wrist to the wall behind her looking at her very hurt. "Does it not bother you!" he yells at her in a whisper. He looked as though he was holding back all his feelings. He looked at her lips as his breath became heavier. Azumi looks at him confused as she could feel her heartbeat increase. "What are you talking about?!" Azumi replies in a whispering yell. He pushes her harder up against the wall using his body to hold them closer. " The way I treat you, it's different. Does it not bother you?" Katsuki asks her worriedly. "No... It never did, even from the beginning. So why should it now?" Azumi says as tears fall from her beautiful eyes. "Stop crying! Stop it! You know I hate girls that cry!" Katsuki yells at her. "Exactly! That's why I cry. Hate me! I want you-" Azumi starts to yell at him, but she gets stopped.

 Katsuki didn't know what came over him. Was he tired of her crying or yelling? She never used to do these things that hurt him. The only thing he remembers is wanting to kiss her. His lips pressed against hers, softly massaging hers. He didn't know why; she was just as confused. They promised not to do anything intimate, even if it was a small kiss. He was going to ask Hayami to be his girlfriend tonight. It's been two months since their promise. They didn't interact intimately for two months. Is that why they're being this way? No, it was impossible, this felt different. They both pulled away breathing heavily. "I-I'm sorry, I made the promise, and I broke it." Katsuki says holding her close to him. "It's okay, it's not entirely your fault." she says, pulling away from him. "You should go get ready." she says, turning her back to him. He reaches out to touch her shoulder, but she takes a step forward. "Go, please," Azumi says, turning back with a soft bright smile on her slightly blushed face. 

 He was beautifully shocked; she's never looked at him with that expression before. It was mesmerizing, beautiful, so pure. He felt his heart clutch itself. She walked herself back through the gates. As his footsteps sounded far enough, her back slid down the wall as she tried to hold in her tears. She wanted that moment to last forever, but she knew it was wrong. That was definitely the last time. The very last time she would be able to hold him. She held back her sobs as her eyes continuously spilled. She dried her tears as she walked back in. The girls all were by the camera looking at it fully concentrated. "Boo!" Azumi scares the girls as they all scream. "Nosy butts...Tsk Tsk Tsk." Azumi says as she clicks her tongue. "Okay let's get all the things we need for later girls." Tsu says as Uraraka and Hayami are collecting the clothes for Uraraka's wedding later. Azumi looks over at her dress that was supposed to match Katsuki's and sighs knowing he wants to match Hayami. Hayami asks Azumi as Tsu and Uraraka leave the house "Was that Bakugou back there? Why were you crying? Did you-".