The Secret Friend

 "Did you two have a disagreement?" Hayami asks Azumi. "Oh. No, it's just some friendship difficulties." Azumi says as she chuckles it off as a joke. Hayami felt something very odd about the way Azumi laughed it off; she had a very strong gut feeling that Azumi wasn't okay. "You can tell me anything. I'm always here for you, even if we aren't that close" Hayami says as Azumi walks over to pick up her dress. "Thanks, but I'd rather not be close to me if I were you" Azumi says to Hayami, placing her hand on her shoulder softly squeezing it. Hayami always wanted to be close to Azumi; Azumi was closest to Bakugou. 

 Hayami admired how close Azumi was to Bakugou, he was never close to any of the other girls. She envied Azumi for that, she wanted to be Azumi. Sad to say she doesn't know the truth behind Azumi and Katsuki's friendship. If only she knew she'd wish differently. Hayami goes over and picks up the dress that matched Katsuki's suit, not knowing it was meant to match him. As Azumi watched Hayami walk past her she could feel her feelings going numb. This was the first step to get Katsuki out of her mind. She locks the door and gets in Uraraka's car. "Okay girls, are you all ready?!" Azumi says excitedly starting the car. 

 "Hell yes! I'm getting married!!!!" Uraraka shouts as the music blasts in the car. First, they arrived at the front desk. Mina jumps out and hugs the girls. "Ah! Girls hurry Momo, Jiro, and Hagakure are already ready. Everyone's just waiting for you gorgeous ladies to get ready" Mina says, dragging Uraraka and Azumi's arms to the dressing room. When they arrived at the door Uraraka took a deep breath and opened the door. Everyone swarmed over her, helping her get ready. Azumi got ready the fastest since she was in charge of not letting Midoriya in. She moisturized her face, applied a light make up and covered her lips with a crimson red matte lipstick. She picked up her black silk dress and put it on.

 She felt very embarrassed considering she hasn't worn anything close to a dress or skirt since high school ended. The black dress showed off her beautiful shoulders as they were see-through down to her wrist. It also made her legs longer as there was a side slit on the right side. She knew Uraraka would never let her down on her being the sexiest there at her wedding. Uraraka had everything planned the moment Midoriya had proposed. She demanded Azumi be the baddest bad ass "I'll kick your fucking ass" brides' maid. As she opened the door, she was face to face with Midoriya. "Hi! Can I-" Midoriya attempts to say. "No" Azumi says as she strongly refuses his entrance. "Please. I won't peek" Midoriya says begging. "Absolutely not entering." Azumi says as she shifts her right leg out of the dress showing off her leg ready to kick him. 

 Midoriya leaves walking away sadly, yet excitedly. As she waits another ten minutes, she hears the door behind her open. It was Hayami, in the beautiful sunset dress. "Oh! You look sexy!" Hayami says, looking Azumi up and down with a soft flirtatious smirk. "Well, you look beautiful. That dress really suits you." Azumi says as she keeps eye contact. "It brings out the colors of your eyes and the curves on your body" Azumi continues to compliment Hayami. Hayami blushes lightly as she moves side to side. Azumi offers her the chair in front of the door, she looks at Hayami sitting down as random thoughts fill her head. 

 "I know it's bad timing but, what's Bakugou's type according to you?" Hayami asks, looking at her heels. Azumi sighs lightly as she says, "If you're worried, he won't like you, don't worry, you are his type". Hayami's mouth opened slightly as she gasped in shock. She went speechless for a couple of seconds. "What? Do you think I'd lie?" Azumi asks, raising her right brow. "No. It's just...I always thought you were his type." Hayami says, looking at Azumi shockingly. "Me? Ew! No way, he says that I'm too boyish for his liking. And plus, who would like their own best friend?" Azumi says slightly embarrassed. "Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe. You know, he did like you?" Hayami asks eagerly. " No, I'm his friend. I think I'd know it when he falls for someone." Azumi says confidently. 

 Hayami stays quiet as she thinks back to when they had a party back in college sophomore year. During this time Azumi had just lost her mother. Azumi decided to drink until she was no longer functionable. Hayami was worried about her, so she went to check up on her, but to her surprise Bakugou was already in the room. He was softly brushing Azumi's hair away from her face as he smiled softly. She remembered this scene in detail because it played over and over in her mind for weeks after. This was when she realized she liked Bakugou. After he brushed Azumi's hair aside he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead bringing his hand to cup her cheek. She was going to leave the two until she saw him lean into peck Azumi's pink soft lips. That was the first time she felt a stronger type of jealousy toward Azumi. 

 Hayami chuckles slightly to herself looking at Azumi. Azumi felt the tension in the area and broke it with a shocking question. "So, do you like him, or do you love him?" Azumi asks Hayami seriously. "Well, I um, I like him a lot!" Hayami answers Azumi confidently. "Good answer." Azumi says proudly. They hear footsteps coming closer, so they look to see who it was. As Azumi turns around no one could recognize her, not even her own best friend Katsuki. Denki, Mineta, Sero, and Katsuki were on their way to tell the girls it was almost time to start the ceremony. As Katsuki walked closer, he squinted his eyes looking at Azumi. "Is that you Mi Mi?" he asks, slightly embarrassed. "If I'm not me then who would I be dumb ass?" Azumi says as she puts him into a choke hold and rubs his head. " Hey! Watch the hair, it took a while to fix it, you shit head." Katsuki says laughing. 

 Mineta, Denki, and Sero stood there, mouth wide open in shock. "Azu-Chan?!" they all asked in unison. "What? I told you guys not to call me that!" Azumi yells at the boys chasing them. In the background, Bakugou looks at Hayami, slowly taking in her beauty. He soon started to realize that her dress matched his suit in its own way. He looks away blushing as she walks up to him. "You look nice" Hayami compliments Bakugou. "Thanks. You too, you're gorgeous, I mean, yeah" Bakugou says, rubbing the nape of his neck flustered. "Thank you!" Hayami says, bending over closer to his chest looking up at him. 

 "She's ready!" Mina shouts as she opens the door. Uraraka stands there drop dead gorgeous in her wedding gown. Everyone gathered around her telling her how beautiful she looked. As everyone greeted the guest and helped the organization group, Mr. Aizawa walked over to Azumi and asked her a question secretly. "Are you and Bakugou still a thing? I heard he would confess today." Mr. Aizawa asks. "If you want to know how I'm doing, I'm doing great." Azumi replies blandly. The only people who knew of Azumi's long time crush on Katsuki were Mr. Aizawa, the elder lady, and Mineta. He hugged her tightly as he knew she wasn't "doing great". 

 "You're always in denial, kid," Mr. Aizawa says as he lets her go. She laughed it off and went to stand in the front. After the vows and celebration, it was party time. This was the moment Azumi waited for, because Bakugou would confess to Hayami outside. Azumi went to the car and got the little area ready for them. As she was setting things up Mineta caught her sneaking out. "Oi! Where ya going chick?" he asks smirking. "Shit! You scared the life out of me, help me, will you?" Azumi says laughing. "Fine, since you're my only close girl-friend," Mineta says, pointing at Azumi. 

 He helped her set up the small candles and placed the bouquet of red roses in the middle of the candles. "So, you never told him?" Mineta asks. "No, I don't think he needs to know." Azumi says, patting Mineta's head. " Mineta looks at Azumi worriedly, he tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and wipes away the one tear that fell from her eye. "It's never too late" Mineta says as he brings her face to look at him. "I'm scared" she broke down crying as he held her head to his chest. He had always been there for her ever since the day he found out that Bakugou forced himself on her. He respected her decisions despite his worries.

 They quickly finish up as they see Bakugou and Hayami getting closer. They got up and hid behind a bush nearby. Although she was sad, she was very happy that Katsuki will be able to finally be with the one he loves. They could see Bakugou pulling Hayami in by the waist as he tells her something. Hayami looked shocked but then started crying, nodding her head. As Bakugou pulls Hayami in for a kiss, Azumi turns and looks away. Mineta pulls her close to his chest as he looks back to see what was going on. Bakugou and Hayami walked away back to the wedding party hand in hand. Mineta shushes Azumi as he mumbles to himself. "How dare he tell my Azu-Chan he hates crying girls when Hayami is more of a crybaby. Hmph!" Mineta expresses his anger. 

 From Bakugou's view, everything was perfect. He was happy and enjoying every moment. As he walked by Hayami's side leading her to his confession area, he complimented her and talked about how he has the best best friend. As they walk closer, he catches a glimpse of Mineta and Azumi hiding behind the bush. Jealousy rose in him, he knew that Azumi was friends with Mineta, but he didn't like the thought of her always around Mineta when she was not with him. He pulled himself together and focused on what he came to do. He covered her eyes as they were almost to the location. He moves his hands away from her face and stands next to her smiling. 

 "Wow, this is so pretty," Hayami says as she covers her mouth with her hands. He pulls her in by the waist as he looks deeply into her eyes. "Listen, Nakahara Hayami, I've always liked you. I wasn't confident enough to ask you out back then. But I am here now, and I want to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Bakugou asks Hayai as he holds her close. Hayami starts to tear up as he confesses. She was so shocked that she began to cry and nod her head as he wiped her tears. He pulls her in for a soft and slow passionate kiss. He smiled softly as he rested her head on his chest. He felt as though this was the happiest moment of his life. He had even forgotten that Mineta and Azumi were still nearby.

 Mineta pulls Azumi's tearful face into his view and wipes her tears. "Ready to party like crazy now?" Mineta asks Azumi to encourage her. "Hell yeah!" she wipes her tears as she stands up confidently. She smiles and grabs his hand walking back. As the night was long, they all partied until they couldn't stand anymore. By the time the party was slowing down everyone knew that Bakugou and Hayami were now dating because they were all over each other. Bakugou was too focused on Hayami to notice that Azumi was dancing surrounded by Denki, Mineta, Sero, Aoyama, and Kirishima. As soon as he noticed Azumi on the dance floor he saw what was happening. He wanted to walk over and tear the boys away from her, but Hayami held on his shirt grinding herself against him. 

 After the party ended the organization that held the wedding cleaned up. Mineta and Azumi stayed behind to help clean up since they were the only sober adults left. After they finished helping, Mineta drove Azumi home. On their way to her home, they stopped by the cemetery. She walked up to her mother's tombstone and keeled. "I'm sorry mother, I let you down, but don't worry. I'll get over this, right?" Azumi asks as she is sobbing. Mineta kneels down next to her and holds her gently. "I will be here for her, please don't worry too much, mother." he says, helping Azumi up. They walk back to the car and drive to the closest store to pick up some alcohol. 

 When they got to her house they started drinking and talking about everything. They talked about how Mineta used to be so short in high school, but now he's so tall that she has to look up just to talk to him. They also talked about how they became friends with no one really knowing and of all the other things that he helped her through. They also talked about his depression and how he would talk about the girls he really liked and how he had a different personality as a protection to his weakness. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Yo, who'd be here at 3:32 in the morning?" Mineta asks jokingly. He went to answer the door only to see Bakugou standing there angrily.