An Awakening

I sat up with a groan as my body protested against the movement. My eyes widened in alarm when I noticed that I was naked. Looking around quickly I noticed that I was thankfully alone. 

I was in what looked like a clearing in a forest, next to me was a neatly folded dress and a sealed envelope. Cautiously nudging the letter with a toe I tensed and waited for it to explode. 

Only it didn't and suddenly I felt really stupid. Quickly picking the letter up, so I didn't spend too long bending over and giving whoever was watching a free show, I opened it and began to read. 


I have brought you to this world so that you may entertain me. You can beg and cry all you want but you will not be able to return to your own world. What more, is that it wouldn't matter if you did. In that world, you have effectively died due to your actions. 

Don't worry though, I have seen fit to assist you in this grand new world. Once you finish reading this letter, my gift to you should activate. 

There are no rules, no restrictions, and no limits. You can do whatever you want so long as you remain entertaining to me.

Good Luck


My fist closed around the letter in fury, curses flew out of my mouth as I released my rage at the person or thing that had dragged me away from my life. 

After a moment I had significantly calmed down and once again quickly bent down to pick up the small black dress I had been 'gifted'. Throwing it on I let out a sigh just as a nearly translucent screen flicked in my vision. 

System Activated 

Greetings Host

I blinked a few times, rubbed my eyes, and gave my leg a pinch. The screen stayed in my sight and I groaned. 

While I wasn't a big nerd since I was focused on… darker things, I was familiar with this situation and I didn't like what this was implying. 

'Status?' I thought.

The screen flickered again before changing once more. 


Name: Anna 

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

SP: 100/100

MP: 100/100





I sighed loudly, it was confirmed. I had been dragged into some sort of video game world. I frowned at the 'Neutral' tag. 

I had killed so many people in my 'past life'. There was no way it would be neutral. 

I wasn't 'Evil' per say… oh who am I kidding. I enjoyed making people suffer. Maybe there was something wrong with me, maybe I was fucked up in the head. 

All I knew was that I really enjoyed making people bleed. 

My favourite tactic was luring single men home before tying them up and cutting into their flesh. 

Sure I was a woman and most men could overpower me easily. They underestimated me though, that's why I was so successful in getting so many delicious victims. 

After all, when a sexy goth girl came up to you and offered you really hot kinky sex… would you really say no? 

[Scene Break]

I looked down at my new dress and bare feet with a sigh. I didn't mind walking barefoot but I had been walking for miles now. There were sticks and leaves tangled in my lacy black dress and mud stuck in between my toes. Overall it was very uncomfortable. 

I didn't know where I was, nor did I have my trusty pocketknife with me. For all intents and purposes, I was 'naked and afraid'. More so naked in a metaphorical sense than afraid. I knew my actions would eventually catch up to me so I wasn't too worried about dying. I still wanted to have a bit of fun before then though so there would be no dying yet. 

I walked for a few more minutes until I stumbled onto some sort of camp. I stayed still and watched silently, waiting for something to happen. 

A lone man appeared from the tent in the camp and started tending to the fire. Smirking to myself I thought about what I could do. 

The man was alone, dressed in furs, and only had a sword which was propped up against the tent. I looked down at my dress and a plan came to mind. 

I slinked back deeper into the forest and slipped out of my dress. Testing my 'system' I stored my dress in my Inventory and gaped in shock as it just vanished from my hands.

I then rubbed a bit of mud on my porcelain skin to make it look like I was much dirtier than I appeared. Gritting my teeth a bit I used a jagged rock I found to make a few small cuts on my arms and belly. Then I used my hands to ruffle up my hair. Satisfied with my handiwork I took a deep breath before putting on my performance. 

I began to clumsily run and stumble back towards the man's camp. When I broke through the trees the man was there to catch me as I practically flung myself onto his arms as he had been alerted to my presence due to me 'blundering' through the trees.   

"Help me! Please, you have to help me." 

I prayed that he spoke English, thankfully… he did. 

"Gods lass, what happened to you?!" He exclaimed with a heavily accented voice. 

'Hmm, sounds European, maybe Irish.' I mused before replying. 

"I- I, the- they I- I was captured." 

"Slow down lass, here," he offered me a water pouch, "take a drink, calm down and start from the beginning." 

I thanked the man and hid a smile as I gulped down some water. I handed the leather contained back to him with a nod before 'catching my breath'. 

The man waited patiently, he hadn't gone for his sword thankfully so I wasn't in too much danger yet. When I had sufficiently 'rested', I began to retell my 'story'. 

I gave myself a background;

I was a merchant's daughter. I had surmised that this was definitely not the modern age from the sword, the man's clothes, and the fact that there were two moons. 

I made up a story about how I was traveling with my family up until we were attacked by bandits, bandits who killed my father before taking me and my mother to their camp. They killed my mother after having their way with her and we're about to do the same to me but I escaped due to soldiers attacking their camp. 

Luckily the man believed me, as the world I was in was apparently in the middle of a civil war. As the sun had long since set, I glanced up at the dual moons and wondered why they looked so familiar. 

The man, Svenge, gave me a warm cloak to cover up while he went around to scout the area in case the 'bandits followed me.' 

I apologised to Svenge for troubling him, but the man waved it off and said it was his job to protect me. I was cheering on the inside when I heard that. I was really happy that the people of this world were extremely naive and trusting.

It made my life so much easier when I realised that my techniques would be so much more effective here. 

My petite frame coupled with my shapely curves would make people believe that I was some helpless woman. It helped a lot that I had such a youthful face. Even if I couldn't go out in skimpy dresses to add to my sex appeal, I could still use my pretty face to pull people in.

I sat by the fire waiting for Svenge to come back. He had left his sword with me, only taking his bow and arrows. He told me that I could use it to defend myself should I need it. 

I watched the fire crackle and pop, the flames reflected in my eyes. Svenge had taken me to a small stream midway through my 'story'. I had washed off the mud and dried blood. Thankfully I had already healed, probably due to my System. 

Fortunately for Svenge, I had decided not to kill him after seducing him so I could steal all his stuff afterwards. I needed a guide around this world and he was perfect. I had already built up a backstory with him and he seemingly trusted me. 

I could still seduce him though… I was really horny and it felt like forever since I've had sex. While Svenge went out to secure his camp I pulled up my stats again. 

Scrolling down, I opened the skills menu and read through what I had. 


Gamer's Mind (Perk):

Allows the host of the System to keep a calm state of mind. Also protects the host from mental intrusions and psychological effects. 

Gamer's Body (Perk):

Allows the host of the System unprecedented regeneration. So long as the host has Health Points, the host can not die. Sleeping/Resting regenerates HP 100% faster.

Observe (Perk):

Displays the targets information to the host. Host will not be able to get certain information from individuals who have a higher level than the host.

Limitless Potential (Perk):

As the Host to a System you are unbound by the natural laws of nature. You will continue to grow with no level caps and limits. Skills and Perks will evolve with you to suit your needs.

Interspecies Breeder (Perk):

Host is sexually compatible with all every species in the world. Host is also protected from diseases and other ailments. 

Vixen (Skill) Level 69/100:

Host is a natural seductress. Men and women bow to your whims. Only targets with levels lower than skill level will be affected. 

Acting (Skill) Level 87/100:

Hosts can tell a convincing story and act as a different person. The higher the level the more likely an individual will believe the host.

Knife Fighter (Skill) Level 38/100:

Hosts ability to fight with short blades. Host is relatively skilled and can wield a short blade efficiently. Host deals 38% more damage through sneak attacks. 

Chemist (Skill) Level 42/100:

Hosts ability to create and combine chemicals and poisons. Concoctions created by the host are 42% more effective. 


I hummed, what I was seeing made sense, though one particular tidbit was a little concerning. 

The Interspecies Breeder perk made me raise an eyebrow at the information I read. It was pretty self explanatory but I still wondered why it was even a thing. Though the thought of getting it on with a sexy werewolf did make me all hot and bothered. 

I wondered if they had supernatural creatures here like werewolves and vampires. If anything I'd love to be a vampire. Minus the weaknesses of course. 

It would make seducing and killing people so much easier. The perk still sort of rubbed me the wrong way. I was human, and I didn't want to be one of those weirdo white girls that fucked their dogs. I drew the line at anthropomorphic creatures like werewolves, minotaurs, and other kobolds. 

Shaking myself from my lust hazed thoughts I tuned back into my surroundings after dismissing the system screen with a thought. I could already hear Svenge coming back through the trees. Making up my mind I smirked and waited for him to return. 


When the hunter finally returned to the camp, I greeted him with a smile. He froze in place as I slowly slipped off the cloak he had given me. His eyes bulged and he quickly tried to turn away.


"Lass, please… put your cloak back on." The man begged. 

Smirking, I walked towards him and snaked my slender arms around him. I felt him tense a little when one of my hands slid down to his crotch. 

Svenge was tall, taller than me by a large margin. My head only came up halfway to his chest. Honestly it was the perfect height for me. 

I heard Svenge swallow hard when my hand slipped into his fur pants and grabbed onto his slowly hardening cock. I urged him to face me, leading the man by his member. His eyes met mine and I gave him a small smile. 

"Please Svenge, help me forget…" I whispered to him.

Biting my lip seductively at the man was all it too for him to cave. He rushed forward and grabbed me by the hips. His lips crashed onto mine as he kissed me hungrily. 

I moaned into his mouth as his tongue flicked across mine. I never lost my grip on his cock, gently I began to jerk him off. Pulling back with a gasp he hurriedly took off his furs exposing a toned body and a large twitching tool in between his legs. 

Licking my lips at him I took his hand and led him back to his modestly sided canvas tent. Getting on my knees on his sleeping mat I took the head of his cock in my mouth making the man groan in pleasure as my tongue swirled around his tip. 

His calloused hands grabbed onto my head and for a second I wanted to resist but I was playing the role of innoce- well, somewhat innocent merchant's daughter. 

I bobbed my head on his large organ, one hand stroking his length and the other grasping his thigh. I let the head of his cock escape with a pop and before I could do much else Svenge squatted down and pushed me onto my back. 

I looked at him meekly as he eyed my cleanly shaven sex. My arousal nearly dripping from my lips as he slowly teased my clit. 

I had to give it to the man, he knew what he was doing. 

I moaned softly as his tongue lapped at my folds licking up my arousal. He suckled at my clit making me moan louder. That seemed to motivate him further as he stuck a finger into my folds while still teasing my clit. 

Svenge ate me out like a starved man, I had to consciously fight an orgasm. Despite playing a role I was still me, and I refused to orgasm first out of pride. That didn't mean I couldn't fake it though.  

I grabbed Svenge's wavy blond hair and let out a long drawn out moan. He moved up while wiping his mouth clean with one hand. 

I looked him in the eyes, nodding at his unasked question. I spread my legs a bit wider and let him get in between them. 

With one hand he grabbed onto his cock and lined himself up with my pussy. Biting my lip again I gave him the go ahead. With one smooth thrust he pushed himself all the way inside me. All 8 inches of his thick cock slid deep into my pussy. I opened my mouth in a silent moan and reached out to him to grab onto his shoulders.

He kept still for a moment, letting me adjust to his size. While he held himself sheathed in me he wasn't idle, he began to kiss my neck before trailing over to my lips. I could taste myself on his tongue. He sucked on my lower lip and jerked his hips forward. I moaned as his cock head pushed against my cervix.

Wrapping my legs around his hips I nodded again and let out a moan when Svenge drew back until only the tip of his cock was left in me before snapping his hips forward burying himself to the hilt again. I cried out in pleasure as my pussy clenched at his cock. He began to thrust in and out of me with long smooth strokes while playing with my tits and planting kisses on my neck. 

He kissed me again, lowering himself to his elbows with an arm on either side of me going under my arms and pulling my chest against his. I let him pull me into and embrace while  he began to thrust into me earnestly. I gasped and mewled in response to his thrusts. His cock deep in my pussy while his tongue explored my mouth. 

"D-deeper… please go deeper" I moaned. 

"Fuck Anna, you're so ti-tight." He grunted out as he pushed his cock deep into my quim.

Unwrapping my legs so that he could oblige, I stared at the man as he began to pound me into the ground with his cock. Thrusting into me roughly I mewled in pleasure as his cock smashed into my g spot. Reaching down between us I grabbed onto his cock as he sawed it in and out of me. 

Squeezing his cock lightly I could tell that he still had quite a bit of cock left to push inside me. That meant that when he pushed against my cervix earlier that he hadn't even been all the way inside me. Moaning loudly I massaged his balls as he ground his cock into me. 

"Faster Svenge, I want you all the way inside me." I moaned out sensually. 

A light sheen of sweat coated both our bodies, his breathing became increasingly labored. He had held out for a while now, I could feel spurts of precum shooting into me. 

He lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders. His cock spearing deeper into me as he got into a plank position over me. He spurt some more precum into me making our juices froth as he rut deeply into me. 

"Harder Svenge, fuck me harder!" I cried out. 

Svenge let out a grunt and pushed my legs up towards my head. He now had me in a mating press and I gasped as he began to pound my pussy with heavy thrusts that made my tits jiggle.

I opened my mouth in a silent scream of pleasure. Svenge took this as an opportunity to push his tongue down my throat. I moaned out into his mouth and sucked at his tongue. 

He pulled back and began to grunt loudly, I could feel his cock twitch deep inside me ready to burst, but I wasn't nearly satisfied yet. Not wanting it to end so early, pushed at his chest to get him to get up. Understanding what I wanted he switched positions with me and got on his back. 

His throbbing cock slipped out of me and I let out a dissatisfied groan suddenly feeling empty. 

Looking at his impressive member I gave it a quick lick making Svenge hiss before mounting the man and impaling myself on his cock. I let out a sigh as he slid back inside me, filling me completely. 

His hands held onto my hips as I began to ride him. At first I only bounced up and down, but my legs grew tired so I straddled him and began to do little circular movements with my hips. His hands slid up to my perky breasts and teased at my nipples. 

Svenge closed his eyes tightly, clearly fighting his orgasm. Suddenly sitting up he hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss. This made me almost stop moving, further delaying his orgasm. I rocked myself in his hips grinding my clit on his pubic bone. 

I yelped in surprise when he suddenly flipped us back over. I had been caught off guard, but quickly masked it with a moan as he pushed back deeply into me since he had popped out again.

His thrusts were rough, his hands on either side of my head. I wrapped my legs around his hips again holding him in place. His breathing heavy, he dropped onto his elbows lowering his face closer to mine. 

Kissing at my neck he groaned out next to my ear,

"Anna I'm close." 

I began to meet his thrusts by raising my hips, my arms snaked around his shoulders as he held me close and thrust harder. My moans mirrored his grunts his thrusts grew desperate. 

"Inside, I want it inside me." I moaned out. 

If he acknowledged me he didn't answer, he just held me closer and thrust faster. I was now constantly moaning and crying out in pleasure, only half of the moans were faked. 

"Fuck!!" He gasped out. 

"Yes, cum inside me Svenge… fill me with your warm seed!" I cried out. 

Svenge let out a guttural growl and pushed himself deep into my womb finally breaching my cervix.  I let out a gasp as I felt his cock swell within me. Moments later blistering ropes of red hot cum flooded my womb with warmth. Svenge continued to grind his hips into mine trying to push his cock deeper inside me. 

I felt his balls jump with each spurt of jism, Svenge collapsed on top of me. His cock still unloading his genetic material deep into my womb. 

I held him close, my legs still wrapped around him. I could feel his warm cum slowly begin to leak out of my pussy and run down my ass. I was surprised at how much jizz Svenge was pumping into me. 

After a few more moments he let out a groan, I unwrapped my limbs from around him and let him roll off of me. He lay next to me while I basked in afterglow of a good fuck.

It wasn't the best sex I've had, but after what felt like ages of abstinence… this was close. 

Svenge had already fallen asleep, evident by his slow breathing. A screen popped up in my vision and I nearly jumped. 

Essence Absorbed

+10 to all stats

'Hmm, interesting.' I thought to myself. 

Feeling the days 'efforts' weighing on me, I closed down the messages and decided to get some rest. Tomorrow would be a new day.