
I let out a yawn as I stretched, I had woken up to the wonderful smells of cooking meat. Svenge had woken up earlier and was now cooking what looked like a rabbit over the fire. I got up out of the tent and made my way over. Svenge noticed that I was still naked and froze. 

Smiling at the man I spoke to him for the first time since I had seduced him the previous day, 

"I'm going to go wash up in the stream. Save me a bite of that please." 

I gave him a flirty wink before slowly bending over to pick up my discarded cloak and walking towards the stream while swaying my hips. 

"Oh you'll be the death of me lass." I heard Svenge mutter as I left. 

Smirking to myself I mentally replied, 'If only you knew.' 

When I reached the stream I stepped into the shallow water and scrubbed the dirt and grime off of my pale skin. Once I was done I got into the deeper part of the stream.

Even though it was a relatively small body of water, there were parts deep enough to where I could submerge most of my body. 

I dunked my head under the water before standing back up. Wringing my hair lightly I made my way back over to where I had left the cloak. Throwing the cloth over my still wet body I made my way back to camp. 

Svenge was waiting for me with half the rabbit when I got back. Taking the offered food from him I ate it slowly savouring the flavour. Svenge watched me while I ate, feeling a bit weirded out. I looked up to him. 

"Did you need something Svenge?" 

"Aye, I was wondering what your plans were." 

I hummed, "I suppose it's time to move on." I looked down, feigning sadness. 

"I'm not asking you to leave lass. Just wondering if you've got someplace I could escort you to." Svenge replied quickly. 

I glanced up at him, eyes watering a bit. 

"You do that for me?" 

Svenge chuckled, "Aye… after what we did together, I wouldn't be much of a man if I didn't take care of you." 

'Gotcha…' I smirked internally. 

"I- Thank you Svenge." 

The man gave me a smile, "Ah, there's no need lass. Just leave it to me." 

I went back to eating the rest of my half of the rabbit, Svenge went off to gather some more wood for the fire. While he was gone I took the chance and peeked at what I had in my Inventory. 

'Inventory' I called out with my thoughts, feeling a bit silly. 


Gold Septims x 30

Steel Dagger x 1

Health Potion x 3

Magicka Potion x 2

Chalk x 4

Lacy Dress x 1

Book of Summoning: Molag Bal

Starter Pack

'Should have checked it sooner. Though I'd  have probably ended up killing Svenge if I knew I had a knife. Thankfully he has a nice dick, and I need someone to vouch for me.' 

I couldn't take it out now, Svenge would no doubt ask questions about where I had gotten them from. I couldn't risk it. Not yet. 

Some of the other things tickled at my memories, one of my victims had been a huge gamer nerd. I think he mentioned something about this 'Molag Bal'. Something about vampires, I'd have to look into that soon. If I could somehow become a vampire, then I would be set. 

Svenge came back a few minutes later carrying a good amount of firewood. He threw the logs down by the fire and shot me a smile that returned. On the outside it may have seemed like I had feelings for the man, but no, he was just a means to an end for me. 

[Scene Break]

The next day Svenge and I, after I got him to fuck me silly again, walked down the worn cobblestone path to a town that he said was nearby. 

Svenge had given me a spare set of fur clothes. I only accepted the boots. I used some fabric he had laying around to make a skirt and a sort of chest wrapping. The cloak was enough to hide my practically nude form. 

I kept a steady pace while Svenge kept up beside me. While we walked I looked around at the landscape and took everything in. 

'Seems like we're in a tundra biome, which is really strange since we were just in a lush forest a few hours ago. The land seems to be split into individual seasons too.' 

Strange landscape aside, even a sociopath like me could appreciate the beautiful scenery. Rolling hills, vast open plains in the distance.

All perfect places to dump a dead body…

Svenge was whistling some sort of tune, I turned to him and asked him what song he was whistling since it sounded familiar. 

"Svenge, what song is that?" 

"The song I was just whistling?"

I nodded, "It sounds familiar." 

Svenge smiled, "That's because you probably have, it's called 'The Dragonborn Comes'." 

I kept my expression neutral when I replied, "That's its name? I always wondered…" 

Svenge laughed, and before going back to his whistling while keeping an eye on the road for bandits. While I looked calm, deep inside I was panicking. 

I knew that term, that bastard I killed four years ago had talked about the damn game every day. 'Dragonborn', some sort of mythical hero that saves the world from dragons. 

I couldn't remember what he had said about the story, but I do remember him mentioning something about vampires in the game. That was when my panic turned to excitement. 

'If there really are vampires in this world I really have to look into it soon.' 

"Something on your mind Anna?" Svenge asked me. 

I realised that I had been smiling, silently cursing I turned to him with the smile still on my face. I tried to make the smile seem like a sad smile. 

"Just remembering better memories, Svenge." 

The man looked worried, "You'll be alright, you'll see." He said after a moment, conviction marking his voice. 

"Thank you." I replied in a small voice.

Svenge's worried look morphed into a wide smile, "We're nearly there, I'll see about getting you something to wear when we arrive. Maybe some good food and warm drinks to stave off this cold air." 

I smiled and nodded, then turned back to face the road. I had gotten careless, I need to remember to control my expression better. It wouldn't make sense if I was supposed to be sad but I had a smirk on my face. 

We eventually reached the town and I took in all the sights. There was a sign post a few miles back that named this town 'Riverwood'. I supposed that it was an apt name for the small town. 

I use the term town loosely as it's more like a village since I could already tell that it was really small. 

'This place is too small to set myself up in. Everyone's goings knows everyone with how tiny this place is.'  

"Welcome to Riverwood Anna, I come by here every now and then to get supplies. Come on, I'll show you around." 

The large man took my hand and pulled me along as he showed me around the village. People seemed to know him well as they greeted him with smiles and pleasantries. 

'I was right in not killing him… he will be very useful in my plans.' 

"Alvor, this is Anna. Anna, this is Alvor…the best blacksmith in town." Svenge introduced me to another burly looking man. 

Smiling at Alvor I gave him a small bow. 

"I'm the only blacksmith in town." Alvor huffed at Svenge who chuckled in response. 

"Aye, that's true. Anyways you can come to him if you are in need of equipment." 

Svenge pulled me away after exchanging a few words with Alvor. Finally he stopped in front of a store where I could hear two people arguing. 

"Finally this is the Valerius' shop. They sell everything from clothes to used tools at a discounted rate. Reliable lot these two." 

The argument inside was muffled but it was still clear to anyone standing outside the door. The brother and sister duo were arguing about some sort of golden claw artifact that had been stolen. Svenge looked at me before opening the door and walking in. 

The arguing siblings stopped to see who had come into their shop. Svenge gave them a friendly wave, 

"Svenge! Thank the gods that you're here. The claw was stolen." The Roman looking man exclaimed. 

"Lucan let's talk about that later, this is Anna. She's in need of some clothes." 

Lucan sighed, "Camilla will help her while we talk." 

The woman smiled at me, I returned the gesture and followed her as she beckoned me to the back of the shop. Behind me Svenge and Lucan began to talk animatedly about what had happened. 

Camilla looked at me apologetically, "Sorry about that, my brother Lucan was fanatical about that claw of his. Apparently it brought good luck to the store." 

Shaking my head I replied, "It's alright, I can understand his reaction." 

"That makes one of us…" Camilla rolled her eyes, "anyways what do you need?" 

I hummed, "I'll need a set of clothes, preferably something that won't hinder my movement and some… undergarments?" 

Camilla nodded, "I can do that, stay here. I'll bring you a few things you can try on." 

She left through a side door and I heard something that sounded like a chest being opened. A few moments later she returned with a bundle of clothes in her arms. 

Taking them from her, she pointed me to a makeshift dressing room towards the rear of the store. Thanking her I made my way over as she waited patiently for me to return. 

Inside the small dressing room I took off the cloak and looked down at the scraps of cloth covering my modesty. Honestly it was a sexy look, I wouldn't have minded going around with just scraps of cloth for clothes. 

Unfortunately that wasn't an option, I didn't have the same comforts here that I did back in my previous life. I'd have to walk through brambles and bushes to get around and the type of clothes I wanted to wear would leave me with scratches and itchy skin. 

I'd hold off on dressing how I really wanted, at least until I found a way to become a vampire. 

As I tried on the various outfits Camilla had brought for me I thought back to the tour Svenge had given me. This really was a small town. Less than ten buildings, only a handful of businesses. A majority of them were essentials, like the store I was in, the blacksmiths, and the inn. 

Speaking of the blacksmith, Alvor had looked at me with a gaze that I was familiar with. I was an expert in getting men to look at me like that, to look at me with lust. I could almost feel them undressing me with their eyes. 

I smirked as I slipped off the third pair of trousers I put on. Putting them off to the side in a pile that I decided were good enough for me to wear. 

I wondered if Alvor had a wife, if he did I wanted to see the look on her face when she came home only to see me riding her husband making him call out my name instead of hers. 

All the perverse thoughts going through my head only made me horny. Peaking out of the door I called out to Svenge. 

"Hey Svenge? Could you come here for a minute. I need to ask you something." 

"Alright lass, I'm coming." 

I grinned, 'Oh I'll make you come alright.' 

[Scene Break]

I yanked Svenge into the cramped dressing room as soon as he was within reach. He went to say something but I distracted him with a kiss. 

"Anna, we can't right now what if Lu-

"Svenge, shut up. I need you to fuck me right now." I sent him a look that conveyed my lust. 

Subconsciously one of my 'skills' activated. Svenge's eyes glazed over and he nodded dumbly. We didn't much room to move around. Thankfully I was already naked so I just helped Svenge as he fumbled to get his trousers off. 

Once they were around his ankles his member leapt free from their confines. Eyeing his cock hungrily I licked my lips before jumping up onto him and wrapping my legs around him. 

Svenge moved as if in a daze, while he struggled to line himself with my entrance I attacked his lips with mine. Finally with a satisfied groan he pushed the head of his cock inside me with a wet pop. 

His hands that held my hips loosened a bit and dropped me onto his stiff tool. I moaned out loudly not caring if Camilla or Lucan heard me. Svenge's arms continued to support me as he bounced me up and down. 

The small dressing room echoed with the sound of flesh slapping flesh. Throwing my head back I cried out as an orgasm rocked my body. Recovering quickly I jumped off of Svenge and spun around to put my hands up against the wall. 

Svenge didn't need to be told twice, he came up behind me and shoved his cock back inside me while gripping onto my hips roughly. 

I bit my lip to muffle a scream as he pushed deeper than he ever had before. Spreading my legs a bit, I began to throw myself back to meet his thrusts. His cum filled balls slapped against my clit making my whole body tingle. 

His hands caressed my hips as they made their way up to my tits. Svenge pulled me flush against his body as he continued to rut into me from behind. His breath grew ragged as he sped up his thrusts. 

"Fuck!!" He gritted out as his hands grabbed onto my ass. 

His thrusts grew erratic and he let out a grunt as my pussy clenched around his cock. Another orgasm flooded my body and I cried out in pleasure. Svenge's hand wrapped around my throat cutting off a moan. 

"Anna, I'm gon-

"Cum inside me!" I moaned out as his hand loosened its grip. 

He grasped onto my hips hard, I was sure he'd leave bruises if my System didn't heal me so quickly. Svenge pushed deep into me and let out a shout. 

"Fuck… ANNA!" 

He gave one last forceful thrust before holding himself deep inside my pussy. His cock throbbed before painting my womb white with his spunk. 

My head thumped onto the wall as Svenge leaned against my back. The room now reeked of sex, our sweaty bodies pressed against each other. 

His cock pulsed within my quim a few more times before they were finished delivering a load of baby batter inside me. He made no move to pull out, breathing heavy he continued to catch his breath. 

After a few more moments he pulled out his now flaccid member and a torrent of thick white seed leaked out of my stretched pussy before pooling onto the wooden floor. Curiously the screen that had first popped up when I had gotten creampied for the first time didn't appear again.  

I made a note of this in my mind before I cleaned myself off with the rags I had on before. Svenge pulled his pants back on and left me alone to dress. I heard him apologise to Camilla and Lucan outside. 

I didn't see why he apologised, Camilla had been outside the dressing room pleasuring herself if the wet spot outside the door was to be believed. 

Putting on a clean set of black leather pants I admired how they hugged my legs. I was shocked to see that they fit me despite supposedly being tailored for a man. I wondered if my 'System' had anything to do with it. Shrugging I stored the rest of the 'new' clothes I had picked out before leaving the dressing room. 

Outside by the counter Svenge and Lucan were talking among themselves. Camilla refused to make eye contact with me and I smirked. I had taken out a few gold coins from my Inventory before coming out here so I handed those to her with a wink. Camilla blushed furiously and my smirk turned into a devious smile. 

'She has that homely appeal to her… maybe I'll visit her later tonight.'