
Svenge and I stayed in Riverwood for two nights before he decided that he wanted to help Lucan find the golden claw. Seeing that I had nothing better to do and that Svenge was my guide around this unfamiliar land. I went with him as he left to find his friends' stuff. 

Before we left he had kindly bought me a steel dagger from Alvor as well as a few arrows for a spare bow that he had. 

Alvor looked at me lustfully again, not that Svenge noticed. He was too busy admiring my ass when I was taking 'practice' swings with the dagger he got me. He thanked Alvor and before leaving I shot the blacksmith a wink. 

I wondered what Alvor was doing, probably having bland sex with his wife. Yeah, I found out that Alvor was married. That wouldn't stop me though, I always got what I wanted at the end of the day. 

We had been walking for some time now, the sun was beginning to set as we made our way up the nearby mountain. Svenge had heard from a passing farmer that a group of bandits had taken shelter in some ruins at the top of the mountain recently. 

He summarised that whoever stole Lucan's claw had probably holed up with the bandits at the top of the mountain. It was a surprisingly well thought out theory. I would have come to the same conclusion. 

When we finally reached the bandits camp Svenge held out his arm to stop me. He took a knee and I mirrored him as he watched the bandits mill around the old ruins. 

"Stay behind me…" He whispered. 

Nodding in response, I followed him closely as we made our way from shadow to shadow towards the large circular opening. Once we had successfully slipped past the bandits outside Svenge stopped me again. Ahead of us were two bandits talking around a small campfire. 

As much as I wanted to stab these men and bathe in their blood, I couldn't do that. Not while Svenge was with me. 

'Maybe seducing him so much that he's gotten attached to me wasn't such a great idea… oh well, he has the best dick I've seen so far. I'll keep him around for now.' 

Svenge expertly shot the two bandits with his bow. I admired his accuracy with the weapon. He was clearly a master of his craft. 

The smell of blood hit me and I bit back a shudder at the sudden onset of pleasure I felt from the scent. Svenge gave me a worried look. 

"I'll be fine, just shocked is all." I gave him a reassuring smile while continuing to play the role of a sheltered girl. 

He nodded and we continued on into the ruins. Ruins that I realised were actually a large tomb of some sort. There were mummified bodies scattered around along with large urns. 

As we got deeper into the crypt like ruin, the danger subsided. Right up to the point where we ran to the first puzzle. 

It wasn't even really a puzzle seeing that the answer was on the wall behind us. I directed Svenge to the right pattern and the heavy metal gate that blocked off the rest of the tomb opened. That's where things went pear shaped. 

Svenge and I made it to a large open corridor filled with some of the thickest spider webs I had ever seen. There was a man struck on some webs across from us. The man struggled to get free but he was very clearly stuck in place. 

Svenge being the brave fool that he is, immediately rushed in to try and help the man who was dressed like the other bandits we had encountered. Just then potentially the biggest spider in the world fell from its perch in the ceiling. 

Svenge shouted out in alarm as he fell on his ass, I cursed and drew the dagger at my hip. For some reason the door behind us had closed, locking me in the room with a big fuck off spider. 

Svenge slashed at the spiders legs while dodging its stinger. It would have been really funny had the spider not been attacking the one guy who was supposed to be my guide. 

I ran forward and slid under the spiders body, stabbing the spider repeatedly in its body I rolled out of the way when it screeched and tried to bite me. Svenge had frozen in shock.

'Move you fucker.' I cursed in my mind. 

Too late, the spider recovered and attacked Svenge. The man was stung right in the gut hard. The blow sent the man flying into a pillar with a loud crunch of breaking bone. 

Dashing over to where Svenge was I dragged him behind the pillar as he coughed up some blood. 

"A-anna…" Svenge groaned out.

"Shut up you idiot, why did you freeze." My mask dropped as I glared at him. 

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promi- gAAKKK." 

Svenge tensed up and the wound from the spider bubbled with green fluids. Any normal woman would have been devastated that their 'lover' was dying. Me however, I was more frustrated that I was losing my reliable source of a good fucking. 

I put my mask back on and forced a few tears out of my eyes, "It's okay Svenge… it's okay. I'm here." 

I held him close as his body was wracked with tremors. Fortunately the spider was too distracted by the man who had been stuck. Svenge coughed up some more blood staining my white shirt. Slowly his body relaxed in my arms and I sighed. 

I may be a heartless bitch, but it was the least I could do for the man who had been my stepping stone for surviving in this world. Svenge died thinking he was being held by a woman that loved him. He didn't need to know that I'd be looting his corpse and taking all his stuff. 

Once I was sure his heart had stopped beating, I dropped his body onto the floor carelessly and brushed myself off. Peeking out from behind the pillar, I spotted where he had dropped his sword. The spider was still busy tormenting the trapped man. 

I snuck over fast, snatching up the sword in one motion then jumping up onto its back and driving it through the spider's head in another. Screeching the spider flung me off its back, and I slammed painfully onto the rough ground. 

The spider let out a few more pitiful shrieks before curling up and dying. I got up and scanned myself for stings, luckily there were none. I took out a 'health potion' from my Inventory and downed it in one go. 

+30 HP

Once my health stat was full I went over to the spider's body and took out the sword from its head. The sword now dripped with greenish blood. I turned to the man who was still stuck in the spider's web. Sending him an evil grin I winked at him before walking back over to where Svenge was laying. 

Crouching next to his cooling body I began to go through his pockets and bags for anything I could take. Aside from a few gold coins, and some supplies he didn't really have much. I found a small ring in his pocket and sighed.

"You naïve fool… you were a good lay, but that was it." 

I took the little ring anyways and slipped it onto my finger, a new sob story already forming in my head. Once I stored everything I could into my Inventory I made my way back over to the trapped man. 

"You, what's your name?" I didn't bother keeping my mask with the stranger. 

"A-Arvel, my name is Arvel." The man stuttered out. 

"So Arvel," I smiled, "do you have any valuables on you?" 

The man shook his head quickly, too quickly. I narrowed my eyes at him, storing away the sword since I didn't really know how to use it, I drew my dagger and picked at my nails with it. 

"Hmm, is that so?" 

Arvel quickly nodded, unfortunately for him I didn't believe him. 

"I don't believe you Arvel," and I voice my disbelief, "My toy just recently died on me, it's quite unfortunate, and I find myself rather… displeased." 

I dragged the dagger across his exposed skin taking care not to cut him with the sharp edge. Arvel gulped, I stopped over his side and made eye contact with him. 

The dagger flashed as I stabbed it deep into his side. Arvel squealed like a pig and I laughed as he struggled some more. Leaving the dagger buried in his side I punched him in the face hard.

"Arvel, Arvel calm down. You're going to bleed out if you don't." I said with mock sympathy. 

"Hrkkk, gahhh… p-please what do you want." 

Tears were now streaming down his face, I felt my pussy throb, his pain and the scent of his blood drew out my arousal. 

"I want you to tell me the truth Arvel." I whispered the last parts seductively. 

Arvel coughed up some blood as his lungs slowly filled with the liquid from where I stabbed him. He didn't respond, frowning in displeasure I grabbed the knife and twisted it. 

"ARHHHHHH!" Arvel screamed in pain. 

"Tell me." 

"M-my bag… in my bag." Arvel finally gasped out. 

Smiling happily at him I pulled out the dagger and stabbed him a few more times in his chest. Arvel gasped out in pain, his blood splashed on my face. I licked my lips and tasted some of his blood that had landed on them. I pulled the knife out of his gut and wiped it clean on his clothes. 

Cutting him down from the webs he fell forward face first. Stepping over him I spotted his pack and dug through it until I found what I was looking for. 

Taking the large lump of gold from the pack I looked at the ugly ornament. It was shaped a little like a chicken's foot more than a 'claw'. I glanced back at the way I came in. The gate was still closed and I doubted that I was strong enough to lift it. 

Sighing I looked towards the way I had cleared after cutting Arvel down. I could see light further down, I wondered if the torches in this place were magical. This was supposed to be an ancient crypt and yet there were torches still burning all over the place. 

This spider had been here for a while judging from the side of it and the amount of bones strewn about. So I doubted that anyone could have gotten further in. I had so many questions but none of them were really important. 

I put the golden claw in my Inventory and continued forward. I passed through the silent tomb effortlessly, in part due to the fact that all the traps were painfully obvious. 

Thick rope for 'trip wires', pressure plates that stuck up half a foot off the ground, a leaver that obviously activated some sort of stabby mechanism in a wall. 

I wondered if the people that designed this place were mentally sound. I continued deeper into the tomb and eventually came to a stop. Across from me was a decorated room with a standing coffin. The coffin burst open and a weird zombie mummy hybrid stepped out. 

I readied my dagger and took out another one from my Inventory. Taking careful aim I waited for the zombie mummy hybrid to come closer. When it was within reach I launched the dagger in a perfect throw. 

My aim was true, the dagger stuck the zombie mummy hybrid in the head. Unfortunately it didn't do much as the damn thing just turned to face me with a creaking of dried bones. 

"Bolog aaz, mal lir!" The creature roared at me. 

Shocked that the thing spoke I almost got cut as it slashed at me with its weirdly shaped sword. I dodged another slash and ducked under a swing. I was surprised at how good my reaction time was or maybe it was just really slow. I didn't care, I only had one thing in my mind. 
