Chapter 25: Norse Chaos

Back at the party, the inhabitants were welcoming the All Father of Norse mythology: Odin. And the valkyrie by his side.

Odin has the appearance of an elderly man with long, grey hair, and a matching beard. He wears a gold and white monocle over his left eye, without the addition of the chain. Odin's robe was dark blue in colour with a white inside and the two lines of gold around the collar. His hat was split into horizontal layers of black and gold, with blue gems decorated around it.

His bodyguard was a beautiful young woman with long, straight silver hair and aqua-coloured eyes. She wore a stone blue business suit with a purple tie; her business shirt being bluish white.

There was some awkwardness between the escort of Odin, as he looked towards both Akeno and Shuri, still processing that it wasn't an illusion at what he was witnessing.

Soon the Heaven faction joined and everyone was settling in. Only for people to look in confusion as a new visitor came in, with an even more bizarre bunch of members; confusion on many faces. "Vampires? What are they doing here?" Sairaorg pondered, looking at the small royally-dressed girl that led them.

Sirzechs stepped forward. "It is certainly a surprise for the vampire faction to be here. May I ask why?" Sirzechs added.

"The name is Elmenhild, Lucifer," she announced, giving a small bow. A smile came upon her face at reminiscing the events: "It is thanks to the Red Dragon Emperor. He arrived in the territory, and helped expose something messy. From there, King Tepes and Queen Carmilla decided to reach a tenuous ceasefire to combat a common enemy. I am the ambassador to ask about the vampires joining the peace treaty," she explained. 'I hope this is seen as legitimate.'

Surprise hit his sea-foam eyes but Sirzechs laughed at the random chain of events. "Well, that is something I didn't expect."

"Why not?!" Odin suggested with a laugh, running his fingers through his beard. "The more the merrier, especially when they are cure girls!" he joked, making his attendant sigh at his behaviour.

"You should be more serious, Lord Odin."

Odin looked towards the valkyrie. "But I am serious, Rossweisse. You will never know when your deadly enemies appear from where they have hidden themselves."


'I killed my own master and went drunk on power. I became a deadly criminal... a legendary S-class Stray Devil... So how am I even in this scenario?' Kuroka thought.

On her knees, she felt tears were about to well out as Kuroka continued to hold her head down and try not to cry while her own mother tore into her every action. "Are you crazy?! Are you out of your mind?! Why?! Kuroka, what were you thinking?! Why did you not try to explain yourself to Shirone before leaving?! Did you not think about how it would affect her?!"

To the side, Keiji was deadpanning, Rias was sweat dropping and Koneko was recording the whole scenario with a surprisingly gleeful smile.

"Are you actually enjoying this?" Keiji asked, bending down to meet Koneko's eyes from the side.

"This is something I've never seen before. It's an amazing sight and feeling!" Koneko responded, never losing the sadistic smile she had. "Maybe I can replay this later while we have sex. It would make things sweeter."

'Is this really Koneko?' both Rias and Keiji thought, sweat dropping together at Koneko's actions.

Above in another tree, Bikou was hiding while sweat dropping at what was transpiring. 'I should probably do something about this, but I don't think I have the confidence to interrupt a family matter like this.'

From the skies, the flapping wings of Tannin soared from above as Bikou saw that as his cue that he should definitely be going. 'Fuck it! Sorry, Kuroka, you're on your own,' he thought, using his Nimbus Cloud and rushing out of there.

"I sensed trouble, and thought I'd lend a hand," Tanning said, landing with a thud, but only blinking in confusion as Keiji gave an apologetic shrug to the family issue going on.

Just when it seemed like things couldn't get worse for Kuroka, a disturbance travelled towards them as both family members questioned her on the source. "I-I have no idea!" she instantly replied, though a suspicious stare was left on her by her mother and sister.

"Is there something you can feel that we can't?" Rias asked, noticing their sudden perk up at something.

"Some blue-haired guy is attacking!" 

Keiji looked to the Gremory circle glowing as he realized it was Ilulu's voice; he had brought her there, because Keiji thought she deserved a reward for her help and eating all sorts of luxurious food is something that Ilulu would enjoy.

"He's also got some giant wolf that's trying to murder everyone!"

"I'll take you there quickly! Hop on!" Tannin ordered, all of them getting past their shock as they followed his orders.

Kuroka froze at what was going on. Subtly, she tried to move away but groaned in pain when her mother held her by the ear. "And where did you think you were going?" Fujimai asked, displaying a kind-aggressive tone. "You're coming with ME, young lady! I'm not done with you!"

Not knowing whether to deadpan or laugh, the group flew back to the gathering place, while a teary-eyed Kuroka was forced to confess her 'ties' to the Khaos Brigade and how they helped the Evil Norse God Loki to infiltrate the event.

Fujimai cringed at a disappointed look came over her face at what her daughter had become. "I can't believe my own daughter has become a terrorist," she mumbled, while Kuroka was panicking full time. "Don't cry!" Fujimai snapped at her daughter. "We'll try and fix this problem, okay," she said in a more softer tone.

From Koneko's side, she was barely suppressing her honest laughter at seeing the mischievous quiver of her mom's lips while she tried to cover her face to almost cry from her big sis.

"They really made a mess," Keiji said, as he looked around the room but there was no evil god in sight.

"That would be my doing, Red Dragon Emperor," Ajuka spoke. The bewitching man ran a hand through his sward slicked hair back. "I've managed to temporarily banish Loki, but he will be back."

With that out of they way, everyone turned to seeing Kuroka looking all bullied while her mother placed her hands on her shoulder. "Devils. I think there is something my eldest daughter would like to tell you."

Falling under the pressure, Kuroka spilled everything that she knew. From the truth behind her 'crimes' to her involvement with the Khaos Brigade and how Loki got there. 

"That's well and good and all but what do we do with her?" Azazel asked, Kuroka shaking at all the things that could happen to her.

Sirzechs sighed as he stood forward. "By law, you should, by all accounts, be going to prison. You are aware of that?"

Though it wasn't his place, Keiji stepped forward to interject. "I know I'm asking a lot but can we possibly avoid going there. After all, she did give us this information and her circumstances are a bit of a gray area. Well, in regards to some of it."

"This shall be your decision, Sirzechs," Michael said, respectfully not getting involved.

The Lucifer took some time to think it over. "At the most, I suppose house arrest at your residence and her family will have to do if Kuroka can help us against Loki. It's clear that her mother seems to be able to control her actions, but know that I cannot do anything about further punishment if Kuroka goes beyond her restrictions." 

"That's all I can ask. Thanks for this, Lucifer," Keiji said, giving a small nod while Fujimai and Koneko did the same.

Soon, they got to forming teams for when they would have to face Loki. "I'll have to take full responsibility for Loki's actions," Odin said.

"You don't have to be so hard on yourself," Serafall said.

Odin laughed. "Thank you, young lady. At the very least, my assistant, Rossweisse, will be sent in to support you all."

The Gremory Peerage stuck together like usual, though a recovering Kuroka was at their side. The busty blackette wiped some of the wet works from her eyes. "I'll do my best this time!" Kuroka promised with teary eyes.

Koneko gave a thumbs-up to Fujimai. "I'll make sure my sister behaves," she finished with a smile, a small family moment between the three of them.

Ajuka raised his hands as his personal Devil King magic circle appeared. "I'll be transporting you to where I've sent Loki! Make sure to be careful of what he does! And good luck!"