Chapter 26: Break Out Gods

Arriving on the battlefield, the group looked at the glowing green pyramid glowing rainbow. This continued until a crack formed on it. At last, Loki's form broke out. For Keiji, Rias, Koneko, this was the first time they looked upon him: The amber-eye deity has light blue hair that floats behind him with two small shoulder length bangs. Loki also has 3 blue jewels on his forehead and yellow earrings. His attire mostly consisted of a pure white robe, though with ornate symmetrical markings.

Eventually, the inevitable came and the seal came undone, fracturing into dozen light shards. "Beelzebub... playing petty tricks. I'll have to make sure to fully squash him."

"Lord Loki!" Rossweisse called out. "Pointing your fangs to the All Father is a serious offence! If you want to voice your concerns, there is a proper channel!" she shouted.

Kuroka's eyes looked around the area they were in. 'Maybe I should look for a chance to escape.'

Loki looked towards the armoured valkyrie. Her battle attire is a set of Valkyrie armor, which consists of a white breastplate with gold and pale blue accents and matching, fingerless gauntlets, boots, hip guards, and wing-shaped hair clips. She also wears a black leotard underneath her breastplate, black thigh-high stockings, and a pale blue cloth wrapped underneath her hip guards, all of which are clad with pink lacing along with her hair clips.

"The valkyrie that serves under Odin has no business telling me what to do."

"You refuse to listen to reason?" she questioned.

Keiji stood forward as Loki snapped his fingers. "Some of you are far too weak to be the opening to Ragnarok. Though I guess some might be worthy," Loki remarked, his eyes on the Red Dragon Emperor.

From the first portal came the God-Devouring Wolf Fenrir; Keiji whistled at the creature's menacing appearance, a part of his mind thinking it'd be cool if he also had a legendary beast to work with.

Two more wolves came from the sides of Fenrir. "Those are Fenrir's children! Hati and Skoll!" Rossweisse warned.

The grin never left Loki's face as he pointed towards the dark clouds stirring. Lightning struck from a far distance but the shadow of the behemoth was clear. The grey Eastern dragon's body was tucked and rolled near itself so that it did not take all the space.

"That's another one of the Dragon Kings. He's Midgardsormr, and he may well be the longest dragon ever. Though this is a clone you are facing."

"Looks like I can finally show them the true power of Vritra," Genshirou said with a smirk, his hands and feet being covered by black armour bracers in the form of a small and cute black chameleon-like lizard with violet eyes and a deformed face.

Keiji only summoned Ascalon as he approached the clones. "Looks like two dragons are taking this. I can work with that," Keiji said.

"Don't be jealous when I overtake you!" Genshirou said, with Keiji just rolling his eyes but grinning.

The multiple clones of Loki's creatures charged towards the groups, with the rest charging back while Loki watched to see how they fared.

Ilulu joyfully skipped past a bunch of roasted corpses. One tried getting too close but she jumped and smacked them so hard their neck permanently twisted. "Notice me, Master!" Ilulu said with a carefree smile, while brutally taking lives.

"Is she trying to be cute?" Keiji asked, slicing a head off. He side-stepped an attack he didn't look at and extended Ascalon right through the heart before splitting it.

Despite how well they were doing, the sheer number of wolves were overflowing. Luckily, Gasper came in time, stalling them with his Forbidden Balor View. 

"Good job, Gasper!" Keiji shouted, knowing how much the support meant to him as he unleashed a torrent of flames.

Xenovia and Yuuto worked in tandem, with Yuuto usually cutting down their legs and Xenovia utilizing her power fighting style and delivering more heavy, devastating types.

"Looking good, Xenovia! I can't let you get one over me!" Irina said, using her katana to swipe down a group of creatures that Sona drenched in water before using ice magic to freeze them in place.

Hati came in fast, trying to pin down Irina and gobble her up, but a naginata came and the Queen of Sona was the owner. "Leave this to me!" she said, but Irina took the chance to cut down Hati.

"I did leave it to you!" Irina said with a smirk, flying off and leaving Tsubaki dazed for a bit but she smirked.

"Tsubaki, look out!"

Gasper couldn't use his Sacred Gear in time to help Tsubaki against the torrent of flames sent her way but it didn't matter as Tsubaki looked unharmed. "Mirror Alice!" Tsubaki shouted, creating a large full-body mirror, which spat out the flames back as the the Dragon King.

Skoll came to aid him but was struck down by a barrage of holy lightning and Power of Destruction, though it roared through the pain as it moved towards them.

"How is it so tough?!" Rias remarked.

Thankfully, Skoll stopped as a Koneko held it by the tail and pressed hard. "You've learned Senjutsu?!" Akeno remarked, surprised but happy to see that Koneko was no longer burdened by her previous perceptions.

"Guess I'll contribute, too," Kuroka said, charging herself with Senjutsu as she attacked Skoll's side as the creature tried to claw itself at Koneko. Instantly, Skoll started whimpering in pain as the others looked in surprise at what Kuroka did. "I was just helping, nya. Senjutsu can even attack internally. Isn't it menacing?" she questioned, still smiling, though Koneko wasn't phased by it.

Loki looked at the scene in annoyance, clicking his teeth. "So they really aren't that weak!"

A barrage of attacks rained down on Midgardsormr but the fire-breathing serpent was taking it all, and even throwing it back, forcing some of them back.

'I just want to go back to sleep,' it thought, looking to see that the Red Dragon Emperor was charging forward with a bane blade. 'Guess I'll die,' the creation of Loki thought, willingly getting impaled by the creature.

"Not so fast!" Genshirou stated, latching onto the god's arm with his Absorption Line while Loki tugged at it. He opted to use his powers but was surprised to see it was still steadfast.

"You shouldn't underestimate dragons, Norse God," Sona stated, making Genshirou light up from the praise.

Black and purple flames climbed up as Loki noted them. "So these are Vritra's deadly black flames! Child's play!" 

With only one threat left, the other tried to keep Loki at bay as much as possible. Being at such an advantage, Keiji equipped his Scale Mail in advance as he twirled in the air and kicked Fenrir hard enough in the face to send it knocking down. Boosting himself below Fenrir, he kicked the creature up in the air, and then sledgehammer attacked him, smashing him into the grin. Not content, Keiji began to pommel him constantly, even after he felt no resistance.

"DAMNED DEVILS!" Loki shouted, breaking through the Delete Field's effect and using the Absorption Line to his advantage to send Genshirou flying through and crashing into the rocks.

Several blue magical circles propped up as a heavy blizzard came upon the lot of them, the intensity requiring a lot of them to throw up a large magic barrier with all of them being involved.

Ilulu's poisonous blaze storm was able to briefly clash with the battering blizzard but she could only hold her breath out for so long before she felt the icicles rain down on her and send her back, her boobs bouncing as the attacks came piling up.

"Red Dragon Emperor!" Loki shouted, punching Keiji back, but he was able to right himself from it. "You're going to suffer for taking down my son like that!"

Keiji responded with flames, though they were blocked. "Your fault for standing there and watching... B-A-K-A."

Loki's temper as he unleashed frosty beams, with Keiji swerving, ducking, dodging and ending it with a few back-flips. "BOOST! BOOST! BOOST! BOOST! BOOST! BOOST! BOOST! BOOST!"

Keiji put his guard up as Loki rained down his attacks, bringing his feet to the ground. Loki briefly stopped his assault, only to summon a truck of frost that Keiji had to burn through while Ilulu helped, though she got hit by one of the clones still hanging about.

In the mist created, Keiji sent his fist forward to Loki but his eyes blinked when it faded into mist. "Oh shit!"

"Shit indeed!" Loki shouted, kicking Keiji in the face.

He grinned but paused when he felt something wrapped around his leg; the segmented crimson tail from the Scale Mail.

Like a monkey, Keiji used it to prop himself forward. His first few jabs were dodged, and his right hook was blocked and held; the same fate to his left hand. Loki grinned, holding tighter on Keiji's arms, showing his divine durability. "Haha! What will you do, Red Dragon—?!"

His question was interrupted when Keiji head-butted him in the face. "That... I'll do that..." Keiji remarked, leaning back.

"You wouldn't dare!?"

"We're not playing Truth or Dare!" Keiji replied, smashing his head against the Norse God multiple times.

At last, Loki learned the lesson and decided to use the same attack, though magic protected his body; blood dripping from his forehead. "That's the last time you make a fool—!

Keiji kicked him in the face. Disgruntled from the attack to the jaw, Loki's stunned frame was beaten with a few more kicks before a final backflip kick was given to him.

Sliding back after Loki managed to get off an ice-enhanced kick, Keiji charged forward but stopped as Loki dodged back and left an ice clone. "GET OVER HERE!" 

Glowing green, the Boosted Gear regurgitated the Ascalon, except it extended and pierced the side of Loki and Keiji managed to drag it down.

Loki grinned as he sent his fingers forward, and the ice clone from before managed to land several blows to him, finishing it by smacking him and sending a large ice shard against Keiji, cutting open the shoulder.

"Well, shit. Guess this is a god, after all."

Loki's body glowed as healing started to take place. "For such a brutish brat, you sure are a durable delinquent dragon."

"It's the name of the title," Keiji shot back with a grin.

Kuroka side-stepped a minor clone that tried to attack her as she channelled her poison mist into its nostrils, effectively shutting it down. "Night, night." Kuroka then gazed towards Keiji. 'I guess he really is strong. That's potential,' she thought, a small grin on her face, though she made sure to hide it from her younger sister.

A large bolt of blue and blonde made Loki's neck crane a bit. "That stung a bit. I guess light is as close as it gets to divinity."

Once again, Absorption Line latched onto Loki, though it was a bigger pain as it held his leg. Attempting to break free again, both his hands were occupied as Durandal and Sword of Betrayer came at his side. "Too much trash at once!"

"It's coming!" Rossweisse announced.

A runish blue circle opened up, with an object slowly coming into its existence from the celestial pillar of light. "This is a real shitty excuse for a joke!" Loki shouted, seeing the outline of a hammer as well as tracking its aura. "OFF ME AT ONCE, HEATHENS!" 

"Red Dragon Emperor, Odin as entrusted this to you!" Rossweisse spoke. "It may be a replica, but it's powered enough that you should have no issue with it!"

Not needing any more instructions, Keiji flew towards the hammer. Getting closer, he noted it was a hammer with a black outer frame with a blue structure throughout its entire design from the head to the handle; a Norse symbol on its middle piece to cement its status.

"Odin, you bastard!" Loki shouted, preparing to charge towards it but falling stuck as Gasper's Sacred Gear kept in frozen. Shakily, he moved his hand and pointed towards Gasper, who managed to stand his ground with difficulty. "Perish!"

Anxiety ended up overtaking as the time lock broke and Loki was on the move but sharp lizard claws gripped his skin and Loki looked down into the maw, only to be met with a full jam-packed eruption of flames. 

Arriving at Mjolnir, a dark shadow came towards him as Keiji looked to see Fenrir's golden flawless collection of sabres, all the more to gobble any god or satan in his way. Within that fraction of a second, Keiji's form disappeared and he appeared to be heading headfirst down Fenrir's gullet.

Horror crawled up their bodies as they found reality to be too cruel for what just happened in front of them. "KEIJI!" a chorus of screams came out.

'I feel like I could escape... but I should stay with Shirone,' Kuroka thought, weighing out the best option at the moment.

Cackling, Loki's mockery of the whole situation turned into a full-blown, chest-cavity chortling as Loki raised his hands and pointed towards his son. "To think you would lose your greatest asset to my son. I guess all of you were too weak for Ragnarok's opening! Even the Red Dragon Emperor is too pathetic! And that man is who you all admired! That's a funny joke! Even for me! I couldn't have made up something funnier myself!"

Every jab turned into a spear, twisting deeper into everyone's morale and ripping it from them... Except for one soul.

"S... SEMPAI!!!"

The unusual outburst for Gasper was enough to make the rest of the group perk up. "Gasper...?" Rias muttered, never imagining that Gasper would be this emotional. 'If only it was for a better occasion,' she thought, bitterly, mustering her Power of Destruction but her resolve was too weak, making it dissipate. 

"Saji! Something is wrong!" Vritra shouted to his host, making him look towards his Sacred Gear for an explanation about why a dragon of his calibre would freak out. "This darkness is something that I haven't felt before in centuries! He is a storm that is approaching!"

Arising from his shadow, an umbra domain began to expand from him as darkness began to overtake the surrounding area; everyone's vision becoming dull in the extreme absence of light. Overflowing with darkness, it began to eventually take shape as Gasper was no longer there but a five-meter tall dragon-like beast with a jagged sharp horn, curved and exuding a menacing aura. Dried-blood eyes and multiple wings populated its form.

"What is this... dark presence?" Loki muttered, his smile gone.

"I WILL KILL YOU....! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU TILL NONE OF YOU ARE LEFT!" a wizened but corrupted voice broke out, breaking those of weaker will as they stared at the eldritch abomination.

Loki raised his hand to use magic but blood ripped out as darkness lashed out like a flock of ravenous bats, making the deity grit his teeth in surprise and groan. "He can even damage me?! But he's a devil!" 

"Is that really Gasper?" Rias remarked, watching Loki be sent flying and held in place as a bunch of black body parts began to pummel him.

Amidst the surprise beatdown, Loki managed to call out Fenrir. Obeying his father's wishes, Fenrir went for the kill but he whimpered when he was back-handed through several mountains, dragged back and smashed onto the ground.

Darkness surrounding it as corrupted chains flew around its thick frame and held it in place, squeezing it tightly. "Foolish dog! Know your inferiority!"

Glaciers began to surround the area as Loki's bloodied body glowed with more healing. "If you wish to get me serious, then I'll show you why—"

Loki was cut off as his frame was frozen and bonked into a mountain, splitting it in two while the rubber fell down on the ground. "Why what?! Why you kneel before me?!"

'Never give speeches again!' Loki bitterly thought.

Breathing in, drops of snow rained down, only for those pellets of snows to transform into skyscrapers of ice. "Feel death's cold embrace!" Loki screeched out.

Murky mists formed around Gasper as a pair of blood-burning eyes glared at him; the god in their vision stiffening up as a sandstorm of shadows reigned down on the god with senseless violence. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MONTER?!" Loki shrieked out, his robes in ruin now while Gasper—if you could call him as such—sauntered to him in a disfigured way.

Watching the spectacle, people didn't take notice of Fenrir's frame twitching and the rapid turn around of its body as it howled. Soon, ichor began to run rampantly free down its body before its jaw snapped open.

Exploding from his mouth, a flash of brilliance sparked and drew everyone's attention, amidst the black-out. Loki not paying attention sooner would be detrimental as a familiar fang lodged itself into Loki's body. "Here, have a taste of your own medicine, fucker!"

Smiles came upon their faces as they realized that Keiji was well and kicking. Rias and Akeno held each other with tears out, Xenovia held herself with a sword as she stood up and Yuuto smiled as he clutched the Sword of Betrayer tighter. Genshirou grumbled at the dramatic entrance but was still relieved to see him alive.

Kuroka's gaze became a longing one. 'Incredible... He managed to survive Fenrir, and he could take out Loki!' Her insides turned the oven on as her revealing outfit didn't even make it cold for her when she was warm on the inside. 'I think I found my mate...'

Keiji grinned at all of them, but his eyes turned into curiosity when he noticed the corrupted corpse. "Gasper?!" He flew down, a raised eyebrow at the current form. "Since when did you become Alucard?"

Like a quick puff, the smoky shadows disappeared and Gasper fell out, his face twitching upwards as Gasper found the conflict of emotions he was feeling too hard for him to settle on a facial mood. Looking like the usual trap that he was. "Y-you're fine—"

"Careful." Keiji picked up Gasper from almost falling into the dirt. "You did well, Gasper. Thanks for holding off Loki."

Rossweisse dropped down from flight as she approached the bloodied battle-suit wearing beast of a man. "Amazing... You managed to survive the imprisonment of Fenrir's jaws! It seems impossible to survive those ferocious fangs..."

"It wasn't like that; even touching the fangs made me uncomfortable. I just jumped"—Keiji made a hand sign to show him dropping down—"into its throat while avoiding all the teeth and cut around his stomach and jumped out. I'm not 100% sure if it was Gasper, but immobilizing Fenrir beforehand really helped me rip one of those so-called God-killing fangs with Ascalon, so I could give that Norse fucker some revenge. No offense to the Norse people like you."

Delight dressed up Rossweisse's face as she looked at the Red Dragon Emperor with darkened cheeks. 'Such bravery and spirit... I knew the Red Dragon Emperor was strong but it's amazing that he doesn't neglect his intellect.'

Another inevitable moment was that the girls would soon recover from the sudden shock and switching of emotions. They crowded him with joy, with Genshirou remarking, "Of course this happens."

Blood flowing out in such volumes made them look to Loki, who just chucked away Fenrir's fang from his side. Shakily, he aimed his magic towards the rest of them. "You shall die by my hand!" Loki swore, determined to not faint just yet until he made them pain.

His eyes lost their light as Mjolnir mashed him into the ground. Sitting on the shaft with her legs, Ilulu laughed at shutting him up. "Don't bother, Master!" Ilulu began to swing the hammer around. "This is fun!"

Everyone looked in dumbfound confusion as Ilulu, very comedically, started flailing Mjolnir around like a play toy. "Ilulu, I think you can stop playing around with that now."

Chucking it behind her, while hitting Loki as well, Ilulu chuckled as she skipped towards her Master. "Sure thing," she said, stopping as she pointed to the side, "but who is the glasses guy taking away the massive wolf?"

Her question made them turn to a bespectacled youthful male with blonde hair; a strand of hair around his face, and wearing a business suit.

Appearing from a gilt gate-circle came a holy sword. The dark handle was long enough to make it two-handed with a round pommel at the end. It also has a gold-colour cross-guard that slightly curves forward. A golden cross-sword latched onto the ricasso portion and the fuller was colored dark crimson.

Piercing Fenfir's skull, an orange circle appeared as the blade sunk into it. A teleporting circle appearing underneath. "Apologies for doing this, but our choices are limited." He turned to his former ally. "Good luck with your family, Kuroka. I know your struggle," he said, ignoring Kuroka's outraged cry as the male vanished along with the prize claimed.