Chapter 30: Old Grudges

The Gremory group were surrounded by a large horde of Old Satan faction members, those unsatisfied with the current state of the devils; meaning, they were war wagering idiots who couldn't let go of the past.

"I'm gonna fucking rip that snake to bits!" Keiji swore.

"Gungnir!" a voice called out.

A divine blue wave exploded out as a large portion of the group were wiped out. "Looks like this old man will finally be able to have some exercise. I'm sure you devils won't be able to resist trying to take me out. It'll make you famous," Odin said, Sirzechs and Azazel there by his side.

"Well, well, well. Looks like I was right to be cautious about him from his Rating Game. Well, this Rating Game seems to be the perfect opportunity, and he took the bait," Azazel spoke.

Rossweisse then turned to Odin. "Wait! Then, Lord Odin, does that mean you faked pretending to leave me behind to organize this!" she asked hopefully.

The Norse deity sighed. "Truthfully, I just forgot to tell you about the secret plan," he said, making Rossweisse pout.

"Ah! Your so mean at times, Lord Odin! Now I'm really glad I chose to be reincarnated!" Rossweisse spoke out, smiling at the other "family members."

Odin laughed. "Well, you've certainly grown! Well done, Rossweisse!"

Black flames and water sprouted from one end, while orange flames charred the devils approaching them. Enter the Sitri and Keiji's Peerage.

"As strong as you are, all these enemies will waste your time," Sona spoke, flicking her glasses.

Yubelluna raised her staff, exploding a group in one go. "Besides, there are other people who might not be ready for battle. Protecting is also ones duty!"

Keiji turned to the governor fallen angel, snarling at how nonchalant the man was. "Next time you have a master plan, actually tell us! Your plan got Asia kidnapped!"

Azazel sighed. "Well, I guess I should apologize for that. It isn't much, kiddo, but leave the grunts to us. Although killing a devil heir will certainly make things interesting," Azazel said, looking at the two Super Devils.

Sirzechs shook his head. "He is a traitor, so death is fair. We have proof of his alliance with the Khaos Brigade. Ajuka?"

The Beelzebub devil looked to his friend. "I agree. He may be my brother, but he is a traitor. I will not make exceptions for the peace that is being threatened, no matter the devil!"

With the Gremory Peerage all united and stronger, they sped forward towards the dark temple. Keiji's boosting the group to help them seemingly vanish and appear at the temple. Diodora's Peerage was there to defend it, but they were brushed aside like the grunts they were. Keiji didn't even bother holding back, definitely breaking some bones or even worse. Despite his anger, the dragon couldn't help but notice the emptiness that plagued their eyes, like orbs sunk into the depths of despair.

Arriving to the main place, Keiji groaned at seeing Diodora looking so high and mighty on his gold throne, with a ruby interior. Above him was Asia, who was trapped in some strange contraception. Her arms and legs bound by crystal like branches. A distressed look on her face.

"I love nuns! It brings me such great joy when their eyes sink into the depths of despair, and then I ravish in that!" Diodora explained, just provoking their wrath even further, though his arrogance made him blind to how screwed he was.

"I'm guessing that's what you want as your epitaph!" Keiji responded.

Diodora growled. "Did you know that I'm the reason Asia was excommunicated?" he explained, making Keiji stop; he was curious on the explanation, but it didn't stop Keiji from the fact he was going to annihilate him. 

"Just speak those words! I'll fucking shred you anyway!" Keiji promised, dark eyes piercing into the Astaroth heir.

"Bold words! See, I was injured and purposefully made it so that she would be excommunicated! You remember that fallen angel, Raynare! I manipulated things so that she'd die, then I'd be able to bring her into my Peerage!" His hands tightened. "HOWEVER! You just had to get yourself involved, and she was in Rias Gremory's Peerage! I won't make that same mistake!"

A sickening aura poured out from Diodora, grinning at Keiji, who only saw the pure-blood devil as an ant to crush. "You all stand no chance against me! Not only do I hail from the same family as the current Beelzebub, but I have been granted infinite power!" he spoke, showing a snake that died in his hands and integrated its power into his.

What seemed like teleportation was a simple walk for Keiji as he released his fist, and the next moment had Diodora spitting out enough teeth to make him hideous, and match his true personality.

Ignoring the crater in the wall, Keiji rushed to Asia's side, the nun smiling in relief at seeing him in front of her again. "Good that you're smiling. I'll just free you from this."

Weak laughter came from the Astaroth asshole. "I-it's useless. That contraption will block any feeble attempt you make. Besides, if I'm defeated, the device will kill her!"

"And who decided that?" Keiji spoke.

Keiji's prized dragon-slayer blade popped out in the ready. Green energy surrounded it, the intensity of the aura being dense enough to overshadow Xenovia's Durandal. Like the sun arching at super sonic speeds, a golden blade flashed and Asia dropped down into Keiji's arm.

The rest of the group ignored the pained Diodora as they came to Asia's side. Smiles and joys in the dark place as they comforted the Bishop.

Thanking Keiji, Asia then walked over to her tormentor. "I don't regret healing you back then, because it helped me find the love of my life."

Everyone smiled as Asia's next action was to dislocate his jaw, more blood pouring out and more teeth shooting out of his mouth as Asia reclined her leg back. "But that's for all the poor nuns you ruined! I hope you rot in hell, but not before you suffer!" Asia shouted.

Asia smiled at Keiji, walking back to the group. "Thanks—"

Instantly, Asia appeared to disintegrate before everyone's eyes. Shock stung their bodies as neither of them knew what to do about everything. They came so close, yet it was somehow too far.

"Greetings, low-blood scum and members of the Gremory Peerage. I, Shalba Beelzebub, shall eliminate you all. Your lack of lineage shall be your defeat!" he arrogantly spoke.

Shalba had the appearance of a handsome man dressed in black armor with a cape. He had long brown hair that goes to his hips with many bangs covering his right eye.

'H-he's done for!' Diodora thought. He wanted to say something but his mouth was too damaged to mutter words. And his pride didn't want to make him look more pathetic by choking out words.

"Where have you taken Asia?!" Rias shouted, her red aura flaring up her hair

The bitchy Beelzebub descendant ignored her and looked to Keiji's scowling sclera. "You've all gotten in the way of the Old Satan faction enough. I'll especially enjoy killing the Red Dragon Emperor for turning Katera against us!

Everyone was taken back a few paces as a volcanic explosion occurred around Keiji. His eyes transmutating into flames as the intense desire to kill was suffocating Shalba. "YOU... DEATH WILL TAKE YOU! YOU'LL BEG... BUT YOU'LL BE OBLITERATED! YOU TOOK ASIA, SO YOUR EXISTENCE WILL BE EXTINGUISHED!"

"ALL OF YOU LEAVE AT ONCE! NO ONE STAY HERE!" Ddraig warned all of them, urging them before they got themselves hurt. It might have pushed his host beyond his limit if he realized.

I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God

I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"

I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination

And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!

They heeded the dragon's desperate threat as they looked in shock at the advanced demonic visage of Keiji's current form. It definitely looked more dragon-like but the size was also more monstrous. The armor possesses claw-like growths on the hands and feet, as well as horns and a fanged mouth on the helmet. Sticking out were three large, scaly scythes coming out of the shoulder blades, with the tail gaining a spear-like look to it.

"N-NOW... NOW... I'M REALLY ANGRY!" Keiji screamed, somehow still coherent enough.

Despite the size, Keiji was able to move pretty fast. He travelled like a tank, upheaving anything in his past; the Gremory group had to avoid the pillars and chunks of the roof thrown away by his feet alone.

Shalba quickly used the Ophis snake; ironic, given that he looked down upon Diodora for doing the same so early. However, his situation was more important, he rationalized. It didn't matter as the multitude of shields put up were simply reduced into crumbs as Shalba found himself flying out of the temple.

Blood leaked out of him as he panted, shock and disbelief on his face. He didn't even have time to get angry as Keiji's domineering form peered at the ant that had angered him. Shalba had committed a grave sin; Diodora's dead body was picked up by his peripheral vision.

A burst of elemental attacks came from his hand but Keiji simply waved his hand and Shalba screamed in pain as he fell back as soon as he tried to get back up. 'I-impossible! How is he this strong?! I-I'm a descendant of Beelzebub!'

Despite his confident proclamations, fear was the first emotion that Shalba felt as Keiji let out a soul-screeching and menacingly approached the weakened devil. His body going ragdoll into the air once again

"He's going berserk," Rias noted, going wide-eyed alongside everyone else at the display of potent rage. As much as she wanted to go, Rias was aware that she would be nothing but a nuisance and might even make things worse. 'Please... Don't die on us, Keiji... Asia.'