Chapter 31: Mass Destruction

With the exaggerated swagger of a twelve-winged fallen angel, Azazel swiped down waves of aggressive devils. From the two-pronged spear of light, a magical circle formed that opened a gate to blast out a whole armoury of light spears, vanquishing the devils into a dust parade. "You sure are making things easy for me," Azazel commented.

"That's far enough, filthy crow!"

Azazel looked back to see a man appear out of the Asmodeus circle; pale, with pointy ears. The man with the small ponytail had dark hair and burning eyes, with his clothes following a dark motif, coupled by red belts. "So one of the masterminds finally appear."

"I am Creuserey Asmodeus, a true descendant of Asmodeus!" His eyes narrowed intensely at the fallen angel. "As a member of the True Satan faction, I'll avenge you all for what you've done to Katerea Leviathan."

Azazel's eyebrow perked up when he saw the infinity symbol appear. "Using the power from Ophis, we will destroy this world and create a new world for devils!"

Immediately, Azazel guarded against a fearsome, massive magical mace that was summoned out of nowhere. The force pushing him back, only to find a boulder rain upon him.

"Good grief!" Azazel said, summoning a light sword with a cross guard and cutting down the large rocks upon him.

Creuserey appeared behind Azazel with a kick but the fallen fell back and did a hand-stand kick to knock him back, but Creuserey didn't give up so easily, clutched the leg and threw him back. "PERISH!" Creuserey shouted, unleashing a red energy blast wave.

Azazel had managed to put up several magical shields but it still managed to push him back. He swiped his light sword but Creuserey grabbed Azazel's hand and punched him in the gut, blasting him away again before following up with a series of kicks and a two-handed blast.

Creuserey cringed when he felt a light spear nip at his shoulder. "Filthy fallen! I'll have to pay you back even more!" he shouted.

'Geez, not even giving me a chance to activate my toy,' Azazel thought, dodging the death parade of demonic bullets that charged at him. "That said, I think you can still help me out, Fafnir."

Creuserey's unfolded his wings. "No, you don't!"

A new arrival came as Creuserey immediately focused his hate on the new arrival, pointing his finger indignantly. "Sirzechs! You damned artificial existence!"

Azazel flapped down, seeing the two opposing devils. "Well, he sure gave me the run around. Though I could have taken him on, Sirzechs," Azazel said, the Crimson Lucifer only nodding, but still focusing on Creuserey.

"Creuserey. For the existence of species known as devils to survive, war is an asinine baggage to bring."

This didn't convince the Asmodeus heir. "A bastard who only deals not only with fallen angels, but angels, has no right to speak of the devils!" 

Like a mocking clap, Azazel just tapped the Down Fall Dragon Spear in his hand. "I don't think that's fair coming from a miserable misfit who joins a happy-go-lucky club like the Khaos Brigade."

Sirzech's eyes turned bloody, piercing Creuserey, as he stared more seriously. "As one of the Four Satans, I will eliminate anyone who is against the current Underworld."

From his hand, came a diluted nebula orb. It suddenly expanded into a domain that engulfed Creuserey, his body melting into nothingness. "T-this is?! Impossible! Why must the real thing lose to a fake?!" he screamed about, then disappearing entirely.

"The snake is also gone from him..."

Sirzechs voice trailed as him and Azazel froze, feeling the intense aura packaged into what was an under-dressed gothic loli floating casually.

"Looks like you came. I'm surprised."

Ophis just smiled. "Hello. It's been awhile."

Sirzechs didn't make a move against her. "If we defeat you, will peace finally be achieved?" the red-head asked.

Ophis just had the same expression. "Impossible. I can't be defeated," she calmly stated, like she had just used facts and logic, which don't care about feelings.

Azazel pointed the lance-like dagger to her, though it posed no threat. "In that case, what is the point of leading this terrorist army. Your power is in a league of its own. There should be no need for this."

Ophis looked to the sky. "A world of silence. That is what I want to return to. The Dimensional Gap... I wish to reclaim it, and the silence that came with it," she spoke, showing a bit of lamentation in the goal, like it had been something she had strived for an innumerable amount of times.

Her day-dreaming look disappeared as she turned to the large explosion of power from the temple, the shockwave making her float and fumble; a crack of curiosity appeared in her stoic countenance, whilst Azazel and Sirzechs were more in shock.

Blue bullets killed those threatening the group as Kuroka unleashed a torrent wheel of flames, burning the devils to the ground. "I'll be sure to protect all of you!" Kuroka spoke, looking out for Fujimai, Shuri and Valerie.

"I'm worried about the fighting," Ingvild spoke, feeling the intensity rattle her weary bones; after all, she had only recently awoken from a super slumber.

Skeletons were measured into a mountain as Ilulu closed her breath, flames dying out of it. The short-stack dragon had a look of annoyance on her face. "I don't like it! Master was going to call me, and I'd be able to beat up everyone in the Rating Game, but now I'm not going anywhere!" 

Her complaining was stopped suddenly, ringing in her body as concern sunk into her eyes. "Something is wrong with Master," she commented, the others soon noticing the sudden rise in power as well as turbulent emotions bursting from the temple and racking their senses. "I... I have to help my mate!" Ilulu called out, reaching out to Kuroka for help teleporting through the barrier.

"I don't know if I can," Kuroka fearfully stated.

"Could I help?" Valerie asked, eager to be as useful as possible.

Ingvild stepped forward as well, putting a hand on her chest. "I have lots of magic power. Will that be helpful?"

For perhaps the first time, Ilulu had a gratuitous smile to someone other than Keiji. She nodded as they prepared to travel to the scene of disaster.


The uncontrolled form of Keiji stomped like the original Broly as his claws lacerated Shalba and both his arms and legs went flying off. "B-beast! I'M AN HEIR OF BEELZEBUB! I WON'T LOSE TO SUCH A—!"

The cries of the damned echoed from the mutilated man as Keiji picked him up by the leg, gently moving in and cracking the bone, his foot coming off. But Keiji wasn't done as he punted him in the air and slammed him down.


Even the sounds alone perforated their bodies as they gawked at the sight. A chest cavity appeared, hot and ready like a furnace. With the outstretched claws, green particles floated before condensing all together into a rain of energy that was continually swallowed. Everyone was frozen by the intensity, debris floating up and evaporating into dust from the sheer energy bursting forth. 

'T-this feeling...' Shalba thought, his body shaking in absolute fear but still accepting the fate that was soon to be his.


Shining red, a glint came off before everyone covered their ears as a deafening blast echoed throughout the red expanse. The green vortex, spiralling with red rage, burning through the air, killing some unlucky enough to be in its path as the rocky terrains were now carved into a barren rib cage of an environment.

Growling roared out of Keiji as the wing-claws weren't as expansive and he was clutching his head with his hands, smashing through the area as a fight for control was pushing his instincts and his willpower to the test. 'Not... Destroy... Don't!'

Sweat slipped down Rias' body as she tried to think of what to do in the situation. "F-for now, let's all stay back. We might only make things worse!" she ordered, everyone falling back. 'Come on, Rias! How can you call yourself a leader if you can't even help one person?!' she thought.

The Queen pinched Rias' shoulders. "Rias... calm down. This is hard but let's have a bit of faith," Akeno said, panting but trying to look as strong as possible.

The others also shook their heads, making Rias smile, even in the dire situation. It helped remind her that she wasn't alone in this endeavour.

"M-maybe I could restrain him," Gasper suggested.

Nothing went on further with Gasper's idea as Vali, Bikou and Arthur appeared from the gate behind them. The blonde member of Vali's team was also holding a small package on his shoulder, one that made their eyes light up.

"I'm guessing this is yours. We found her in the Dimensional Gap," Vali said, as Arthur placed her down and allowed the Gremory group to hold her. "It's a miracle she could even survive there, though the residual dragon energy around her certainly helped. Staying next to my rival for so long has probably affected her in some way."

Weakly, Asia stood up, minor questions of if she was okay to be moving hitting her. "I-I'm fine," she muttered. Looking around, she noticed an important person missing. "Where is Keiji?!" Asia asked, with her explanation on everything making her gasp in shock. 

"It's amazing that he can somewhat control the Juggernaut Drive, even while lacking the vast magical reserves I have as a descendant of Lucifer," Vali mumbled, impressed. "Though you should calm him down soon. At the rate he's continuing at, his rampage will not cease until his life force is extinguished," Vali said, calmly. "So hurry up and make sure my rival doesn't die yet."

An uproar of refusal came from the group. "That's right!" Ilulu said, coming to everyone's side with Kuroka, Valerie and Ingvild with her, panting.

"Sorry I couldn't have done more," Ingvild choked out.

Ilulu only huffed. "I'll help calm down Master! I just need him to see the nun, so he'll know she's fine!"

"Yeah, but are you sure you'll be able to get close to him," Yuuto and Xenovia mentioned, the two Knights being the usual fast ones.

Gasper was about to make his suggestion again but Ilulu grimaced. "This isn't something I like to do but I'll do it for master! Hop on nun!" Ilulu commanded, jumping and her whole form growing into flames before taking shape; her form towering over the group.

That wasn't the only thing different with Ilulu. The scales on her body was now corrupted, looking dark-brown as her back was plated with black spikes, and her teeth sharpened enough to overflow in her teeth, looking like a black bar bladed prison. Dark, branch veins coated her thick tattered wings and her head was complete with two, v-shaped horns protrude backwards, as well as two larger black horns that curve slightly upwards. Her corrupted crimson colour was prominent around the rest of her body, though it was hard to see the difference of it and black. 

"He really pulled himself quite the pet. Makes Fenrir looks like a baby," Bikou commented, his staff around his neck as he looked at the true dragon form of Ilulu.

Despite the perilous situation, Ilulu had other thoughts in mind. 'I really wish I didn't have to transform into this! Master loves my human body, but will he like me for my repulsive, beastly form!' Mentally shaking her head, Ilulu resolved herself that it was for his sake, so she was willing to take that risk.

Scooping Asia up on her head, she tackled Keiji and pinned him down. "Just try and do something! React!" Ilulu shouted.

Roaring mindlessly, Keiji kicked her off. The chest cavity revealing itself once again as energy collected at a rapid fate, fear encroaching at the continent-cutting attack. Already, Vali had prepared his Balance Breaker but the idea of having to go into Juggernaut Drive was now looking like a possibility.

"KEIJI! PLEASE STOP!" Asia pleaded as hard as she could.

"STOP IT!" everyone else shouted passionately.

Amidst all the entropy, one voice stuck out. Gentle melodies flowed through the chaos as everyone looked to see the lavender light cascading like a river out of Ingvild, teary, glittering eyes as she continued to pour her heart and soul into her soothing voice.

As ludicrous as it was, the opportunity showed itself when Keiji's bloodlust had been tainted by the perfume of Ingvild's vocals. Keiji's whole body stiffened as the charging cannon relinquished its intent and subsided back into the chest, somehow calming his outrage into submission.

With the attack no longer the issue, Ilulu's tail pinned him down. "ASIA IS FINE, MASTER!" Ilulu burned her scream into his mouth, bending her neck enough to show the teary-eyed nun.

"I'm sorry for making you worry! P-please come back!" she confessed with ocean-lit eyes, tugging at his heart strings.

Rossweisse and the others looked at Keiji when they heard the noise. 'It's cracking,' the valkyrie thought, inching closer.

Like a thousand mirrors at once, the anarchy armour disappeared as Keiji was once again himself. The first thing he came to was staring at Asia in shock, only to tackle her and embrace the short girl. Kisses peppering her frame. "Forgive me!" Keiji sincerely said, his head bowing down, only to be cradled by the others as the group shared hugs and kisses; Vali's team were the exception, though Vali bore a smirk and Bikou was grinning.

Keiji then turned to see his familiar acting reticent, a snort coming from him as he realized Ilulu's reaction. "Thanks for your help in waking me up from my temper tantrum!" Keiji patted one of her massive horns, making her beam in happiness and relief.

"I want lots of sex as a reward!" Ilulu called out, making Keiji laugh, with Bikou and Yuuto laughing; Vali had no reaction along with Arthur, and the other girls sighed.

Vali shook his head as he approached the group of them. "Your wild, all of you," Vali said with a mixture of both amusement and annoyance. "To think that you actually managed to return him back to normal," he added. His light blue eyes tracked the fellow Satan descendant. 'Still, just who is she and what was that power I felt?'

Such thoughts were ended when a titanic roar paralyzed everyone to the spot, their eyes all turning to the sky as a rip in space-time introduced a red creature coming out slowly. A Western dragon with a horn on his snout and two sets of wings.

Keiji looked back in forth in confusion at everyone's almost fearful reverence at the creature appearing. "So... can someone tell me what that thing is?" Keiji asked, trying to hide the shaking of his body at its presence. 'I-I'm scared?' he repeated to himself, not even use to such an experience.

"He's Great Red. The Dragon God of Dreams."

Everyone turned around to find themselves double tensing the fuck as two of the mightiest entities were present all at once. 'Ophis is here, too!' Vali thought, his dragon instincts going haywire at the presence of the pinnacle of his (partial) species.

Once again, Keiji found himself blinking in confusion. "Why are you wearing duct-tape over your nipples and lacking almost everything else?" he asked. "You cold?" Keiji added, ignoring the WTF looks the others were giving him.

Keiji only found himself being stared, before her dull, dark eyes landed on Great Red, whose body had only just finally gotten out of the rip in space-time. Ophis pointed towards the source of her discomfort. "I will reclaim my silence," she spoke, making a finger bang pose.

"Can you not communicate?" Keiji asked, finding the young looking girl to be so enigmatic that he could only ask simple questions.

"The Red Dragon Emperor of this era is interesting," she said, getting off the small rock she was sat on and vanishing through a portal with the infinity symbol.

"Someone educate my dumbass!" Keiji groaned out.

Vali put his hands in his pocket as he looked up to the sky. "She's Ophis, the Dragon God of the Infinity. As well as someone who I strive to defeat. And soon after Great Red—"

"Yeah, yeah, that's enough, man. I've had enough for a day," Keiji muttered out, his eyes slanted from exhaustion, missing on Great Red vanishing back into the Dimensional Gap.

The White Dragon Emperor smirked. "Not going to put the middle finger at me?" Vali questioned, knowing how delinquent-like Keiji could get.

"Didn't know you were into that?" Keiji joked, making Vali roll his eyes and begin to walk off with his group. "But I've had too much shit for one day!" Keiji joked, only to fall down and stop moving.

"Keiji! Wake up!" Rias said, nudging his unconscious form. Her best friend also there to give support and lift his head up from the ground.

Koneko's tails were wagging with concern as she hugged him, trying to use Senjutsu. 'If only I was better at Senjutsu!'

"Master!" Ilulu jumped in worry.

Asia immediately went to using her Twilight Healing on him. "Please work! Don't die!" 

Ingvild, Valerie and Kuroka were too exhausted to go further. Shuri and Fujimai holding them so they don't drop to the ground. 

Rossweisse narrowed her eyes in concern. "I believe he'll be fine! He's a true hero! I shall have faith in him!" she called out, blushing as the others looked to him.

"I agree!" Xenovia and Yuuto chipped in.

"You can do it, sempai! There's still so much I have to learn!" Gasper muttered.


In a flower field, a young Chinse man laid down to rest. His repose was disturbed by a silver-haired man with red eyes, garbed in a gakuran with a priest coat over it. "Cao Cao, Shalba died as well and Vali has refused to become the Khaos Brigade leader."

"Is that so?" the man muttered, pulling himself from the ground. "Well, it looks like it's time for the Hero Faction to rise up!" Cao Cao spoke, raising an ornate spear in the sky with a calm smile.


Some days later, Keiji was back and running again after his little stint. It is how he won the 3-legged race with Asia. Everyone was worried prior but a long rest was all he needed to be seemingly fine. Though Keiji did have to deal with the loss of a lot of life energy, so there were treatments that were there in place for him.

"Well done on your win, Asia, Keiji!" she congratulated the two close members of her family.

Keiji looked in mild surprise as Asia reaching up to him for a kiss. "I'll make sure to never make you worry again, no matter what it takes!" Asia determinedly said, blushing at his smile and the ruffling of her hair.

From the distance, Azazel watched the interaction as his eyes then travelled to the Downfall Dragon Spear in his hand, the purple orb shining as if it was speaking to him.