Chapter 37: Tip Top Training

Riding through the Sitri Territory were Keiji, Valerie, Rias and Sona; while Rias technically unneeded, it was a matter with family, so Sona allowed her to join them on the trip.

"So why are we going to your family's territory if Sairaorg isn't a Sitri, but a Bael?" Keiji asked.

Sona flicked her glasses. "Not to brag but the best hospital's usually preside in the Sitri domain. And while the request came from Sairaorg, it was a butler of his family who gave me the details after Serafall shared how you managed to wake up Ingvild."

Lounging around in minor boredom, Rias decided it was best to enlighten Keiji on Sairaorg and his mother's tragic past. She unveiled about her cousin being deemed a failure for not inheriting the signature Power of Destruction, how his mother was sick but casted aside, leading Sairaorg to grip his own future with his hands and gain strength. Her cousin being strong enough to even win back the title of heir by beating his stepbrother after intense training, as well as the strongest out of the young devils.

Keiji smiled fondly at hearing Rias talk so proudly of her cousin, and Keiji couldn't blame her. A feeling of brotherhood and respect swelled in the Red Dragon Emperor for Sairaorg not being fortunate enough in life but not letting it hold him down.


"This way," the butler spoke, bowing before the miracle workers and guiding them to the room of Misla Bael. Similar to Venelana, she had brown hair but it was more smooth-looking. Her hairstyle was parted, with more strands towards the left than the right. "Lady Bael has been ill for quite some time. I beg of your aid."

"It's good to see you, Rias," Sairaorg, then turning to the others and greeting them as well. "Thank you for taking your time to come. I hope I'm not asking for the impossible, but if there is a small hope you can help my mother recover, then I'm willing to pay anything!"

Keiji walked up to Sairaorg, laying a hand on his broad shoulders. "There's no need for payment for this; it's for your family. Just make sure that you do your best at the upcoming Rating Game!" Keiji told him with a toothy grin.

Sairaorg's facial features softened in surprise at the act of kindness. They eventually hardened into a confident smile back. "I didn't plan regardless!"

Equipping the Boosted Gear, Keiji called to Valerie. "Alright, let's do this. I'll Boost you for support."

Valerie nodded as she summoned the power of the Sephiroth Graal and the green glow of the Boosted Gear bounced about in the room as Sairaorg held his breath and the butler was finding it hard not to close his eyes and pray.

'Is it not working?' Rias thought, nervously. 'It's been some time.'

While the fear of failure was hanging, a golden glow began to emanate throughout the atmosphere as the missing piece of the Sephiroth Graal resonating from within him and causing the 'circle' to complete.

Snapping open were the purple eyes of the mother of Sairoarg. Her back rising from the grip of the underworld, heavy gasping and her youthful skin back.

Sairorg could only freeze in the impossible made possible as tears began to leak out, his knees giving up and his hands gripping her covers. "Mother! I've missed you!"

Misla looked towards her son with her pure purple eyes and gave him her motherly smile, the one he missed for so long. "Sairaorg. You've grown so much... I'm so very proud of you!" Misla told him, embracing her teary-eyed treasure.

Rias wiped an eye at seeing her aunt wake up, and Valerie found a smile on her face from being able to use her powers for happiness.

Keiji patted the girls' on their shoulders, a soft smile on his face. "We should leave them alone," he remarked, to which they agreed.

"All of you!" Sairaorg called out to them. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Remember, if you need anything, I'll gladly give it to you!"

Keiji nodded. "Just enjoy your time with your mother. I'm sure she's happy to see her son," Keiji told him softly. 'This is making my heart blush.'


The next day, Sona had a beaming smile on her face at the work that had been done. "My sister has arranged a lot of great publicity for the first public showing of the Devils' Sleeping Disease being healed. There were some final check-ups for Sairaorg's mother, but it appears she is all well."

"Everyone, remember that we have our own Rating Game against Sairaorg next week. It'll probably be the toughest challenge we have!" Rias warned them with a passionate look in her eyes, especially as the group nodded with a fired up glare back.

Furthermore, the Sitri and former Phenex Peerage were also present and ready to help train as much as possible, even if only the Gremory Peerage was going to have a Rating Game.

'Rias has a point. Now that I've unlocked the Illegal Move Triaina, I should try and find a way to train in each form as well as constant switching.'

Out of thinking mode, Keiji looked to see Elma appearing out of the magic circle. Her eyes were closed off and her smile was wide as the others sweat dropped at the dragon casually eating some cake.

'Yeah, I think Ilulu has a point.'

"I'm back! I managed to get my grandmother's blessing to stay with my mate!" Elma happily announced, before freezing at the group of people staring back at her while she was stuffing her face during her greeting.

'I guess there are even dragons who act awkward,' Asia thought, remembering how Fafnir would sometimes ask; at least, he wasn't asking for her panties.

Keiji exhaled at Elma's embarrassment. "Welcome, Elma. It's quite busy, so try and remember that," Keiji told her.

After being welcomed, Ingvild gathered everyone's attention as she strode towards Elma and bowed respectfully. "Please can you train me?!"

"Huh? Why do you want me to train you?" Elma asked, snacking on a rice cracker from out of nowhere.

Ingvild straightened up. "Well, Tohru brought you up yesterday while I was trying to know Tohru a bit better. She told me you used to be a water dragon." Ingvild blushed as she pressed her index fingers together. "Seeing everyone so fired up for training made me eager to gain better control, too. I guess I just found you to be the best for the job!"

Elma stopped eating her rice crackers. "W-well, I guess if you think so highly of me, I'll help you out!" Elma said, trying to hide her feelings of being flattered, while the others chuckled at seeing the water dragon acting so undignified. 

"Then let's get started!" Akeno proclaimed.


All dressed up in their training gear, with acres of land to spare, everyone was hard at work as they tried on improving their attributes, certain unique abilities and many more.

"One more!" Rias panted out as the Power of Destruction was summoned once again between her hands.

Orbs of demonic energy were heavily focused into the centre as Rias groaned, her arms shaking as she tried not to lose focus. A small smile formed on her face once the massive black-red sphere began to demonstrate abilities of attraction, some pebbles and bits of the ground breaking apart and fading to oblivion.

'Impressive. She's really growing in her ability of her bloodline ability,' Sona thought, being able to see how she was a sister to someone like Sirzechs.

When the attack finally died down, Rias fell flat and her chest heaved as every breath was a need and she was desperate. 'A little bit better,' she told herself. 'I can practice my other elements later but I need to improve on the Power of Destruction further.'

"You look like you can use some tips," Sona said in a joking manner.

Rias turned her head and laughed. "I guess I do. I've always been the more raw power one out of the two of us," Rias mentioned.

Sona nodded as she began to give Rias pointers on how to control her demonic power, while her Peerage was at the ready in case something were to happen. 

Eyes shut, Akeno was escaping distractions while most of the Phenex girls were surrounding her. On Yubelluna's command, they let lose waves of magic attacks towards her.

Blitzing like thunder, Akeno revealed her eyes as 6 fallen angel wings emerged from her back and countless arcs of her holy lightning barricaded each attempt at her without any issue, something that even the Phenex girls nodded in amazement at.

Akeno was clutching her knees soon after. "Okay, I've got the form down, I just need to learn how to not exhaust my body so quickly."

Looking up at who was patting her on the back made Akeno smile, as Shuri smiled at her daughter, no words needing to be exchanged as the proud expression was more than enough to give Akeno the will to continue on. 

'For Keiji, for mother, for everyone else, I'm not going to hold you back.'

Air puffed in multiple directions as Koneko aggressively launched attack after attack against her sister, Kuroka being able to intercept, block or counter the younger sister's flurry of feline fury. "Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me!" Kuroka goaded.

Koneko flashed a glare as she stopped her punch, went down, and began to start feinting out Kuroka, who almost felt Koneko connect at her but still managed to bypass the attack and float back with a handstand. 'Shirone really is growing a lot,' Kuroka proudly thought.

Flashes of white surrounded Kuroka, startling her enough that her flat-chested sister managed to get her punch in, with enough force to send Kuroka flying back.

Fujimai flashed a smile at the hidden potential and powers of her daughter. "That's my daughter!" she proudly said to herself.

"I managed to send Kuroka flying," Koneko muttered in shock.

The reticent male Knight of Rias was lost in introspectiveness as the 5 legendary demonic swords once possessed by Siegfried were surrounding him.

"Forgive me, Gram... Balmung... Nothung... Tyrfing... Dainsleif," Yuuto softly spoke. "I'll be using you now to protect my King and the family's sake."

Gripping Gram, Yuuto stood tall as acceptance flowed through him as Yuuto smiled at the blade humming in approval. "I should find a way to overcome the backlash of wielding them, especially Gram."

Sighting his empty hand, thoughts bubbled in Yuuto's mind as his Sacred Gear began to shine and his mind was set on a humanoid figure.

Valerie and Elmenhilde both watched Gasper, who like his fellow male blonde Peerage member, was closing his eyes and sitting down.

Elmenhilde sighed as she folded her umbrella. "Gasper, are you really sure about this?" she asked.

Gasper nodded immediately. "I won't be of true help during the Rating Game with my normal vampiric powers. It may be hard but I won't fall behind the rest. I'm still a man of the Gremory house!"

"You can do it!" Valerie cheered her childhood friend on, the growth and his determination robustly reinforcing her faith in him.

Elmenhilde nodded and released her vampiric aura while Gasper continued to apply himself to the inner workings of his power. 

The sealed eyelids of Gasper revealed his organ of sight to be marked with the symbol of his Sacred Gear as a heavy smog of shadow seemingly bled from him, an eldritch-like visage spawning behind.

Valerie hurriedly brought out her own Sacred Gear, as the radiance of the grail made the shadows stop in their place. Then they settled down into a more humanoid shape, which stared them both down, and making Elmenhilde gulp in fear while Valerie's faith in Gasper made her countenance calm.

"Are you ready, Gasper?" Valerie asked.

"I am!" Gasper spoke, only that his voice was drowning with how booming it was; the influence of Balor present.

Valerie clasped her hands together as an aurelian aura began to widen out and skeletal warriors rose up and swarmed to take down Gasper, wielding both melee and magic on all sides.

Elmenhilde watched as the shadow abomination engaged the awakened army. She stared as every soldier ruined brought for two more, the resurrected units adapting as one managed to dodge an attack that wiped the one that came before it.

From Gasper's monstrous massacre to Valerie smiling and leading a seemingly unending army of undead. 'It feels hilarious. We vampires look down upon dhampirs, but the two dhampirs here are perhaps the mightiest representatives of the vampire race.'

Sparks flew in rapid succession as Xenovia dual-wielded against Irina, the latter using her old Excalibur Mimic. "Xenovia, are you okay? I feel like you are pushing harshly against yourself," Irina warned.

Xenovia gained her breath back before responding. "If I am to be worthy of having Keiji's babies, then I need to be a strong enough mother to stand by their father! Fully utilising the powers of my Ex-Durandal, as well as the fragments, is paramount!"

Excalibur Rapidly was raised as afterimages of Xenovia were being burned into Irina, the latter's experience with Mimic and her Rook traits saved her from flying away.

Irina chuckled as she continued her clash with Xenovia. "You need to bring it up, partner. If I win this spar, I'll be winning over all your chances for baby-making with Keiji for a weak."

Xenovia grinned eagerly as a spark of strength flashed. "Then I won't lose this, Irina!" Xenovia promised to Irina, the friend only sweat dropping at the fact it worked as motivation so effectively.

Suited in her valkyrie armour, Rossweisse was focusing on her speciality of magic, with the fallen angels there.

"I'm surprised you asked us for our help. I mean, your a valkyrie!" Raynare pointed out, the other two nodding.

Rossweisse stopped the cannon of magic circles she had prepared as she turned to the trio of fallen. "The most I bring is my Norse magic, and my valkyrie physiology gives me less limitations than the usual devil."

Her drawn magic circles shone under the fallen. "It looked like you were planning to attack us!" Mittelt spoke, Kalawarner chuckling. "Oh, don't laugh, Kalawarner!"

"Woah, look at her eyes!" Kalawarner pointed out.

Awe filled the fallen angels as they saw the gleam in her eyes as their signature light spear technique was being used by the valkyrie-devil. The only difference was that hers was more shaped like a three-pronged spear, similar to the All Father's prized weapon.

Twirling the light spear, Rossweisse smiled at the success and nodded at the fallen angels, their nodding back making her a bit proud. "I've still got a long way to go," Rossweisse reminded herself but she was already feeling far more confident.

An open field near Kuoh was currently in use of Ingvild and Elma, the after effects of their training present. "Thank you, Elma-sensei!" Ingvild called out to her, her gratefulness not accepting that she thanked her once. "Your help was superb!"

Elma laughed with a blush, a rare feeling of pride filling her up at the water user. "I remember a story my grandma used to tell me. How Sea Serpent dragons are supposedly indirect descendants of the original Leviathan, so that would make us like distant cousins in one way," Elma mumbled.

Ingvild's eyes sparkled in joy at that possibility of more family. "Then I'll be in your care to train Nereid Kyrie, Big Sis Elma!" Ingvild enthusiastically replied. 

A revelation overcame Elma, happiness and pride swarming into her. 'Now I understand why grandma insists on being called that despite her age!'

In the distance, a massive explosion reached the open field with its shockwaves as the pair blinked. "Are they fine?" Ingvild inquired.

Elma snorted. "It's nothing to worry about. Tohru might be over the top but she isn't the only one there. Plus, she would never hurt our new mate. It's amazing how much Tohru changed for him," Elma remarked, "but I perfectly understand why," Elma spoke, her tone more flirty.

Ingvild smiled. "We should do our best together for Keiji as proud Leviathan women!" Ingvild echoed her aunt's words, with Elma agreeing but not knowing why Ingvild said it.

Keiji panted as the area around him was destroyed. He was currently in his Welsh Dragonic Rook Mode, scuff marks over his armour. 

Before him was Fafnir, Ilulu and Tohru in their full dragon forms. Asia watched from a distance with worry. A magical shield was erected around her through her own efforts, with Kanna by her side as extra support. Though she was mainly focused on the fight, a small smile on her face.

"That wasn't bad at all, but your pushing your luck by trying to take on three dragons at the same time. One of them is a Dragon King and I'm more than capable enough of being a Dragon King if I bothered."

Ilulu expressed indignation with an explosive puff from her nose. "Stop trying to subtlety show off like that and Master can take it!" Ilulu argued back.

Keiji breathed in the fresh air as the helmet withdrew from his face. "I am pushing myself to my limit because I want to beat Sairarog at his very best. He's probably even more steadfast now that his mother will be watching, so doing any less would just be an insult."

Tohru's face went wide with a smile at Keiji's resolve. "That's exactly what I'd expect from a mate of mine to act!" 

Fafnir laughed in agreement. "Then I'll have to do my very best to help Asia-tan's mate get stronger!" Fafnir responded, making his contractor blush.

Keiji smirked, his helmet morphing into the long-pronged, cone-like shape. "Welsh Sonic Boost Knight!" Ddraig announced, as Keiji shot off to continue his training.


Two sky-ripping beams left the stratosphere as Keiji looked to the attack with a deadpan expression; being able to see his face, Rias sweat dropped. "We probably aren't going to be able to use that in the Rating Game. Sairaorg would never give you enough time to charge anyway."

Keiji nodded, looking towards the empty valley he created as stumps of what were once mountains laid there. 'That's a lotta damage!'

"I'm just glad we went to some faraway part of my territory in the Underworld to test this," Rias remarked, not wanting to know what the damage costs would be if it was accidentally unleashed elsewhere. 'Then he wouldn't be able to buy Nintendo.'

"By the way, Keiji, have you not tried out Yuuto's idea of using Transfer in that form to be able to Boost others at a distance."

"I haven't, given that such a thing probably wouldn't be useful for the Rating Game with Sairaorg," he pointed out.

Rias nodded with a twinkling face. "It's rare we get some alone time, so you can try it out with me," Rias said, flying high up with her wings. A magical circle forming so that she'd be able to converse with Keiji. 

He shrugged but focused and readied his cannons. 'What was that bizarre feeling?' he thought in confusion. 'It's like it's naturally focused on Rias. I can feel my own aura flowing into her.'

Golden glows overtook the usual jade glow as the Boosted Gear announced, "Alt-Draconic Booster!"

Mysteriously but not surprisingly, a golden ray was fired off from the cannons. It broke the laws of physics as every direction was ignored, only focused on landing on Rias, who squeaked in surprise at the beam overtaking her.

However, Rias stopped her whimpering as a surge swelled up inside her. 'What is this? I feel like I can reach for this!' she remarked in amazement as Rias took to focusing; her improvement on her Power of Destruction helping her concentrate. Her eyes widened at the feeling of something covering her body.

Keiji deactivated his armour as he looked towards a now armoured figure floating up in the sky.


In the warmth of his bed, Keiji found some time to relax. "Just a couple days left for the Rating Game. I'm sure everyone has prepared themselves well enough."

Inevitably, the door opened up and the Gremory girls entered in only lingerie, a small smirk on his face. "I thought you'd be restraining yourselves to be in top-shape for the Rating Game."

Rias chuckled. "I've already reserved tomorrow for everyone to take a break and be ready for it, so that means tonight we can tire ourselves out as much as we want. Besides, I think we all deserve a reward for all the hard work!" Rias proclaimed, the blushing Peerage girls nodding.

Keiji sat up and opened his arms. "I guess I have no choice."


Finally, the day of the Rating Game was at hand. Everyone geared up and ready to go as the King nodded and wished everyone the best, before they teleported towards the Underworld's capital for their battle.