Chapter 38: Island of the Strongest

Befitting the intense match ahead, the group were heading to the large city of Agreas. It has a distinctive feature in which it appears to be a large floating island suspended in the sky, several islands were located around it like an archipelago, with what appeared to be literal dripping clouds.

"This place certainly is whacky and grand," Keiji spoke, enamoured by the surroundings while the other more recent devils of the Peerage nodded.

All of them stopped in their tracks when they came across a mammoth of a man. Except it wasn't a man, but what appeared to be a fucking walking skeleton! Blue wispy eyes arose from the void of his eye sockets. His attire was akin to that of a high priest though there were some noticeable differences. Girthy black shoulder armour with heavy golden arches decorating the out-sticking portions, and crimson diamonds lined up like an army.

Seeing the undead being sent the shiver down the spines. "So why is Ainz Ooal Gown here?" Keiji muttered.

The skeleton gave a huff, as impossible at it seemed. "I shouldn't be surprised that I'm in the presence of such an overpopulation of bats and crows," he said with minor disgust, making Keiji groan in annoyance at another pompous person. 

"Who are you?" Keiji asked, it was a serious question. 'This guy—skeleton—is really fucking strong. I feel like we could all be dead in a moment.'

Rias gulped as she hugged Keiji. "Keiji, you should probably be careful. That's Hades, he's the God of the Underworld."

"Leave it to Zeus to deal with such lowly creatures." Hades raised a skeletal-shaped staff, which has three blue eyes and horns. "Don't get so cocky with that tool at your disposition. All of you are less than my pets in Tartarus."

A familiar laugh made even Hades stop in surprise as Lucoa was leaning up against the wall, making everyone stop and wonder how she got here.

Hades growled in annoyance. "Quetzalcoatl! What's a fallen god like you doing here?" he questioned.

"That's obvious, Hades." Lucoa revealed her heterochromia eyes as she stopped leaning off the wall. "I've come to cheer my mate and future husband," Lucoa argued back, unfazed by the supreme skeleton.

Hades turned his back with his robe-coat swaying, an explosive expression of disgust from his noise. "I'll look forward to the little devils beating each other up."

Once gone, the breathes that the majority of them held was released. The presence of one of the Trinity Gods from Greece was definitely suffocating, especially one more intolerant to the Three Factions.

"That was... intense," Xenovia remarked, not actually talking about breeding for once.

Rossweisse nodded. "Indeed. Even as a valkyrie, I can't help but feel unnerved by his aura. It's ghastly. 

"That old sack of bones has never known how to relax of respect other supernatural beings," Lucoa remarked, sauntering forward.

Keiji smiled at Lucoa. "Thanks for that."

Lucoa gave her cheery smile as she moved for a quick kiss. "Good luck, I'll be watching and cheering for you along with the rest."

"Okay, let's finally get moving," Rias urged the others.


Rias and Sairaorg's Peerage stood opposite of each other as the sold-out crowd were cheering loudly for both sides, with the strongest of each Peerage (Keiji and Sairaorg) being praised more specifically. The rest of Keiji's harem were amongst the crowd at one side, while Sairaorg could feel confidence flowing at him as he could feel and saw his mother and her butler cheering him on.

Each team was also given a single bottle of Phenex Tears.

"Let's get this show on the road! Two of the finest rookie devils going head-to-head! I am the announcer, Naud Gamigin!" the man announced. He had a brown undercut with a periwinkle wolf cut hairstyle.


'He's certainly flamboyant,' Keiji thought.

"With me is the leader of the fallen angels, Azazel! And the referee for this match is Rudiger Rosenkreutz! Famous for being the 7th ranked in global Rating Games! Give the man the spotlight!" Naud said, loud uproars from the crowd at the renowned figure.

The man in question was youthful, with silver hair and has deep green eyes. He wore a thick black vest with a neck-covering collar. Covering his arms were red gauntlet-like gloves.

"Thank you, thank you! I shall be the referee for this match! This Rating Game will follow the rules of the Dice Figure Game: It will be a blitz battle with limited members. Both Kings will roll a six-sided dice (one each) and the number added up from both Kings will determine the value of Pieces (servants) to be sent. However Kings are not forced to completely use all the points (with the total value of eight, Kings can send two Knights and have two left over), which will be wasted and not added to next roll. Servants that consumed two or more Pieces of its kind will have the added-up value of the Piece (a servant that has consumed two Pawn Pieces will have the value of two, or a servant that have consumed two Knight Pieces will have the value of six). The value of each pieces are as follows: Kings, 1-12 Pawns; Queen, 9 Pawns; Rook, 5 Pawns; Knight and Bishop, 3 Pawns; and Pawns have a base value of 1!"

"Will the Kings roll first!"

Rias and Sairaorg followed the order as they opted to bring out both their Knights into the battle, both teleporting into an empty field with a lavender sky. 

Yuuto looked up to this horseback opponent. They briefly lifted the visor, showing a handsome brunette with blue eyes and curly locks. "Sir Yuuto, I am Beluga Furcas; a Knight of Lord Sairaorg. I wish for an honourable duel. Let us engage in fair combat."

"As do I. Let us begin."

Beluga closed his helmet fully as he sprinted forward. Yuuto didn't hold back as the Sword of Betrayer was in his hand as he clashed with the length lance that tried to bring him defeat. Afterimages sparked as the both of them continued before splitting back.

"Admirable. Even while I ride my horse Altrobrau, you manage to stay on equal footing with my speed."

"Respect to you, Beluga. Such synchronisation with your horse is a splendid feat, too."

Beluga nodded. "Agreed. But I shall not hold back!" he shouted, jumping up in the air with both his lances pointed to the side as Beluga's form began splitting and showing multiple variants of Beluga.

Yuuto looked in surprise as he dodged one and managed to clash against another lance. "They aren't slow at all," he remarked in surprise.

"Exactly! All my replicas are my equal!" Beluga spoke, pushing Yuuto back as the latter had to resort to multiple sword-stacked shields to defend himself.

Yuuto jumped far back. "Your as powerful as you are worthy to be a Knight."

"I thank you for the praise but it does not mean I should spare you an inch of my lance. For my lord, I must win."

Yuuto smiled. "I understand you. I am in the same boat, so my power shall not be spared! Balance Breaker: Glory Drag Trooper!"

Draconic knights spawned around Yuuto, making Beluga's lances twitch at seeing Yuuto seemingly use a new technique. "Impossible. Sword of Betrayer should be your Balance Breaker!"

"So he's awakened his sub-species. It's an impressive feat," Azazel commented, while the others were impressed at seeing it as well.

"That's not all he has to worry about," Xenovia mentioned, spotting the Demon Swords that Yuuto had taken from Siegfried.

Yuuto nodded. "Your right, Beluga. I can't use Sword of Betrayer in this state, but I can use this!" Yuuto shouted with a grin, plucking Gram from one of the knights and ordering them to charge at Beluga and his replicas.

A bright flash exploded as Yuuto and Beluga passed each other. Time set still before declaring Yuuto the victor as Beluga's clones were destroyed and the armour on Beluga was broken, slowly transforming into the losing blue particles.

"That was an amazing duel, Beluga," Yuuto said, making Beluga smile even a tiny bit.

An uproar of cheers came at seeing the two Knights go. Thankfully, the underworld technology helped the fight more edible for those who weren't able to see the fast fight.

"What a start! The Gremory Peerage takes one over the Sairaorg."

"I'll say. But seeing the legendary Demon Swords certainly was a sight."

Moving past the sight, the dice roll was done. Now it was a 2 vs 2 as Koneko and Rossweisse were paired against Liban and Gandoma.

Their location looked to be a giant spacious dark blue room. "Greetings, Gremory Peerage members. I am Liban!" the blonde man announced. He had blue leather with light bronze armour over him and a sword at his side. "I am Sairaorg's Knight."

A tanned rocky mass moved forward, his robust frame showing especially vertically as he was towered everyone."Gandoma Balam! I am the Rook of Sairaorg!"

"Rias Gremory's Rook! Rossweisse!"

"I am Koneko, Rias' Rook!"

With the fight beginning, Rossweisse fell under heavy stress as Liban's eyes glowed and his glare was focused onto her. "G-gravity!" Rossweisse muttered, struggling to stand upright.

Seeing her ally being forced on the knee, Koneko sprouted her two-tail mode as she slammed her leg into Liban. 

As she sent the Knight of Sairaorg flying, Koneko spun in place and send her fist towards Gandoma's head, the latter's low punch getting dodged. Thanks to the chariot of fire around Koneko, her punch was strong enough to send the rock man into the ground.

Koneko smiled a bit as she could distinctively pick out Kuroka and Fujimai cheering her in pride. 'This is the power that I've accepted!'

Gandoma's day couldn't have gotten even worse as Rossweisse swapped places, placing Gandoma underneath his own comrade's body shackling technique.

"I can't escape it!" the Rook complained in difficulty.

Liban cursed as he tried to turned off his ability but Rossweisse was already a step ahead as a light spear was flung from her hands and into Gandoma's back, the kryptonite piercing him and digging deeper thanks to the gravity and retiring him.

"Oh my! Looks like Liban is in big trouble, will he be able to do something?!" Naud Gamigin questioned.

"Very well, it is my own responsibility," Liban mentioned, his blade glowing and sending out demonic energy arches.

Rossweisse erected her own barrier for Koneko and herself. Once again, Gravity Jail was used but Koneko was the one struggling under the effects. However, it was stopped as Liban groaned in pain from the light attack piercing his right shoulder.

"Your mine!" Koneko spoke but Liban managed to avoid back.

Liban opened his eyes, Koneko jumping high enough. "You weren't my target anyway!" Liban mentioned, locking Rossweisse in place.

Rossweisse started to struggle more when ice began to crawl up her body like a predator. "Don't worry about me, Koneko! Defeating him quickly is all that is needed!"

Koneko bent back to avoid the sword, though Liban's Knight Piece gave him enough to scrape her. Luckily, Koneko managed to take advantage of her pose and position as she pushed her own weight forward and kicked Liban in the face.

Flames blasted from her hands as Liban threw up a blizzard in defence, managing to take the attack with no harm and even with some of the ice still in tact.

'I probably won't win but I must do the most I can!' Liban thought.

Rapid swords movements were done as several chunks of ice were flown at them. Koneko powered her Senjutsu further as Rossweisse' light weapon was brandished once again and they managed to fend off the horde.

"What skill! Easily fending off the avalanche!" Naud mentioned.

"Credit must be given to Rosseweisse. She certainly is skilled in magic if she can create a light spear despite being a devil," Azazel chipped in.

Seeing Liban's ice looking stronger than ever, the both of them looked to each other. Together, Rossweisse and Koneko combined their effort as a Senjutsu-enhanced light spear shot right into Liban. The Knight stood for a moment before falling down.

"Forgive me, Lord Sairaorg."

Koneko and Rossweisse returned back with smiles and pants. "You did great out there. Your opponent was definitely tricky," Rias mentioned.

"And the next roll is 8! Both Peerages, select your opponent!" Rudiger announced.

On the other side, one of his pieces whispered into his ear. Sairaorg nodded. "Oh-ho! The Gremory Peerage is certainly keen on their league extending further! They've chosen the Red Dragon Emperor!" 

Cheers came from the famed delinquent but Sairaorg didn't bat an eye as he selected one of his few female Peerage members.

"And the Bishop Coriana Andrealphus is selected! Bold move from the Bael devil!"

The purple skies was the roof of their battle as the rest of the place was a bit foggy but nothing too cloaking as they stood on barren wastelands.

Starting off was a wave of ice magic that Keiji easily evaded. He spent the beginning moments warming up his bones as Keiji easily avoided her attacks and would occasionally let a fireball lose.

"Not bad," Keiji mentioned, noting that she was expending ice at an incredible rate but not tiring out.

A smile came on Coriana's face. "I am a member of Sairaorg's Peerage!" she shot back with a smile.

"Then that explains how you are doing so well!" Keiji responded with a smile, still eager for the match against Sairaorg.

"Thanks, handsome!" Coriana seductively responded back, reaching up close with an armour of ice while Keiji exchanged her eagerness with flames. Magically, her jacket and shirt being lost in the way.

Keiji didn't take too long to realize but he was definitely confused when it happened. "You serious?" Keiji muttered in surprise, seeing the woman's bra-clad tits out as she sauntered to him with the exaggeration of her hips.

'Gotcha!' Coriana thought, her hands already applied with ice.

Her attempt to freeze him in place was rendered ineffective by his supreme strength as Coriana now found herself seriously blushing as she was now close-up into him and breathing his intoxicating aura while being half-naked; it felt like a porno in the making.

"It didn't work but points for being wild enough to try and distract me with your body to try and hit me."

Coriana smirked. "Even my body is a weapon if it means I can bring Lord Sairaorg the win!" she proudly responded.

Keiji gave an earnest nod to her as he almost gave the poor girl whiplash from how fast he flung her back. Practically giving her no way to defend herself, Keiji attacked her solar plexus with a resounding fist. "I'm impressed, Coriana." Keiji muttered to Coriana. "Don't take it personal I can't say your surname."

The female Bishop couldn't respond but her blush stayed the same as she eventually retired after falling unconscious.

"You did good, Coriana. Thank you," Sairaorg muttered. 'He's as strong as ever. I can't wait for our battle,' Sairaorg thought, still smiling.

"I'm impressed you didn't take your baby-making opportunity right there," Xenovia mentioned.

Keiji rolled his eyes but still laughed at Xenovia. "But then I wouldn't get to do that with you," Keiji joked, making Xenovia eagerly smile. "Besides, I don't intend on going easy. After all, when it comes to facing Sairaorg"—Keiji's face lit up with a devilish smirk—"I'm not letting such an exciting opportunity go!"

"I'm glad that he didn't. It wouldn't reflect well. Besides, Xenovia, it's your turn. Gasper, you'll be joining her," Rias announced.

Sairaorg smirked. "Ladora... Misteeta. Your both up!"

Misteeta has the appearance of a young boy with light green hair and violet eyes, with two identical hair ornaments; one on each side.

Keiji laid a hand on Gasper. "You've got this," Keiji promised him, making the young pseudo apprentice happily nod.

"Right!" both replied.

For the fourth match, the terrain was rich in grass and mountainous. Rocks scattered all over the place and varying in size. Like always, the sky was a floral purple.

"We can't afford to lose, so prepare to face our might!"

Xenovia had her Ex-Durandal at the ready. "We are prepared!"

Gasper nodded, less hesitant but still finding it awkward being near different people. 'I won't hold Xenovia back!'

Misteeta held his staff forward as a torrent of flames made Xenovia and Gasper fall back. "Ladora, I'll burn out a lot of stamina with this move, so I'll need you to defend me."

"Noted!" the lanky man spoke, black hair and red eyes. "Gremory members, I shall show you that Sairaorg's Peerage is not to be trifled with!" he promised, lifting up rocks and flinging it back.

Xenovia pointed Ex-Durandal and cleaved them cleanly. "Gasper, leave this to me!" Xenovia mentioned, making the dhampir nod.

"Impressive," Ladora mentioned.

"If that is all you have to offer, then I'm afraid I'll have to finish this quickly!" Xenovia stated seriously.

Purple glows came from Misteeta's staff as mass of light surrounded Xenovia's knees. Purple markings overtook her body as Ex-Durandal became a burden in her hands. "W-what is this?" she questioned with difficulty, feeling her arms give in.


"Looks like a Sacred Gear that can nullify special abilities. Guess it's all up to the dhampir," Azazel said.

Misteeta fell back, exhausted. "Up to you, Ladora."

"Looks like it's just a 1 v 1. Will the little dhampir be able to pull off a miracle?!" Naud questioned, the crowd nodding and roaring in agreement.

Ladora eyes Gasper, who stood his ground. "Coming ahead by yourself, huh. I respect that courage of yours. Though you are shaking, you can't stand in front of a dragon without any courage."

"Dragon?" Gasper repeated.

A golden glow covered him and his aura spiked up as his body began to croak and the once rachitic man was now a Western dragon with black scales. "My clan were known for being able to tame dragons! Though it's a rare ability! Only through being acknowledged by Lord Sairaorg was I able to achieve this!"

"Now that the stronger one is out of the way, getting rid of you both should be simple," the Sabnock devil said.

Xenovia fully dropped her Ex-Durandal as she chuckled and gave a look of amusement at both of her enemies. "Since when were you under the impression that I was the stronger of the two?"

The climate tumbled down as the domain became rich with shadows. The form of Balor arose, the awakened abomination sending fear into their hearts. "You'll regret hurting Xenovia-sempai!" the deep voice cursed the two.

Ladora couldn't even muster his fire breath as even the slightest hint was snuffed out by the shadow. Everyone else was in a similar boat to the enemy pair as Gasper's public usage of the ability was definitely unprecedented. 

Azazel laughed at seeing those in the booth dumbfounded, too. "Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast! I think that's a suitable name for it!"

"You knew about this?" Rudiger muttered, still in shock.

"Yep! Lucky lot, you get to enjoy the surprise!" Azazel said, laughing loudly.

Rias smiled at the sight, despite how fucked her opponents were. 'You've come so far, Gasper,' she thought, completely ignoring the dragon-man and bishop being brutalized by living shadow monstrosities, seemingly playing with their food at this point.

"Go, Gasper!" Valerie cheered, like Rias, ignoring how powerful and menacing Gasper was.

"I guess all that crazy training paid off," Elmenhilde mumbled. 

Gasper dropped dead on his feet, panting from all the effort. "Great job, Gasper. You won us the match!" Xenovia proudly spoke, lifting him up.

"I don't think Gasper will be able to fight again for the rest of the match. Well, at least not directly."

After the curb stomp, the dice was rolled on a nine. "Well, I can't just sit here and be pretty," Akeno said, winking at Keiji. "I'll win for all of us, Rias."

Rias nodded at her best friend. "Best of luck!"

"Can I trust this to you?" Sairaorg asked, the other blonde woman nodding. "Best of luck out there. Show them your training!" Sairaorg proudly spoke.

"A battle between two Queens. Let's see whose magic will be the victor?" Azazel spoke from the commentary booth.

Both Queens were brought into an atmosphere of a purple sunset. Large cone-spiked towers were erected around the dark plains. "Nice to meet you. I am Kuisha Abaddon, Sairaorg's Queen."

Akeno smiled. "I am the Queen of Rias Gremory."

Elements splashed against each other as neither one could get the high ground. The two of them were a fair distance apart, so neither came in close for physical contact, but opted to let their magic do the talking.

"Impressive," Akeno muttered, a small smile on her face.

Kuisha grinned back. "Same to you. I can tell you train hard with your magic, but I've still got one over you."

"Are you sure about that?" Akeno questioned, blue and yellow sparks surrounding her body as thick bolts glared at her. Some menace came on Akeno's expression as she mercilessly let loose at her opponent. "I can't afford to lose."

Her holy lightning was suddenly twisted and sucked into several black holes. "If elemental magic was all I could do, I'm sure you could win. But the Abaddon clan have a versatile trick!" Kuisha stated.

Akeno flew around a torrent of flames but stopped as she found herself surrounded by black spheres. Before she could question what it was, a karmic shock therapy session made Akeno gasp in pain as she slowly fell down.

'That one has got to hurt,' Azazel thought with a wince, aware Baraquiel would be watching and seeing Shuri grasp at her daughter.

A last stand was brought forth from Akeno as a final spear-like burst of holy lightning sent Kuisha crashing into the crown. "Guess I couldn't do it as cool as the others," she lamented, retiring from the battle.

"Akeno... your fight won't be in vain!" Rias spoke through gritted teeth.

Keiji comforted Rias with a hand. "She may have not won but she still did well. Injuring the enemy is better than nothing."

Rias nodded. "That's right. I trust in everyone!"

The next dice roll showed 12, meaning the Kings could go out if they wished. Immediately, Sairaorg stood up. "I'll go alone!" he declared. 'Watch me, mother.'

"He certainly has grown into a fine man," Misla's butler said, the mother too happy to speak properly.

While Keiji would have liked to maybe face Sairaorg one-on-one, he accepted Yuuto, Xenovia and Rossweisse' offer to go first and wear him down, something Keiji didn't mind as he would have preferred something grander. "Good luck. Your opponent is something that will not simply be moved; he's a mountain of a man!"

"You think highly of him, don't you?" Rias mentioned.

Keiji smirked. "I can say the same to you. Your proud of him, even if he is your opponent."

With the rest of them wishing the others good luck, the team were in their arena. A waterfall, a large rock formation and a river surrounded the group with a light orchid sky.

"First things in order: congratulations for winning most your fights. It's clear you've trained extremely well to best my Peerage as well as you do. This means I won't hold back!" Sairaorg warned them, glowing highlights on his arms and legs. "No need to hold back."

With those gone, a thick translucent sheen overtook his body and visibly showed against the air as the group were in awe at his overflowing power. "He can use Touki. And it's strong enough to be visible!" Kuroka remarked in shock.

Fujimai nodded at her daughter's shocked state. "Whoever he is, he's a man of great power. He's a monster in his own right!" Fujimai remarked.

Rossweisse immediately spammed as many magical circles in an attempt to halt Sairaorg while Yuuto brought form his Drag Troopers, the five of them each holding one of the legendary Demon Swords. Xenovia's Ex-Durandal was also beaming with holy energy as they all swarmed to attack the charging Sairaorg.

However, it was meaningless against his speed as Sairaorg shifted directions and Rossweisse was tossed into the water like a torpedo as Sairaorg pulled his fist back from her solar plexus. "One down!" he remarked.

'Oh, he's built different,' Keiji thought.

Sairaorg turned to Xenovia but her form disappeared and Sairaorg felt a cut on his skin at Gram made contact. "Nice sword! But how strong is the knight itself?!" Sairaorg questioned.

Yuuto didn't want to answer that question as he used the advanced light sword and tried attacking Sairaorg but the latter easily dodged and kicked at Yuuto, the latter barely dodging but being sent back as Sairaorg threw the broken knight into Yuuto.

"Right here!" Xenovia shouted.

Sairaorg grinned. "You shouldn't reveal yourself!" he shouted, dodging her blade and reaching to finish her off with a blow to the sternum.

However, pain seared at his side as Xenovia's true body was behind him and she delivered a multitude of blows towards Sairaorg, the Touki unable to negate his natural weakness. "I'm well aware!" Xenovia shot back.

"Admirable! But invest in some Touki first!" Sairaorg told her as he caught the blade and pulled Xenovia, throwing her of and holding her blade. He chucked it super far into one of the rock formations. "Now what will you do?" he asked, sprinting towards her.

Bright from above, Sairaorg groaned at the smiting of light spears as Xenovia found Ex-Durandal being thrown back at her. Rossweisse was now shooting light spears along with an army of magical circles, throwing all sorts of elements. In her hands was one of the Excalibur fragments.

"What is this?! Rossweisse magically appears back, though it looked like her fate was done long ago! What tactics?!"

"So you used the Excalibur Fragments? Clever! You truly are worthy to hold the name of Gremory, but don't think I'm cornered! I'm not locked in here with you, your locked in here with me!"

Yuuto and Xenovia moved in for their blows but was moved back from the force of Sairaorg's punch as he sent a blast of air to break Rossweisse momentum. However, the break from the rainfall, left him to take the force of more than 6 blades.

Xenovia and Yuuto's smile was cut short as he grabbed both their skulls and smashed them into each other and dealt one heavy blow to them that incapicated them.

"That's a bit brutal," Asia said.

Keiji nodded. "But he's got no choice. This is his way of showing respect," Keiji remarked.

Rossweisse groaned. "He hits hard. And it was just the force of his punch."

Sairaorg's face was the last thing she saw as her breath was stolen with a powerful fist knocking the wind out of her and sending her crashing through the rock formation and falling down, dissipating into blue particles.

"Congratulations on the damage you've done to me. I'll have to resort to using the Phenex Tears," he spoke, popping the bottle off and removing the wounds while walking off.

Pained by the result but half expecting it, Rias continued as the roll brought out a 9. Keiji moved to go again but Koneko's hand stopped him. "All your strength should be saved for Sairaorg," Koneko mentioned, then turning to face Rias. "I'll go!"

"Me, too!" Asia spoke.

Rias's face was frozen in surprise but she smiled at their determination. "Very well. Show them the strength of our family."

Both girls stole a kiss from Keiji, then moved to face against the injured Kuisha. The arena was akin to a colosseum. 

Kuisha frowned at seeing her opponents. "I hope Rias Gremory and the Red Dragon Emperor aren't underestimating me because I'm injured. Your pieces are a bad matchup for mine!"

Koneko responded by cracking the ground and unloading a massive piece of earth and sending it flying to Kuisha. It shocked the Queen but her Hole easily took the attack and flung it back, with Koneko cracking the slab with a kick.

"I hope you didn't think that would do anything?" Kuisha asked.

Koneko smirked. "Nope. I was just buying Asia some time."

The shadow mountain behind her made Kuisha's eyes widen as she saw Fafnir stare her down, with Asia on his back. Opening it's maw, flames running out of it as Kuisha frantically opened her Hole, the attack going through and flying back at Fafnir.

It was about to happen again but Koneko stuck a screw in the cog as she grabbed Kuisha into a chokehold, making the Queen shocked at what she was going to do. "You're crazy! We'll both be going out!"

"I'm leaving the rest to you, Asia!" Koneko mumbled, watching the Hole collapse as Fafnir's breath engulfed the both of them and sent them retiring.

Asia gave a small prayer for her friend. "Thank you, Fafnir!" Asia spoke, the dragon nodding and disappearing afterwards, with the crowd roaring.

"To think she was so much weaker," Irina muttered.

"An impressive display from the Bishop! Who knew she had such a powerful ally in one of the Dragon Kings?!"

Azazel leaned back on his chair. "As powerful as it is, it's unlikely that Asia will be able to summon again during the match as her power isn't high enough."

Rias made her move to roll the dice but Sairaorg wasn't budging, the latter still where he was, until he suddenly stood up. "I have a proposition! At the rate we are going at, things will be obvious. Therefore, I ask the referees that we simply go all out for the final match. Me and my Pawn vs Rias and her remaining pieces!"

Keiji smiled, making Rias smirk. "We accept!"